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Andrea Silva-Caballero

Honorary Fellow

Honorary Fellow in the Department of Anthropology


Andrea completed her B.A. in Biological Anthropology in 2013 at the National School of Anthropology and History, Mexico City. Since then, she has specialized in medical anthropology with a focus on the pediatric population. Andrea holds an MSc in Evolutionary Medicine awarded in 2017 by the University of Durham, United Kingdom, and is currently a member of the Durham Infancy & Sleep Center, where she works on her Ph.D. research.

Andrea's study aims to reexamine current biomedical ideas concerning adolescent sleep by examining and comparing adolescents' sleep patterns in two rural sites and one urban site in Mexico. In particular, she addresses the phase shift in adolescents' sleep-wake cycle and the influence of artificial light and solitary sleep on their sleep timing and duration. Andrea's research is being funded by the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT).

Research interests

  • Human sleep ecology
  • Development of sleep patterns and circadian rhythms
  • Emotional dream content
  • Integration of evolutionary and socio-cultural perspectives on anthropology of sleep
  • Health disparities & birth outcomes, infanticide
  • Socio-cultural representations on health and disease processes