Staff profile
Affiliation |
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology |
Internationalisation Co-ordinator in the Department of Psychology |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
I am involved in the study of face perception from many different perspectives. Recently, I have become interested in the perception of facial expressions. I also work on hemispheric biases in face perception, the perception of different facial attributes (e.g. age, gender, health and attractiveness) and aspects of face perception related to evolutionary psychology.
Research interests
- Evolutionary psychology
- Facial expression recognition
Esteem Indicators
- 2005: The 11th European Conference on Facial Expression: Organiser of the The 11th European Conference on Facial Expression in Durham 2005.
- 2002: Symposium chair “The development of emotional facial expression perception” at the BPS Developmental Section Conference, University of Sussex.:
- 2002: Invited talk: Perception of facial expressions: Burt, D. M. (2002). Perception of facial expressions: when is a face neutral? Invited talk presented to the Institute of Psychology, School of Medicine, Milan, Italy.
- 2001: Burt, D. M., Frigerio, E., Montagne, B., Murray, L. K., & Perrett, D. I. (2001). Altered perception of dynamic facial expressions of emotion in alcoholism and depression.: Invited paper presented at a colloquium organised by Prof. Jacqueline Nadel at the Hopital de La Salpêtrière, Paris on behalf of the of the French Ministry of Research, Program for Cognitive Sciences.
Journal Article
- Boothroyd, L., Vukovic, J., Meins, E., & Burt, D. Children’s facial preferences across development. Manuscript submitted for publication
- Smekal, V., Burt, D., Kentridge, R., & Hausmann, M. (2022). Emotion lateralization in a graduated emotional chimeric face task: An online study. Neuropsychology, 36(5), 443-455.
- Ridley, E., Arnott, B., Riby, D., Burt, M., Hanley, M., & Leekam, S. (2022). The Quality of Everyday Eye Contact in Williams Syndrome: Insights from Cross-syndrome Comparisons. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 127(4), 293-312.
- Burt, D., & Hausmann, M. (2019). Hemispheric Asymmetries in Categorical Facial Expression Perception. Emotion, 19(4), 584-592.
- Jucker, J., Thornborrow, T., Beierholm, U., Burt, D., Barton, R., Evans, E., Jamieson, M., & Boothroyd, L. (2017). Nutritional status and the influence of TV consumption on female body size ideals in populations recently exposed to the media. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 8438.
- Boothroyd, L., Jucker, J., Thornborrow, T., Jamieson, M., Burt, D., Barton, R., Evans, E., & Tovée, M. (2016). Television exposure predicts body size ideals in rural Nicaragua. British Journal of Psychology, 107(4), 752-767.
- Innes, R., Burt, D., Birch, Y., & Hausmann, M. (2016). A leftward bias however you look at it: revisiting the emotional chimeric face task as a tool for measuring emotion lateralization. Laterality, 21(4-6), 643-661.
- Robinson, L., Gray, J., Burt, M., Ferrier, I., & Gallagher, P. (2015). Processing of Facial Emotion in Bipolar Depression and Euthymia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 21(09), 709-721.
- Martínez-Castilla, P., Burt, M., Borgatti, R., & Gagliardi, C. (2015). Facial emotion recognition in Williams syndrome and Down syndrome: A matching and developmental study. Child Neuropsychology, 21(5), 668-692.
- Vukovic, J., Boothroyd, L., Meins, E., & Burt, D. (2015). Concurrent parent–child relationship quality is associated with an imprinting-like effect in children’s facial preferences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(4), 331-336.
- Wiedemann, D., Burt, D., Hill, R., & Barton, R. (2015). Red clothing increases perceived dominance, aggression and anger. Biology Letters, 11(5), Article 20150166.
- Boothroyd, L., Meins, E., Vukovic, J., & Burt, D. (2014). Developmental changes in children's facial preferences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35(5), 376-383.
