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7 February 2024 - 7 February 2024

3:00PM - 6:00PM

Concert Room, Music Department, Palace Green, Durham, DH1 3RL

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This is a rare chance to experience a participatory ‘mixed reality’ (virtual and actual reality, visual + sound) art installation and concert, with pianist and visiting Fellow Dr Svetlana Rudenko! At the Durham Music Department, Palace Green.

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Mixed Reality

 With innovative, cutting edge digital technology and visuals in Mixed Reality we are exploring the fantasy world of creative minds: composers narrative in music, synaesthesia art and multisensory perception. We are creating the Dream-like world with Mixed Reality and exploring visualisation of senses by technology. The very essence of creative consciousness and emotions, the driving source of human existence. 

DreaMR Mixed Reality study/ Art Exhibition (free to attend)

Time slots are available during 3-6pm on 31st Jan and 7th February:


Also available: DreaMR - Mixed Reality Piano Concert and talk




Free to attend