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Research says talking to toddlers shapes early brain development

New research reveals that talking to babies and toddlers helps shape their developing brain.
An image of two parents interacting with a young child

The Centre for Catholic Studies' Newsletter, Easter Term 2023

CCS newsletter 45 is now available online.

Can a wind turbine handle hurricane speed winds? Simon Hogg comments on BBC news.

Offshore wind farm industries are increasing adopting large size wind turbines which survive hurricanes.
Wind turbine survives in hurricane

Masters students produce UK expansion strategy for electric transport company

MSc Management students have been collaborating with Einride, a Swedish transport company specialising in electric and self-driving vehicles, through consulting project engagements for the past two years.
Einride self driving transport vehicle parked in carpark with cityscape behind

Strengthening our North American partnerships

In April we celebrated our long-standing partnership with the University of Notre Dame in North America.
A group of people standing in they foyer of a large building.

New interdisciplinary health research awarded £9m grant

Our cutting-edge Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH) has been awarded a £9m Discovery Research Platform Award to develop a new Discovery Research Platform for Medical Humanities (DRP-MH).
Wellcome trust grant

Article published by The Cut discusses co-sleeping

"Are we all secretly co-sleeping?": article discusses opinions on co-sleeping, and the work of academics researching parent-infant sleep behaviour.
Couple laid in bed with baby

Top 5 Ethical Transgressions in Consulting

A new study on ethical practice in business consulting has expanded the discussion by reviewing media reporting, interview transcripts and jokes made on the internet to identify five common ethical transgressions made by consultants.
Three people standing in business centre and talking

CSDLP at the 2023 Bonn UN Climate Change Conference (SB58)

The CSDLP are delighted to partner with CIL/NUS at the 2023 Bonn UN Climate Change Conference (SB58) through a poster!
poster about climate change SB58 Bonn

CSDLP partners webinar on 'Decoding the IPCC for Lawyers'

The CSDLP are delighted to share the recording of the webinar on 'Decoding the IPCC for Lawyers' that was organised by our partners at CIL/NUS, thank you for organising an inspiring conversation!
decoding IPCC CIL NUS

Two new articles by Karen Kilby

Two new articles from Karen Kilby on her visit to a drought-hit East Africa.
Karen Kilby

Celebrate Chinese Language Day with Ethnomusicologist Dr Samuel Horlor

April 20 is Chinese Language Day, one of a series of Language Days selected by the United Nations to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity. Dr Samuel Horlor, a Teaching Fellow in Ethnomusicology in our Music Department, discusses his research on Chinese popular music with a particular focus on audiency, street music, and music's embeddedness in everyday urban life.
Chinese street musicians