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Dr Emily Rohrbach

Associate Professor in English Literature 1660-1832

Associate Professor in English Literature 1660-1832 in the Department of English Studies


Emily Rohrbach teaches and writes about British and comparative Romanticisms, narrative theory, literature and historiography, aesthetics and politics, the poetics of time, and the materiality and literary imagination of the codex book. Her essays on these topics have appeared as journal articles in European Romantic Review; The Keats-Shelley Journal; Romanticism; SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900; Studies in Romanticism; and Textual Practice.

Her first book, Modernity's Mist: British Romanticism and the Poetics of Anticipation, was published in the Lit Z series of Fordham University Press in 2016 and was supported by research fellowships at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, Austria and the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities in Evanston, IL. She is co-editor of Reading Keats, Thinking Politics, the 50th anniversary issue of the journal Studies in Romanticism, for which she translated into English a bespoke essay by Jacques Rancière, ‘The Politics of the Spider’.

A new monograph, provisionally entitled Codex Poetics: Romantic Books and the Politics of Reading, explores the relations between Romantic poetics and material formats. This project revisits the Romantic period as a moment, marked by abolitionist movements and mass print, when the bound book was imagined as a technology of political possibility. Research for this project has been supported by a pilot grant from The John Rylands Research Institute, Manchester.

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Peterloo in summer 2019, Dr. Rohrbach organised the International Conference on Romanticism, which brought the annual ICR conference to the UK for the first time.

Dr. Rohrbach serves on the editorial board of The Keats-Shelley Journal and is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.

While teaching on a wide range of undergraduate modules in English Studies, Dr. Rohrbach has recently introduced a new MA module for the Romantic and Victorian pathway, 'Adventures in Reading: Romantic Books and Political Possibilities', which explores the play between poetics and format in the Romantic period.

Office: Elvet Riverside A72

Modernity's Mist: British Romanticism and the Poetics of Anticipation

Esteem Indicators

  • 2024: Writer-in-Residence and Kenan Distinguished Speaker, Flagler College, USA:
  • 2023: Advance HE Aurora Program for Women in Leadership: Certificate of Achievement
  • 2022: Leverhulme Research Fellowship, 2022-2023:
  • 2020: BARS Conference *Keynote: 'Open Books': British Association for Romantic Studies Conference, London
  • 2019: John Rylands Research Institute Pilot Grant, 2019:
  • 2019: Keats Foundation Conference *Keynote: 'Vanishing Books, Cockney Poetics':
  • 2019: Principal Organiser: International Conference on Romanticism:
  • 2012: Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities Research Fellowship, 2012-2013:


Authored book

Book review

Chapter in book

Journal Article

Other (Digital/Visual Media)