- Sedda, A., Rivolta, D., Scarpa, P., Burt, M., Frigerio, E., Zanardi, G., Piazzini, A., Turner, K., Canevini, M., Francione, S., Lo Russo, G., & Bottini, G. (2013). Ambiguous emotion recognition in temporal lobe epilepsy: The role of expression intensity. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 13(3), 452-463.
- Stets, M., Burt, M., & Reid, V. (2013). Infants Need More Variety - Increased Data Acquisition with Reduced Participant Attrition in Infant ERP Studies. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, Article 117.
- Sutherland, C. A., Oldmeadow, J. A., Santos, I. M., Towler, J., Michael Burt, D., & Young, A. W. (2013). Social inferences from faces: Ambient images generate a three-dimensional model. Cognition, 127(1), 105-118.
- West, J., Horning, S., Klebe, K., Foster, S., Cornwell, R., Perrett, D., Burt, D., & Davis, H. (2012). Age Effects on Emotion Recognition in Facial Displays: From 20 to 89 Years of Age. Experimental Aging Research, 38(2), 146-168.
- Aljuhanay, A., Milne, E., Burt, D., & Pascalis, O. (2010). Asymmetry in face processing during childhood measured with chimeric faces. Laterality, 15(4), 439-450.
- Lau, J., Burt, M., Leibenluft, E., Pine, D., Rijsdijk, F., Shiffrin, N., & Eley, T. (2009). Individual Differences in Children's Facial Expression Recognition Ability: The Role of Nature and Nurture. Developmental Neuropsychology, 34(1), 37-51.
- Gagliardi, C., Maghini, C., Germiniasi, C., Stefanoni, G., Molteni, F., Burt, D., & Turconi, A. (2008). The Effect of Frequency of Cerebral Palsy Treatment: A Matched-Pair Pilot Study. Pediatric Neurology, 39(5), 335-340.
- Burt, D., Kentridge, R., Good, J., Perrett, D., Tiddeman, B., & Boothroyd, L. (2007). Q-cgi: new techniques to assess variation in perception applied to facial attractiveness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1627), 2779-2784.
- Boothroyd, L., Jones, B., Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (2007). Partner characteristics associated with masculinity, health and maturity in male faces. Personality and Individual Differences, 43(5), 1161-1173.
- Gagliardi, C., Martelli, S., Burt, D. M., & Borgatti, R. (2007). Evolution of Neurologic Features in Williams Syndrome. Pediatric Neurology, 36(5), 301-306.
- Little, A., Jones, B., Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (2007). Preferences for symmetry in faces change across the menstrual cycle. Biological Psychology, 76,
- Little, A., Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (2006). Assortative mating for perceived facial personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 40(5), 973-984.
- Frigerio, E., Burt, D., Gagliardi, C., Cioffi, G., Martelli, S., Perrett, D., & Borgatti, R. (2006). Is everybody always my friend? : perception of approachability in Williams syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 44(2), 254-259.
- Atkinson, A., Tipples, J., Burt, D., & Young, A. (2005). Asymmetric interference between sex and emotion in face perception. Perception & psychophysics, 67(7), 1199-1213.
- Boothroyd, L., Jones, B., Burt, D., Cornwell, R., Little, A., Tiddeman, B., & Perrett, D. (2005). Facial masculinity is related to perceived age, but not perceived health. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26(5), 417-431.
- Jones, B., Perrett, D., Little, A., Boothroyd, L., Cornwell, R., Feinberg, D., Tiddeman, B., Whiten, S., Pitman, R., Hillier, S., Burt, D., Stirrat, M., Smith, M., & Moore, F. (2005). Menstrual cycle, pregnancy and oral contraceptive use alter attraction to apparent health in faces. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 272(1561), 347-354.
- Montagne, B., van Honk, J., Kessels, R., Frigerio, E., Burt, M., van Zandvoort, M., Perrett, D., & de Haan, E. (2005). Reduced efficiency in recognising fear in subjects scoring high on psychopathic personality characteristics. Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 5-11
- Butler, S., Gilchrist, I., Burt, D., Perrett, D., Jones, E., & Harvey, M. (2005). Are the perceptual biases found in chimeric face processing reflected in eye-movement patterns?. Neuropsychologia, 43(1), 52-59.
