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23 May 2023 - 23 May 2023

2:00PM - 5:00PM

Institute of Advanced Study, Cosin's Hall, Seminar Room, Palace Green

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Who has studied and worked at Durham? What are the colonial and/or racialised histories of Durham as a university and those who have studied and worked at the University? This meeting will explore the history and presence of racially minoritised students and staff at Durham and across universities in the North-East.

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Absence/presence of Durham’s Black History

We will examine the Durham’s role in the history of colonial higher education and focus in particular on the histories of student mobilities and experiences and examine what the sources and methods we might use to explore this further. It will feature contributions from external speaker, colleagues and students across the faculty. The meeting will be chaired and moderated by Sol Gamsu (Sociology) and Liam Liburd (History).


Dr Jo Sadgrove (Leeds) about the history of the Universities Mission to Central Africa and the United Society Partners in the Gospel and their links to colonialism.

Dr Ed Anderson (Northumbria) to talk about the history of Indian students in the North-East in the mid-20th century.

This Development Project – through a series of workshops – seeks to build on existing synergies emerging from discussion within the BAME network on the absence/presence of Durham’s ‘black’ (refers to those who see themselves as being politically black) history. It seeks to contribute to the debates on decolonising by exploring institutions, archives, black students in Durham’s history and explore the impact of these findings on pedagogies and curriculums within the University.

Three key events will bring together researchers, and external partners, non-academic stakeholders, research grant advisors, and guest speakers to develop an interdisciplinary focus for research funding priorities. 

