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Our Objectives

  • To provide a stimulating and interdisciplinary postdoctoral training programme in energy for postgraduate researchers within the setting of the established Durham Energy Institute
  • To produce a cohort of highly employable, skilled and talented researchers who are equipped to deal with the multi-faceted challenges facing the energy sector and wider society in the 21st century
  • To deliver a challenging and broad-ranging taught programme and a specialist doctoral research project involving world-leading interdisciplinary energy-related research
  • To provide the students with transferable and generic skills, that enable them to pursue a wide range of professional careers within the energy sector. This will include presentation communication and business skills, scientific writing and research skills, personal and team working skills, networking and career management, and outreach and ethics
  • To effectively disseminate research results by developing an engaging outreach programme for the wider community. Dissemination and outreach activities include links to local schools, publicising information via the web and also through the media
  • To create a truly cross-disciplinary centre that will undertake world-leading energy-related research across the Faculties of Science and Social Sciences and Health and form an integral and valuable part of the Durham Energy Institute