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arete, little girl, augmented, reality

An interactive AR content toolkit for language learning, STEM education, and positive behaviour intervention.

Durham Computer Science contributes the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) expertise and experience to the EU H2020 project ARETE (Augmented Reality Interactive Educational Systems).

The project aims to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive AR content toolkit to be deployed in a range of context, including language learning, STEM education, and positive behaviour intervention & support. Beneficiaries of the AR toolkit include not only school students and teachers, who can learn and teach effectively and enjoyably, but also researchers and practitioners in academia and industry, who can help enhance the innovative capacity of AR.

Our HCI work is to ensure that, through systematic applications of human-centred design approaches, ARETE will deliver highly usable, useful, and desirable AR technologies and contents, leading to a wider uptake and further stimulate their creative usage in Europe and the UK.

Find out more: ARETE project webpage

Contact: Effie L-C. Law

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