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About Us

Law and Global Justice at Durham (LGJD), a research cluster based in Durham Law School, provides a forum for the development and dissemination of legal research with an international, transnational, or global dimension.

It also provides a home for inter-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary research that relates to wider debates over global justice. The cluster, primarily composed of academics and postgraduate researchers within Durham Law School, is increasingly expanding to include participants from across the University whose research and scholarship has a global dimension and touches on the role of law on that global plane.
Find out more about us
Students working in group


Thom Brooks interviewed on ITV about Life in the UK test

ITV News broadcast a report into the “Life in the UK” test for British citizenship. Professor Thom Brooks was interviewed and the piece was entitled “Like a Bad Pub Quiz?” highlighting the title of his report into the need to reform the test. Brooks’s work on the test has been debated in Parliament, he has given oral and written evidence to Parliamentary committees and cited in multiple reports.
Thom Brooks on ITV

Thom Brooks joins editorial board of Hegel Society of America’s flagship journal

The Hegel Society of America’s flagship journal, The Owl of Minerva, has invited Durham Law School’s Professor Thom Brooks to joins its editorial board as one of a team of new primary editors under longstanding editor-in-chief Professor Ardis Collins.
Owl Of Minerva

Upcoming events

  • Expedited International Arbitration Panel

    Wednesday 2 October 2024 - Wednesday 2 October 2024
    4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
    This is a hybrid event. If you are attending in person the event is located at: PCL 048 (Palatine Centre, Law School)
    Book Title and Authors

Expedited International Arbitration Panel

Wednesday 2 October 2024 - Wednesday 2 October 2024
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
This is a hybrid event. If you are attending in person the event is located at: PCL 048 (Palatine Centre, Law School)
Book Title and Authors

Get in Touch

For enquiries about Law and Global Justice at Durham, visit our staff pages for individual contact details.

Law and Global Justice at Durham

Durham Law School

Durham University

Palatine Centre

Stockton Road




Telephone: +44 (0)191 334 2800