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Aileen Editha


Aileen is a tutor at the Law School, where she teaches EU Constitutional Law and Tort Law. Prior to starting her MJur, she completed an undergraduate Law degree at Collingwood College, Durham University. She submitted her MJur thesis in November 2020 and has obtained an unconditional pass.

She is also a research assistant to Professor Robert Schütze, where she makes EU law student resources, and works to increasing the accessibility of EU law through the European Union Law companion website. Aileen is also co-secretary of the Institute of Medical Ethics' Postgraduate Bioethics.

Current research

Aileen’s thesis, entitled "Is My Body My Property? A Proposal for the Recognition of Property Rights over Bodily Materials", focusses on England’s law on the removal, storage and use of bodily materials.

It explores the relationship between a system of acquisition of bodily materials, proprietary rights over them, and the prohibition of commercial dealings of such materials. In trying to make sense of the contradictions in the current law, she hopes her thesis will provide a helpful contribution to the legal framework of organ donations, especially with the recent adoption of an opt-out system in England. Her thesis argues for the recognition of a rudimentary principle to property rights which will hopefully help alleviate systemic inequalities in medicine.

Aileen's thesis is supervised by Professor Shaun Pattinson and Dr Benedict Douglas.

Research interests

  • Bioethics
  • Critical race theory
  • Feminist theories
  • Medical ethics