Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion | +44 (0) 191 33 43960 |
My interest in theology and religion has always been interdisciplinary. I studied theology and English literature at the University of Wales (Lampeter) and undertook my doctoral research - on the philosophy and theology of John Hick, and under the initial supervision of John A. T. Robinson - at the University of Cambridge (Trinity College). After a short time as a sixth form teacher (St Dominic's, Harrow on the Hill) I joined the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Newcastle, where I served as Head of Department from 1996-2001. On the closure of the Newcastle department in 2004, I moved to the long established (1832) but newly named Department of Theology & Religion at Durham. Thus in terms of both institutional location and academic discipline, my work crosses the borders between theology, philosophy and religious studies which is also the study of cultures.
My MA thesis was on The English Novels of Roman Catholic Modernism (Wales 1981) and its concern to move between theology, literature and literary theory was more fully realised in my first book, Telling God’s Story: Bible, Church and Narrative Theology (Cambridge University Press 1996/1999). This offers an account of the Christian life as a socio-textual practice, and its concern with 'telling' the 'body of Christ' opened the way for my second book: Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology (Blackwell 2004), which crosses the borders between theology and film in order to rethink Christian imaginings of the human body and its desires.
Long before 'queer theory' began to destabilize the always unstable identities of sex (fe/male) and gender (feminine/masculine), Christian thought was imagining a fluid, polymorphous body, which it named 'Christ', and through which it sought to remake all other carnalities. It is this strange tradition that is one of my current interests, and it is explored in an an edited volume on Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body (Blackwell 2007), and a forthcoming study of Homosexuality and Christian Ethics (Cambridge University Press). I am co-editor with Jon Davies of Sex These Days: Essays in Theology, Sexuality and Society (Continuum 1997) and co-editor with Elizabeth Stuart, Kent Brintnall and Marika Rose, of the journal Theology & Sexuality (Taylor & Francis), and I am also an Associate European Editor of Literature and Theology (Oxford University Press).
Durham is an excellent place in which to pursue interdisciplinary, 'cross-dressing' theology. The Department is home to some of the country's leading scholars in biblical and religious studies, with a wide range of anthropological, sociological and textual skills, as well as to theologians who - like myself - are concerned to explore cultural, ethical and political issues in and through theology. At Durham I contribute to the teaching at undergraduate level of systematic and philosophical theology, as well as offering modules on Christian Gender and Religion and Film. I supervise postgraduate students in these and related fields.
Research interests
- Christian Gender
- Religion and Film
- Narrative Theology
- John Henry Newman
- Roman Catholic Modernism
Authored book
- Loughlin, G. (2003). Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology. Blackwell
- Loughlin, G. (1996). Telling God's Story: Bible, Church and Narrative Theology. Cambridge University Press
Book review
- Loughlin, G. (2016). Review of Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture: Responses to the Work of David Brown, edited by Robert MacSwain and Taylor Worley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). The Journal of Theological Studies, 67(1), 410-416.
- Loughlin, G. (2015). Review of Catherine Pickstock, Repetition and Identity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). Reviews in Religion and Theology, 22(3), 260-265.
Chapter in book
- Loughlin, G. "Tracts, Scriptures and 'Storied Mysteries': The Bible in the Oxford Movement". In E. Jay (Ed.), The Bible and Western Christian Literature: Books and The Book. Bloomsbury
- Loughlin, G. (2025). Theft and Return or Bresson's Grace. In R. Benis, & S. Dias Branco (Eds.), Exploring Film and Christianity: Movement as Immobility (151-164). Routledge.
- Loughlin, G. (2019). "Pity and Pardon in Scorsese’s Palimpsest, Bringing Out the Dead". In C. Barnett, & C. Ellison (Eds.), Scorsese as religion (196-230). Brill Academic Publishers.
