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Hydrogen for Transportation image of train plane cars

A video of the webinar "Compact onboard storage - safety considerations" from our Hydrogen for Transportation network is now ready to view on the DEI Youtube channel.

The webinar was organised by the DEI-led Hydrogen for Transportation Network-H2, an EPSRC funded network to maximise the impact of UK-funded research and innovation. The Network organises conferences, seminars, workshops and funding calls in order to advance the knowledge and understanding of hydrogen fuelled transportation.


Speakers are:

Assistant Professor Julian Jepsen of Helmut-Schmidt University

Julian is the Department Head for Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, with expertise in materials science and system development, his presentation will cover "Compact and safe hydrogen storage in metal hydrides".

Dr Stuart Hawksworth, Health and Safety Executive

Stuart is Head Of the Centre for Energy & Major Hazards and President of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety (IAHySafe). The association is the focal point for all hydrogen safety related issues and It has been founded as an international nonprofit institution. Stuart's presentation will cover "Safety around high pressure h2storage"