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IAS Director takes on new President role

The IAS is delighted to share the wonderful news that the Director of the Institute, Professor Alex Easton, has been elected as the next president of the European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS).
head shot of Prof Alex Easton

Sir Harry Evans Fellow scoops Pulitzer Prize

Our first Sir Harry Evans Fellow, Waylon Cunningham, is part of a Reuters reporting team to win a Pulitzer Prize - the most prestigious awards in journalism.
Waylon Cunningham standing in a corridor of Castle College with a smile on his face and holding a hat

Sir Harry Evans Global Fellow helps Reuters scoop top award

Our first ever Sir Harry Evans Global Fellow is part of a team of Reuters journalists to win a prestigious award for exposing wrongdoing in Elon Musk’s business empire.
Waylon Cunningham standing in the courtyard of Castle College

Transformations, Issue 12 is out now! Catch up on our latest news.

After a busy Epiphany term, we have still some exciting events coming up, and our latest issues of Transformations gives you a chance to catch up with some familiar faces in the IAS.
Cover of IAS newsletter, Issue 12

Journalism in a Post-truth World

Social media, AI and 'fake news' are among the many challenges facing journalism today. Ahead of an IAS and South College expert panel event on 5th March (2.30pm) to discuss the future for journalism with Bridget Kendall, Jo Adetunji, Monica Grady and Ian O'Flynn, our own expert, Prof Tim Luckhurst shares his thoughts ahead of our joint event.
A close up of a computer tablet on top of a newspaper

Call for 2025/26 IAS Major Projects and Fellowship Nominations

The IAS supports, promotes and grows new and creative interdisciplinary ideas that transform our perspectives in challenging and provocative ways. We provide time, space, and resources to exchange/integrate ideas, knowledge and skills. We are a home to an inclusive, diverse and supportive community of scholars from Durham University and across the world. We are now launching our call for 2025/26 Major Projects – an investment of up to £55,000 per project in major interdisciplinary research ideas

A busy Michaelmas term of events for the IAS

The IAS has a full term of activities, including seminars, lectures and other activities.
people listening to a lecture

Call for Research Development Projects – 2023/24

The Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) is a home for growing big ideas. We support a broad and inclusive interdisciplinary community from across the full spectrum of Durham academics, where different perspectives are brought together to develop creative approaches to interesting and important problems. In addition to support for large scale projects, we remain very keen to assist research conversations, workshops, and network building which have the potential to develop into major projects.
External shot of Institute of Advanced study at Cosin's Hall

The IAS announces its incoming 2023/24 Fellows and Projects

The IAS is delighted to announce its incoming cohort of Fellows and four research projects for academic year 2023/24.
Image of Cosin's Hall

Changes to Epiphany Term Events

Please review the IAS Term Card for date and venue changes to forthcoming events.
Image of IAS with event dates

Extension to 2024/25 Major Project Application Deadline

The IAS has extended its application deadline for Major Projects and Fellowship nominations from midday 16 March to midday 23 March 2023. We hope this extra time, in what has been a busy term, allows colleagues to submit with all the requisite information.  If you have any questions in relation to the process, please contact the IAS Manager, Linda Crowe. 
exterior image of Cosin's Hall with St Cuthbert crosses

Exciting Projects in Epiphany term

The IAS is supporting two exciting interdisciplinary projects this term: Opportunities in Pollution led by Kim Jamie (Sociology) and Margarita Staykova (Physics) with Fellows David Kneas and Beth Povinelli; and Risks to Youth and Studenthood in Digital Spaces with Rille Raaper (Education) & Mariann Hardey (Marketing) looking at students’ use of social media in the digital landscape, seeking to understand how it promotes student life transitions and identity.