- Loughlin, G. (2017). "The University". In E. B. D. Whistler (Ed.), The Edinburgh critical history of nineteenth-century Christian theology (64-84). Edinburgh University Press
- Loughlin, G. (2016). "Disordered Bodies and the Body of Christ". In S. Wendel, & A. Nutt (Eds.), Reading the Body of Christ: Eine geschlechtertheologische Relecture (57-68). Ferdinand Schöningh
- Loughlin, G. (2015). The Literal Sense and the Senses of Scripture. In J. Fodor, & M. Higton (Eds.), The Routledge companion to the practice of Christian Theology (174-190). Routledge
- Loughlin, G. (2015). "(Homosexual) Bodies and the Image of God". In A. D. Ornella (Ed.), Making Humans: Religious, Technological and Aesthetic Perspectives (3-20). Inter-Disciplinary Press
- Loughlin, G. (2015). "Gay Affections". In A. Thatcher (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Theology, Sexuality and Gender (608-623.). Oxford University Press
- Loughlin, G. (2013). "Making it Plain: Austin Farrer and the Inspiration of Scripture". In R. MacSwain (Ed.), Scripture, Metaphysics, and Poetry: Austin Farrer’s The Glass of Vision with Critical Commentary (167-180). Ashgate Publishing
- Loughlin, G. (2012). "Nuptial Mysteries". In S. *Oliver, K. *Kilby, & T. O'Loughlin (Eds.), Faithful reading : new essays in Theology in honour of Fergus Kerr, OP (173-192). T. & T. Clark
- Loughlin, G. (2011). "Nouvelle Théologie: A Return to Modernism?". In G. Flynn, & P. D. Murray (Eds.), Ressourcement : a movement for renewal in twentieth-century Catholic theology (36-50). Oxford University Press
- Loughlin, G. (2010). "Essere creatura, diventare umano: una critica a Oliver O'Donovan", translated by Giovanni Pernigotto. In A. Autiero, & S. Knauss (Eds.), L’enigma corporeità: sessualità e religione (89-109). EDB
- Loughlin, G. (2010). "Catholic Modernism". In D. Fergusson (Ed.), The Blackwell companion to nineteenth-century theology (486-508). Wiley
- Loughlin, G. (2009). "Theology in the University". In I. Ker, & T. Merrigan (Eds.), The Cambridge companion to John Henry Newman (221-240). Cambridge University Press
- Loughlin, G. (2008). "The Madonna's Tear: Biblical Images in the Films of Andrei Tarkovsky". In G. Hallbäck, & A. Hvitamar (Eds.), Recent Releases:The Bible in Contemporary Cinema (81-92). Sheffield Phoenix Press
- Loughlin, G. (2008). "Tarkovsky's Trees". In N. Dunne (Ed.), Tarkovsky (81-95, 438-439). Black Dog Publishing
- Loughlin, G. (2007). "Video Divina: Viewing Tarkovsky". In S. Knauss, & A. D. Ornella (Eds.), Reconfigurations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religion in a Post-Secuar Society (179-195). Lit
- Loughlin, G. (2007). "Not the Marrying Kind: Notes on an Ecclesial Comedy". In P. Middleton (Ed.), The God of Love and Human Dignity: Essays in Honour of George Newlands (139-153). T&T Clark
- Loughlin, G. (2007). "Idol Bodies". In S. C. Barton (Ed.), Idolatry: False Worship in the Bible, Early Judaism and Christianity (267-286). T&T Clark
- Loughlin, G. (2007). "Within the image: Film as Icon". In R. K. Johnston (Ed.), Reframing Theology and Film: New Focus for an Emerging Discipline (287-303). Baker Academic
- Loughlin, G. (2006). "Omphalos". In G. Loughlin (Ed.), Queer theology : rethinking the western body (115-127). Blackwell
- Loughlin, G. (2006). "Postmodern Scripture". In J. S. Holcomb (Ed.), Christian theologies of scripture : a comparative introduction (300-322). NYU Press
- Loughlin, G. (2006). "The Body". In J. F. Sawyer (Ed.), The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture (381-395). Blackwell.
- Loughlin, G. (2006). "Bildens svindel som kroppens djup". In O. Sigurdeson, & J. Svenungsson (Eds.), Postmodern Teologi (222-236). Verbum
- Loughlin, G. (2005). "Cinéma Divinité: A Theological Introduction". In E. S. Christianson, P. Francis, & W. R. Telford (Eds.), Cinéma divinité: Theology and the Bible in Film (1-12). SCM Press
- Loughlin, G. (2004). "The body in the Text: Realism and Non-realism, Revelation and Writing-experience". In G. Hyman (Ed.), New directions in philosophical theology : essays in honour of Don Cupitt (147-160). Ashgate Publishing
- Loughlin, G. (2004). "Sex after Natural Law". In M. Althaus-Reid, & L. Isherwood (Eds.), The Sexual Theologian: Essays on Sex, God and Politics (86-98). Continuum
- Loughlin, G. (2004). "The University Without Question: John Henry Newman and Jacques Derrida on Faith in the University". In J. Astley, L. Francis, J. Sullivan, & A. Walker (Eds.), The Idea of a Christian University: Essays on Theology and Higher Education (113-131, 302-307). Paternoster Press
- Loughlin, G. (2000). "Time". In A. Hastings (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought (707b-709a). Oxford University Press
- Loughlin, G. (1999). "Erotics: God's Sex". In J. Milbank, C. Pickstock, & G. Ward (Eds.), Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology (143-162). Routledge
- Loughlin, G. (1998). "Refiguring Masculinity in Christ". In M. A. Hayes, W. Porter, & D. Tombs (Eds.), Religion and Sexuality (405-414). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press
- Loughlin, G. (1997). "René Girard (b.1923): Introduction". In G. Ward (Ed.), The Postmodern God: A Theological Reader (96-104). Blackwell
- Loughlin, G. (1997). "The Basis and Authority of Christian Doctrine". In C. Gunton (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine (41-64). Cambridge University Press
- Loughlin, G. (1997). "Ending Sex". In J. Davies, & G. Loughlin (Eds.), Sex These Days: Essays on Theology, Sexuality and Society (205-218). Sheffield Academic Press
Doctoral Thesis
Edited book
- Loughlin, G. (Ed.). (2007). Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body. Blackwell
- Loughlin, G., & Davies, J. (Eds.). (1997). Sex These Days: Essays on Theology, Sexuality and Society. Sheffield Academic Press
Journal Article
- Loughlin, G. (2023). Is orthodoxy radical? Revisiting G. K. Chesterton and John Robinson. Theology, 126(6), 407-414.