- Cornwell, R., Boothroyd, L., Burt, D., Feinberg, D., Jones, B., Little, A., Pitman, R., Whiten, S., & Perrett, D. (2004). Concordant preferences for opposite-sex signals? Human pheromones and facial characteristics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 271(1539), 635-640.
- Kovács, G., Gulyás, B., Savic, I., Perrett, D., Cornwell, R., Little, A., Jones, B., Burt, D., Gál, V., & Vidnyánszky, Z. (2004). Smelling human sex hormone-like compounds affects face gender judgment of men. NeuroReport, 15,
- Jones, B., Little, A., Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (2004). When facial attractiveness is only skin deep. Perception, 33, 569-576.
- Venn, H., Gray, J., Montagne, B., Murray, L., Burt, D., Frigerio, E., Perrett, D., & Young, A. (2004). Perception of facial expressions of emotion in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 6, 286-293.
- Gagliardi, C., Figerio, E., Burt, D., Cazzaniga, I., Perrett, D., & Borgatti, R. (2003). Facial expression recognition in Williams Syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 41(6), 733-738.
- Burt, D., Payne, K., & Perrett, D. (2003). Perceptual judgements of others' tasting experiences: are they enjoying their food?. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 96, 445-454
- Penton-Voak, I., Little, A., Jones, B., Burt, D., Tiddeman, B., & Perrett, D. (2003). Female condition influences preferences for sexual dimorphism in faces of male Homo sapiens. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 117, 264-271
- Frigerio, E., Burt, D., Montagne, B., Murray, L., & Perrett, D. (2002). Facial affect perception in alcoholics. Psychiatry Research, 113(1), 161-171.
- Perrett, D., Penton-Voak, I., Little, A., Tiddeman, B., Burt, D., Schmidt, N., Oxley, R., Kinlock, N., & Barrett, L. (2002). Facial attractiveness judgements reflect learning of parental age characteristics. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 269, 873-880
- Little, A., Burt, D., Penton-Voak, I., & Perrett, D. (2001). Self-perceived attractiveness influences human female preferences for sexual dimorphism and symmetry in male faces. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 268(1462), 39-44.
- Tiddeman, B., Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (2001). Computer graphics in facial perception research. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21, 42-50
- Jones, B., Little, A., Penton-Voak, I., Tiddeman, B., Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (2001). Facial symmetry and judgements of apparent health: Support for a 'good genes' explanation of the attractiveness-symmetry relationship. Evolution and Human Behavior, 22, 417-429
- Penton-Voak, I., Jones, B., Little, A., Baker, S., Tiddeman, B., Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (2001). Symmetry, sexual dimorphism in facial proportions and male facial attractiveness. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 268, 1617-1623
- Perrett, D., Burt, D., Penton-Voak, I., Lee, K., Rowland, D., & Edwards, R. (1999). Symmetry and human facial attractiveness. Evolution and Human Behavior, 20, 295-307
- Penton-Voak, I., Perrett, D., Castles, D., Kobayashi, T., Burt, D., Murray, L., & Minamisawa, R. (1999). Menstrual cycle alters face preference. Nature, 399, 741-742.
- Perrett, D., Lee, K., Penton-Voak, I., Rowland, D., Yoshikawa, S., Burt, D., Henzi, S., Castles, D., & Akamatsu, S. (1998). Effects of sexual dimorphism on facial attractiveness. Nature, 394, 884-887.
- Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (1997). Perceptual asymmetries in judgements of facial attractiveness, age, gender, speech and expression. Neuropsychologia, 35, 685-693.
- Burt, D., & Perrett, D. (1995). Perception of age in adult Caucasian male faces - computer graphic manipulation of shape and color information. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 259, 137-143