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Submitting APL Information

The Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) is an academic process which recognises and values applicants’ previous work experience or study. In line with Common Awards policy, APL applications are either approved by a TEI’s Board of Examiners (or sub-committee) or the Common Awards Management Board. See our Accreditation of Prior Learning pages for the Common Awards APL policy, how to consider APL applications, and the APL credit limits for each programme. 

When an APL application has been approved, the APL credits should be added to the student’s record in Moodle. Once all APL credits have been added to Moodle, TEIs are required to generate a report directly from Moodle to share this data securely with Durham for upload to the University’s student records system. TEIs are also required to share all approved APL applications at the same time for our records – this includes APL applications approved by both the TEI and the UniversityTEIs must keep the evidence for APL applications on file (in line with GDPR regulations) which may also be requested by Durham. See our Common Awards Calendar for the deadline to submit this information to Durham.  

Please note that TEIs are required to undertake verification checks in Moodle to confirm the accuracy of the data before submitting this to Durham. See the Moodle Marks Processing System guide, available on the Common Awards Hub, for detailed instructions on how to add this data to Moodle, how to undertake the data checks, and how to download the reports for Durham.