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Student Support and Wellbeing 

Stephenson student support team

College Support 

University is often an exciting chapter of our lives and at Durham, we want every student to reach their full potential.    

Whether you want to develop your academic skills or need help because you’re feeling overwhelmed, there is support available for you.  

Stephenson College strives to create a safe and supportive environment where students can flourish and make the most of their time at University.  

Often students can face challenges, perhaps ill health or personal circumstances, which can impact upon their capacity to study. The College’s Student Support Team helps students to access the support and processes they need to successfully engage with their studies and University life.  

Stephenson College takes a holistic and proactive approach to wellbeing, promoting engagement and opportunities which foster a positive and mutually supportive environment where we can learn and grow together as individuals and as a community. 

Visit our Student Support Hub for more information on all of the support services available to you and how to access them.

More information on Durham University's Student Support and Wellbeing provision

Student Support Hub ( (current students only)


Peer Support 

The Junior Common Room (JCR) and Middle Common Room (MCR) have a student welfare team, headed by a Welfare Officer, elected in to post by fellow students. They work in close partnership and under the guidance of the College Student Support Team. The student welfare teams offer a friendly face and can signpost students who prefer to speak to other students.  

The JCR/MCR Welfare Teams also run a number of campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness of important issues such as wellbeing, substance misuse, LGBT+, consent and mental health. This may be through hosting guest speakers, running workshops or simply sharing information to raise awareness. 

doggy de-stress