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Photo of Rebekah Harries

Dr Rebekah Harries joined Durham University’s Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) on the 1st September 2022. 

I am a geomorphologist interested in the feedbacks between climate change, sediment movement through mountain catchments and changing flood hazards. My current work focuses on the impact of extreme precipitation events on river hazards in the central and southern Chilean Andes.

I use a combination of field-based data collection methods to understand the physical landscape processes and social geographies of my study areas, which I then use to inform numerical modelling and climate scenario simulations. I work closely with the communities in these study areas to ensure local knowledge and community needs are embedded in the research design. As well as feeding back into local Chilean communities, the theory developed in these regions has potential impacts in other mountainous environments, such as Morocco and Nepal.

Keep up to date with Rebekah's research:

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