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Submitting Module Marks

TEIs are responsible for confirming module marks at their Board of Examiners. TEIs must submit the overall module marks for students within 48 hours following meetings of the TEI Board of Examiners. TEIs are required to generate reports directly from Moodle to share this data securely with Durham for upload to the University’s student records system.  

Marks should be returned for all students who have had marks confirmed at the Board of Examiners (students recommended for award, students continuing their studies, and students who have suspended or withdrawn). See our Board of Examiners page for more information. 

The overall module mark is the final mark achieved by the student when all assessment components for that module have been taken into consideration. The University does not normally need confirmation of individual component marks, although these should be entered into MoodleIn line with the Core Regulations, students may pass the module if the overall mark meets the pass mark for the module, even if not all components were passed.  

TEIs must ensure that module registrations are up to date and accurate in advance of the TEI Board of Examiners and before sharing students module marks with Durham. See our Submitting Changes to Student Records page for more information on how to change module registrations  

The following reports should be shared with the Common Awards Team: 

  • V4 DU - Marks List - 48hr 
  • V4 DU - Marks List - January 
  • V4 DU - Covid Marks 
  • AND a copy of the reports for Groups completing at this exam board 
  • (these can each be saved as a single file, in Firefox use “save page as… |Web Page HTML only” in Chrome use “more tools | save page as | Web Page HTML only”) 

See our Durham Board of Examiners page for information on how module marks are considered by the University. See our page on Serious Adverse Circumstances (SACs) if a student’s performance has been affected by circumstances outside of their control.  

Please note that TEIs are required to undertake verification checks in Moodle to confirm the accuracy of the data before submitting this to Durham. See the Moodle Marks Processing System guide, available on the Common Awards Hub, for detailed instructions on how to add this data to Moodle, how to undertake the data checks, and how to download the reports for Durham.