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Professor Ann MacLarnon


Master of Hatfield College
Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology


I have worked on a broad range of areas in evolutionary anthropology, including comparative studies of life histories, spinal cord, brain size and gut size, and the evolution of human speech and breathing control. In recent years, my main focus has been on ecological physiology and I have directed a non-invasive hormone lab for 15 years, which I have recently moved to Durham. I have collaborated with many behavioural ecologists working on primates and other mammals to investigate together questions of reproductive, stress and energetic ecology combining physiological and behavioural measures. My postgraduate students have conducted field projects in Nigeria, Morocco, Puerto Rico, Brazil, South Africa and Madagascar, as well as working with captive and semi-free-ranging primates in Europe. 

I am interested in supervising students on areas of ecological physiology in particular, including non-invasive measurement of hormone measures.

Research interests

  • Ecological physiology
  • Behavioural endocrinology
  • Adaptation and stress
  • Sociality and stress
  • Evolution of human speech breathing control


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article