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Anthropology Outreach

Anthropology Research at Durham covers a wide range of activity from the production of knowledge to advance the discipline, to applied research for public benefit. This has been a fundamental part of our Department for many decades.  We engage with the public, external organisations, and public bodies in numerous ways to convey the importance of Anthropology to everyday life.

Here are some projects where anthropological perspectives benefit people in the UK and the world.

Human-Wildlife Conflict

Russell Hill works with commercial and communal farmers in South Africa to understand livestock predation by predators and crop-raiding by primates.
Scenic images of Africa

Museum Practice

Paolo Fortis works to translate his ethnographic research on indigenous visual and material culture into museum practice.
Man sitting in a chair outside a wooden shack in Panama

Leadership-Interaction and Prestige

Matt Offord, Roger Gill & Jeremy Kendal are interested in what causes effective leadership in social groups that engage in collaborative behaviour.
Royal navy vessel, photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Giving Vunerable People a Voice

Gina Porter works with vulnerable people in sub-Saharan Africa towards improving their access to quality services and livelihoods.

Child Mobility and Health

Kate Hampshire's work aims to improve access to effective health care for people across Sub-Saharan Africa.
four people sitting on the ground chatting

Infant Sleep

Helen Ball's work informs UK and international practice and policy in the areas of infant sleep, breastfeeding and sudden infant death.
Baby in a crib