Video of integrated zero-carbon hub for Hydrogen

The video of DEI - CESI research webinar on Integrated Zero-Carbon Hub is now live and available to view. It explores how by using an integrated, symbiotic system, hydrogen can deliver distributed heat, cooling and electricity for residential, industrial and commercial applications and provide hydrogen and electric charging services for transport.
In the webinar Dr Yiji Lu discusses the CESI case study: Integrated Zero-Carbon Hub, introducing the project’s ambitious scope and current insights from the project.
The project explores the opportunity for hydrogen to deliver distributed heat, cooling and electricity for residential, industrial and commercial applications and provide hydrogen and electric charging services for transport in an integrated, symbiotic system.
The session included a panel discussion between the case study’s co-investigators Dr Yiji Lu and Professor Simone Abram and was chaired by Professor Tony Roskilly as case study principal investigator.
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