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Professor Andreas Maehle

Professor/ Director of Undergraduate Studies

Professor/ Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Philosophy
Professor of History of Medicine and Medical Ethics in the Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences)
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing


Andreas-Holger Maehle was born on 9 April 1957 in Siegen, Germany. He studied Medicine at the University of Bonn (1976-83), was awarded a Dr. med. (Bonn, 1983), served as a military medical officer (1983-84) and was an assistant at the Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Göttingen (1984-1990). He received his habilitation and venia legendi in History of Medicine with the Medical Faculty, Göttingen (1990) and served as Lecturer in History of Medicine, University of Göttingen (1990-91). Moving to England, he was a Wellcome Trust Research Fellow at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, University College London (1991-94) and a Wellcome Trust University Award Holder and Research Fellow at Durham University (1994-96). He received his Ph.D. from University College London in 1996 and went on to be Reader in History of Medicine, Durham University (1996-2000). Since 2000 he has been Professor of History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Department of Philosophy, Durham University, and 2001-2023 in addition Director of the Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease, Wolfson Research Institute, Durham University. He served on the advisory board of the journal Gesnerus until 2020 and was until 2018 a member of the editorial board of the journal Medical History. He is a Member of the American Association for the History of Medicine. He is the author of 6 monographs: 'Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620-1695) als Toxikologe' (Verlag Sauerlaender 1987), 'Kritik und Verteidigung des Tierversuchs: Die Anfaenge der Diskussion im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert' (Franz Steiner Verlag 1992), 'Drugs on Trial: Experimental Pharmacology and Therapeutic Innovation in the Eighteenth Century' (Rodopi 1999), 'Doctors, Honour and the Law: Medical Ethics in Imperial Germany (Palgrave Macmillan 2009), 'Contesting Medical Confidentiality: Origins of the Debate in the United States, Britain, and Germany' (University of Chicago Press 2016), and 'A Short History of British Medical Ethics' (Ockham Publishing 2021). With Cay Pruell and Robert Halliwell he co-authored 'A Short History of the Drug Receptor Concept' (Palgrave Macmillan 2009). With Lutz Sauerteig he edited a special issue of Medical History (vol. 56/2, 2012) on Albert Moll, and with Heather Wolffram a special issue of the Royal Society journal Notes and Records on the history of hypnotism (vol. 71/2, 2017).

His current research is on medical psychology and psychoanalysis in the 19th and early 20th centuries for a new book 'Freud's Berlin Rival: Albert Moll and his Psychology' with McGill-Queen's University Press.

OFFICE HOURS: Mondays, 1.00 - 4.00 pm, room 202, 50/51 Old Elvet.

Research interests

  • ethical issues in the history of medicine
  • history of medicine and the life sciences
  • history of pharmacology
  • history of psychoanalysis
  • history of stem cell research

Esteem Indicators

  • 2018: Royal Society of Medicine: Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
  • 2018: Gesnerus: Member of Scientific Committee of Gesnerus: Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences
  • 2018: AAHM: Member of the American Association for the History of Medicine
  • 2018: Medical History: Member of the Editorial Board of Medical History
  • 2016: Notes and Records Royal Society: Member of the Editorial Board of Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science


Authored book

Chapter in book

Edited book

Journal Article