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My Durham Story - Chris Long

Chris Long standing on the Kingsgate bridge during congregation

By:  Chris Long  Class of: 2022 College: Van Mildert College  Subject: MathematicsTest

What was your experience like studying Maths at Durham?

The decision to drop out of my course at a different University and study Maths at Durham was one of the best I’ve made. The high standards and diversity of courses allowed me to push myself and use Maths in ways I would never have thought when joining the course. 

What did you enjoy most about your course?

I really enjoyed the project in my third year. It’s a unique opportunity to work with the academics in the department and take the course in a direction no other student is. My supervisor took a real interest in my future after the course and was a valuable source of advice.

What are your fondest memories from your time at Durham?

Spending the first year living in college is a special memory, a unique experience so far beyond anything a typical halls of residence could offer. Being in a community where everyone knows and looks out for everyone created an environment where everyone could be themselves.

What have you been up to since you left Durham?

In the year since leaving, I have been studying for an MSc in Mathematical Physics at the University of Edinburgh, scratching the itch to study Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity after the courses I took on the topic at Durham.

What are your plans for the future?

I’ve been offered a job as an Actuary, starting in September. I’m excited to have a career where I can continue to apply the Maths I’ve learned.

What would be your top advice for current students and/or prospective students?

Say yes to any opportunity you can! University is the only time in your life when you get the freedom to truly spend your time as you want. The work gets easier if you spend the time away from it doing things you enjoy.