Staff profile
Professor Mike Fleming
Emeritus Professor

Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the School of Education |
Research interests
- English teaching
- drama in education
- teacher training
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: External Examiner: External examiner for nineteen PhDs including in Canada and Australia, as well as at UK universities.
- 2000: Keynote speaker: Keynote speaker at international conferences in Spain, Poland, Switzerland, Ireland, France, Hungary, Croatia, UK and elsewhere
- 2000: Referee for Publishers: Referee for publishers Fulton, Sage, Routledge, Hodder and Stoughton, Palgrave McMillan, Bloomsbury, as well as ESRC and AHRB.
- 2000: Language Policy for Europe: Member of a small group writing a language policy for Europe at the Council of Europe.
Authored book
- Fleming, M. (2018). The Art of Drama Teaching. Routledge.
- Fleming, M. (2017). Starting Drama Teaching. (4th ed.). Routledge.
- Beacco, J., Fleming, M., Goullier, F., Thürmann, E., & Vollmer, H. (2016). A Handbook for Curriculum Development and Teacher Training. The Language Dimension in All Subjects. Council of Europe
- Fleming, M., & Stevens, D. (2015). English Teaching in the Secondary School. Substantially revised fourth edition. Routledge
- Beacco, J., Fleming, M., Goullier, F., Thürmann, E., & Vollmer, H. (2015). The Language Dimension in All Subjects: A Handbook for Curriculum, Development and Teaching. Council of Europe
- Fleming, M., Aase, L., Pieper, I., & Onstad, S. (2012). The Languages of Schooling. Council of Europe
- Fleming, M. (2012). The Arts in Education: an introduction to aesthetics, theory and pedagogy. Routledge
- Fleming, M. (2011). Starting Drama Teaching. (3rd ed. Rev. ed.). Routledge
- Stevens, D., & Fleming, M. (2009). English teaching in the Secondary School: Linking Theory and Practice. (3rd ed.). Routledge
- Stevens, D., & Fleming, M. (2009). English Teaching in the Secondary School (3rd Ed). Routledge
- Fleming, M. (2009). The use of descriptors in learning, teaching and assessment. Council of Europe
- Fleming, M. (2008). Arts Education and Creativity. Creative Partnerships
- Fleming, M. (2007). The Challenge of Assessment within Language of Education. Council of Europe
- Aase, L., Pieper, I., Samihaian, T., & Fleming, M. (2007). Text, literature and "Bildung" - comparative perspectives. Council of Europe
- Fleming, M. (2007). The Literary Canon: Implications for the Teaching of Language as Subject. Council of Europe
- Fleming, M., & Stevens, D. (2004). English Teaching in the Secondary School (Second Ed). David Fulton
- Fleming, M. (2001). Teaching Drama in Primary and Secondary Schools: An Integrated Approach. David Fulton
- Fleming, M., Hardman, F., Stevens, D., & Williamson, J. (2000). Meeting the Standards in Secondary English. Routledge
- Stevens, D., & Fleming, M. (1998). English Teaching in the Secondary School. David Fulton
- Fleming, M. (1997). The Art of Drama Teaching. David Fulton
- Fleming, M. (1990). Discoveries (teachers' book). Folens
- Fleming, M. (1990). Perceptions (teachers' book). Folens
- Fleming, M. (1990). Perceptions (pupils' book). Folens
- Fleming, M. (1990). Discoveries (pupils' book). Folens
- Fleming, M., & Brown, T. (1990). National Curriculum English Course for Key Stage 3
- Fleming, M. (1989). Ways of Seeing (pupils' book). Folens
- Fleming, M. (1989). Ways of Seeing (teachers' book). Folens
Chapter in book
- Fleming, M. L’Utilisation des descripteurs de l’exercice du pouvoir aux communautes de pratique. In J. Beacco, & D. Coste (Eds.), L'Education Plurilingue et interculturelle. Didiers
- Fleming, M. Exploring the Concept of Performative Teaching and Learning. In S. Even, & M. Schewe (Eds.), Performative Teaching and Learning Research. Schibri-Verlag
- Fleming, M. Performativity, Learning and Aesthetic Education’. In O. Mentz, & M. Fleiner (Eds.), The Arts in Language Teaching. Munster: Lit Verlag
- Fleming, M. (2009). The Challenge of Competence. In A. Hu, & M. Byram (Eds.), Intercultural Competence and Foreign Language Learning. Gunter Narr
- Fleming, M. (2009). Introduction: Education and Training: Becoming Interculturally Competent. In A. Feng, M. Byram, & M. Fleming (Eds.), Becoming Interculturally Competent through Education and Training. Multilingual Matters
