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Book cover of the sixth edition of 'Archaeology An Introduction', authored by Hannah Cobb, Kevin Green and Tom Moore. The cover photo shows two archaeologists in high vis vests and hard hats working on an excavation site, with equipment such as trowels, shovels and buckets. The Routledge logo is visible in the bottom left corner.

Serving as a core textbook, and engaging students with contemporary issues, this book is designed to support students studying Archaeology at an introductory level.

Having recently celebrated its fortieth birthday, 'Archaeology: An Introduction' shows no signs of retiring, and this week celebrates a new edition - and a new co-author. Hannah Cobb, Professor of Archaeology & Pedagogy in the Department of Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology and Egyptology at the University of Manchester joins Kevin Greene (Visiting Fellow in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University) and Durham’s own Tom Moore (Professor of Archaeology) in authoring the sixth edition of 'Archaeology: An Introduction'.

The volume includes the latest survey and imaging techniques, updated coverage of developments in dating, DNA analysis, isotopes and population movement. The ethical implications of the use of these techniques are also considered. The most recent thinking in archaeological theory is discussed including the ontological turn, decolonisation and issues such as equality, diversity and inclusion in archaeology today. 

A significant new feature of the sixth edition is the addition of a new chapter considering archaeology in the present. This deals with issues surrounding heritage, public archaeology and the relationship of the discipline to the climate crisis.

While bringing a host of new updates and fresh thinking, the book maintains its place as a key text for students studying archaeology and continues to be accessible, engaging and lucid in its discussion of the current state of the art.

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