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Publishing with Durham University IMEMS Press

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General enquiries:

General enquiries and all formal proposals should be submitted to

Information to note:

You are strongly encouraged to discuss your proposal informally with the relevant series editor(s) in advance of submission.

Please note that we cannot consider proposals under consideration with other publishers.

The Press aims to make a decision on proposals within six months.

For our policy on Open Access, please click here.  

The Steps:

1)     After speaking to the relevant series editor(s) and ensuring you have read and understood our Privacy Notice, please download and complete the Durham University IMEMS Press Book Proposal Form

2)     Following submission, and in consultation with the series editors, proposals will be sent out to at least two peer reviewers.

3)     Once received, the (anonymous) reviews will be shared with you and you will be invited to respond. This Author Response will be given to the series editorial board and, if the proposal continues to move through the process, would eventually form part of paperwork given to the other boards (steps 4 and 5).

4)     On receipt of your response to the reviews, if the editors wish to proceed with a proposal, they will then make a recommendation to the Durham University IMEMS Press General Editorial Board.

5)     Following endorsement by the Board, materials will be sent to the Boydell & Brewer Board for final approval.

6)     Following final approval, Boydell & Brewer’s Commissioning Editor, Dr Elizabeth McDonald, will contact you directly to discuss contractual arrangements.

7)     Your final manuscript should be submitted to in line with your contracted timescale.

8)     A final ‘pass for press review’ is commissioned. This may highlight some points that need to be referred back to you. The corrected manuscript is then ‘passed for press’ and submitted to Boydell & Brewer.

9)     You will be contacted directly by Boydell & Brewer’s copy-editor about amendments picked up in the copy-editing process.

10)    Proofs are sent to the author or editor/s for checking and for compilation of the Index.