- Fleming, M. (2009). The Challenge of Competence. In A. Hu, & M. Byram (Eds.), Interkulturelle Kompetenz und fremdsprachliches Lernen. / Intercultural Competence and Foreign Language Learning. Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag
- Fleming, M., & Feng, A. (2009). Assessing Intercultural Competence: The Sailsa Project. In A. Hu, & M. Byram (Eds.), Intercultural Competence and Foreign Language Learning. Gunter Narr
- Fleming, M. (2008). Teaching drama: lessons from its recent development in the UK. In N. Govas (Ed.), Education and Theatre. Hellenic Theatre and Dram Network
- Fleming, M. (2008). Perspectives on the use of competence statements in the teaching of English language. In M. Perez Canado (Ed.), English Language Teaching in the European Credit Transfer System: Facing the Challenge. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
- Fleming, M. (2007). The Use and Misuse of Competence Statements with Particular Reference to the Teaching of Literature. In W. Martyniuk (Ed.), Towards a common Euoproean framework of reference for language(s) of school education: proceedings of a conference
- Fleming, M. (2007). The Literary Canon: reflections from a school curriculum perspective. In T. Samihaihan (Ed.), The Literary Canon: Approaches to Teaching Literature in Different Contexts. University of Bucharest
- Fleming, M. (2006). The Concept of ‘Intercultural Citizenship’: Lessons from Fiction and Art. In G. Alred, M. Byram, & M. Fleming (Eds.), Education for intercultural citizenship : concepts and comparisons (130-143). Multilingual Matters
- Fleming, M. (2003). Intercultural Experience and Drama. In G. Alred, M. Byram, & M. Fleming (Eds.), Intercultural Experience and Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
Edited book
- Alred, G., Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (Eds.). Intercultural Citizenship Education: Concepts and Comparisons. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
- Fleming, M., Bresler, L., & O’Toole, J. (Eds.). (2015). The Routledge International Handbook of the Arts and Education. Routledge
- Feng, A., Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (Eds.). (2009). Becoming Interculturally Competent through Education and Training. Multilingual Matters
- Alred, G., Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (Eds.). (2002). Intercultural Experience and Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
- Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (Eds.). (2001). Perspectivas interculturales en el aprendizaje de idiomas: enfoques a través del teatro y la etnografiá. Cambridge University Press
- Fleming, M., & Graham, R. (Eds.). (1998). Taking Each Other Seriously : Experiences in Teaching and Learning. Fieldhouse Press
- Fleming, M., & Byram, M. (Eds.). (1998). Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective: Approaches through Drama and Ethnography. Cambridge University Press
- Fleming, M., & Alred, G. (Eds.). (1996). Priorities in Education. Fieldhouse Press
Journal Article
- Fleming, M. (online). Drama and Intercultural Education
- Fleming, M. (2023). Arts, language and intercultural education. Language Teaching Research, 27(2), 261-275.
- Yang, L., & Fleming, M. (2013). How Chinese College Students Make Sense of Foreign Films and TV series: Implications for the Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence in ELT
- De Korne, H., Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (2007). Familiarising the Stranger: Immigrant Perceptions of Cross-cultural interaction and Bicultural Identity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 28(4), 290-307
- Fleming, M. (2006). Drama and language teaching: the relevance of Wittgenstein's concept of language games
- Fleming, M. (2006). Justifying the Arts: Drama and Intercultural Education. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 40(1), 54-64
- Fleming, M., Merrell, C., & Tymms, P. (2004). The Impact of Drama on Pupils' Language, Mathematics, and Attitude in Two Primary Schools. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 9(2), 177-197.
- Fleming, M. (2004). Planning for Drama
- Fleming, M. (2000). Wittgenstein and the Teaching of Drama. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, Vol 5(1), 33-44
- Fleming, M. (2000). Progression and Continuity in the Teaching of Drama. Dreaming, 2(1),
- Fleming, M. (1999). An Integrated Approach to Teaching Drama For Aesthetic Learning
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