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Dr Sara Uckelman

Associate Professor/Co-Director of Durham Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy/Deputy Director of Liberal Arts/ Head of Teaching Clusters - History of Philosophy

Associate Professor/Co-Director of Durham Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy/Deputy Director of Liberal Arts/ Head of Teaching Clusters - History of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy
Departmental Rep (Philosophy) in the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies


I joined the department in 2014, having previously held research posts in Heidelberg, Tilburg, and Amsterdam. As an undergrad I started off as an English major, but quickly got hooked on logic and philosophy and that's where I've made my career. After completing an MA in philosophy at University of Wisconsin, I did my Ph.D. in logic at University of Amsterdam. My dissertation, Modalities in Medieval Logic, combined two of my biggest academic and non-academic interests: logic and medieval history. In 2017 I co-founded the Durham centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, of which I am currently a co-director.

Outside of logic, I have been doing research in medieval onomastics (the study of names) since I was in high school, and a culmination of that interest is the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources project, of which I am the Editor-in-Chief.

When not doing logic or names, I can generally be found watching sci fi and drinking beer with my husband, hanging out with my young daughter, doing medieval re-creation/re-enactment, or writing speculative fiction. I am also the head instigator of the site, a review site for short science fiction and fantasy.

Current PhD Students
  • Zekiye Goz, linguistic creativity and artificial intelligence
  • Wei Xie, universal grammar and tense
Research Supervision

I am available for, and interested in, supervising students, at any level, in any of the following areas:

  • Logic (mathematical, philosophical, modal, etc.)
  • Philosophy of language, esp. philosophy of fiction
  • Philosophy of logic
  • Philosophy of mathematics
  • Medieval philosophy, esp. logic/philosophy of language
  • Informal argumentation
  • Human and machine reasoning

Research interests

  • Mathematical Logic
  • Medieval Logic
  • Modal Logic
  • Onomastics
  • Philosophical Logic
  • Philosophy of Fiction
  • Philosophy of Language

Esteem Indicators

  • 2017: Radio Interview: Interview on "Hannah Kate's Bookshelf", North Manchester Radio FM.
  • 2017: Podcast Interview: Interview on "Philosophobia" podcast series.
  • 2015: Magazine Interview: Interview in 3:AM magazine's "End Times" series of philosopher interviews; now available at


Book review

Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Doctoral Thesis

Journal Article

Other (Print)

Supervision students