- Loughlin, G. (2022). Them and Us: A Reply to Teofilo Pugeda. Theology, 125(2), 97-100
- Loughlin, G. (2018). "Gender Ideology: For a ‘Third Sex’ Without Reserve". Studies in Christian Ethics, 31(4), 471-482.
- Loughlin, G. (2018). "Visible and Invisible: George Tyrrell and Christ's Bodies". New Blackfriars, 99(1084), 729-739.
- Loughlin, G. (2018). "Catholic Homophobia". Theology, 121(3), 188-196.
- Loughlin, G. (2014). "God is Not Everything". Syndicate: A New Forum for Theology, 1(4), 164-170
- Loughlin, G. (2014). "God is Not Everything" and "God is Not Everything II". Syndicate: A New Forum for Theology,
- Loughlin, G. (2012). "Bible and Film: Suffering and Special Effects". Modern Believing, 53(2), 122-130.
- Loughlin, G. (2011). "The Wonder of Newman's Education". New Blackfriars, 92(1038), 224-242.
- Loughlin, G. (2010). "Newman and the Question of University Theology". The Pastoral Review, 6(6), 20-25
- Loughlin, G. (2009). "The Long Take: Messianic Time in Andrei Tarkovsky's Nostalghia". Journal for Cultural Research, 13(3-4), 365-379.
- Loughlin, G. (2008). "What is Queer? Theology after Identity". Theology & Sexuality, 14(2), 143-152.
- Loughlin, G. (2007). "Rhetoric and Rhapsody: A Response to David Bentley Hart's The Beauty of the Infinite". New Blackfriars, 88(1017), 600-609.
- Loughlin, G. (2007). "Found in Translation : Ovid, David Malouf and the Werewolf". Literature and Theology, 21(2), 113-130.
- Loughlin, G. (2005). "Biblical Bodies". Theology & Sexuality, 12(1), 9-27.
- Loughlin, G. (2004). "Gathered at the Altar: Homosexuals and Human Rights". Theology & Sexuality, 10(2), 73-82.
- Loughlin, G. (2004). "Pauline Conversations: Re-reading Romans 1 in Christ". Theology & Sexuality, 11(1), 72-102.
- Loughlin, G. (2003). "Sex After Natural Law". Studies in Christian Ethics, 16(1), 14-28.
- Loughlin, G. (2002). "Breezes: Religious Images in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction". Louvain Studies, 27, 265-279
- Loughlin, G. (1998). "Sexing the Trinity". New Blackfriars, 79, 18-25
- Loughlin, G. (1998). "Baptismal Fluid". Scottish Journal of Theology, 51(3), 261-270
- Loughlin, G. (1996). "Jean Baudrillard"
- Loughlin, G. (1995). "Following to the Letter: The Literal Use of Scripture". Literature and Theology, 9, 370-382
- Loughlin, G. (1995). "Holy texts of deception: Christian Gnosticism and the Writings of Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh". New Blackfriars, 76, 293-305
- Loughlin, G. (1994). "Writing the Trinity". Theology, 97, 82-89
- Loughlin, G. (1994). "Other Discourses". New Blackfriars, 75, 18-31
- Loughlin, G. (1993). "Michel Foucault"
- Loughlin, G. (1992). "Over the Ashes". New Blackfriars, 73, 605-613
- Loughlin, G. (1992). "Making a Better World: Revisiting David Hume with Ian Markham". Modern Theology, 8, 297-303
- Loughlin, G. (1992). "Christianity at the End of the Story or the Return of the Master Narrative". Modern Theology, 8, 365-384
- Loughlin, G. (1991). "Thinking of that than which Nothing Greater can be Thought". New Blackfriars, 72, 387-391
- Loughlin, G. (1990). "Prefacing Pluralism: John Hick and the Mastery of Religion". Modern Theology, 7, 29-55
Newspaper/Magazine Article
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Loughlin, G. (2022). The Centurion’s Servant. [VCS: The Visual Commentary on Scripture Foundation]. London
- Loughlin, G. (2019). "Silent Witness: On Listening but not Hearing in the Church of England". [ABC]
- Loughlin, G. (2018). "Being creature, becoming human: Contesting Oliver O'Donovan on transgender, identity and the body". [ABC]
- Loughlin, G. (2017). Coming Alongside. [Review of 'God and Difference' by Linn Tonstad]