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Current Research News

Pupils with SEND continue to fall behind their peers

Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are continuing to fall behind their peers with the gap widening despite the introduction of SEND legislation.
Close up of a child's hand writing on a lined piece of paper

Misconceptions about dyslexia among professionals risk children being misdiagnosed

Our education experts have found that misconceptions about dyslexia are held by professionals who assess children for the learning difficulty.
A young girl reading a book whilst following the words with her fingers on the page.

How exercise can support eating disorder recovery

Research led by Dr Hester Hockin-Boyers (Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences), suggests that combining seemingly opposing approaches to health management could support eating disorder recovery.
Gym class lifting handheld weights with smiling woman in foreground

White Western women under greater pressure to look thin

New research by our Psychology department has found that White Western women are less positive about their bodies and feel greater media pressure to be thin than Black Nigerian and Chinese women.
Diverse group of women in underwear in a line showing torso and upper legs only

Multiple concussions in rugby players change proteins in their blood

A new study shows that retired rugby players who have suffered multiple concussions have abnormal levels of certain proteins in their blood.
Male rugby players in a game.

Why the Catholic Church should listen more to victims and survivors of abuse

New research by our Centre for Catholic Studies finds aspects of Catholic culture were implicated in how clerical child sexual abuse happened.
Lots of colourful fabric ribbons in bows tied to a fence.

Supporting the next generation through oracy development

The Commission on the Future of Oracy Education in England officially launched today at the Voice 21 Speaking Summit.
Arlene Holmes-Henderson MBE pictured outside the Department of Classics and Ancient History

MRC announces Impact Prize 2023 finalists

Professor Paul Denny and team announced as MRC Impact Prize 2023 finalists in the Outstanding Team Impact category with their project Equitable global cooperation to support the fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Understanding moral injury in war veterans

On 11 November, millions of people in the UK and beyond remember the service and sacrifice of our Armed Forces on what is known as Remembrance Day.
A group of soldiers dressed in camouflage clothing.

Graphic warning labels could reduce people’s meat consumption

A new study from our Department of Psychology has found that cigarette style graphic warning labels could reduce people’s meat consumption.
Someone handing a plate of food including a burger and salad to a customer

New guidelines advise against routine weighing and measuring of athletes

New guidelines are shaking up the world of sport by advising against routine, systematic weighing and measuring of athletes.
A female gymnast performing a gymnastic manoeuvre with a ball.

Major boost for innovation-led company creation in the North of England

Having transformed research commercialisation across the North East of England and North Yorkshire, the Northern Accelerator partnership has secured an additional £4.3m to expand its support and create more successful businesses in crucial sectors.
Northern Accelerator spinout EcoTech69