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Professor Alistair McGregor


Professor in the Department of Biosciences


Alistair McGregor studied genetics at the University of Edinburgh. He then carried out his PhD with Gabby Dover at the University of Leicester where he investigated co-evolution between Bicoid and its target gene enhancers, work he continued with Thomas Gregor and Eric Wieschaus. He was then a postdoc with David Stern at Princeton University studying the regulation and evolution of the gene shaven-baby and subsequently with Wim Damen at Cologne University exploring spider genetics and development. He was then appointed as a group leader at the Vetmeduni in Vienna and before moving to Oxford Brookes University where he became a Professor in 2015. In 2022 he moved to the Department of Biosciences here at Durham University. His research investigates the genetic and developmental bases of morphological evolution among Drosophila species, and spider genomics, development and regeneration.

Research Interests

Evolutionary developmental biology

Developmental genetics

Wnt signalling

Gene regulatory networks

Morphological evolution




Chapter in book

Journal Article

Supervision students