Staff profile
Sarah Barthélemy is the Catherine de Francheville Fellow in the History of Catholicism at the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University. She holds a joint doctorate in history, art, and archaeology from the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and in history and civilisations from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France). She has taught as a visiting professor in Belgium (UCLouvain Saint-Louis). She is a convening committee founding member of ISHWRA, the International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association. Her research and publications focus on the history of gender and Catholicism, the history of religious institutions, and the construction and politics of women's sanctity.
Her current research project considers the way women, oscillating between the status of lay and religious, worked for the conversion of the souls through the organisation of spiritual retreats for women. It brings new attention to the case of the demoiselles of La Retraite, founded in 1675 by Catherine de Francheville, by discussing their modalities of engagement within a Church of men, the spiritual and material tools used in the retreats, and the later perception of their founding figure as inseparable from a group of candidates for sainthood. The chronology will go beyond the seventeenth-century perspective to investigate the evolutions and alterations of their first form of existence, as well as new activities, such as the involvement of the demoiselles in networks of devotion by producing embroidered hearts.
Chapter in book
- Barthelemy, S. (2024). Les « instructions » de Catherine de Francheville (1620-1689). Parcours de genre à travers ses Vies écrites par les jésuites. In S. Barthélemy, P. Desmette, P.-A. Fabre, & P. Martin (Eds.), Saintetés jésuites. Genre et histoire (XVIe-XIXe siècles) (163-177). Presses Universitaires de Louvain
- Barthelemy, S. (2023). La Compagnie restaurée.Masculinités jésuites en France dans le premier XIXe siècle. In J.-P. Gay, S. Mostaccio, & J. Tricou (Eds.), Masculinités sacerdotales (87-105). Brepols Publishers
- Barthelemy, S. (2014). Un modèle disputé. Les Fidèles Compagnes de Jésus face à la Compagnie. In S. Mostaccio, M. Caffiero, J. De Maeyer, P.-A. Fabre, & A. Serra (Eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre : femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien (219-233). Presses Universitaires de Louvain
Edited book
Journal Article
- Barthélemy, S. (2021). What Gender Does to Religious Institutions. Reflections on Women’s Religious Congregations in the Nineteenth Century. Trajecta: Religion, Culture and Society in the Low Countries, 30(2), 243-265.
- Barthélemy, S. (2019). Français et jésuite. Les Lettres édifiantes et curieuses de Chine, entreprise éditoriale de la mission jésuite française (1702-1783). Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 114(1-2), 224-264.
- Barthelemy, S. (2016). Lectures de religieuses de la Contre-Révolution. La bibliothèque parisienne des Filles du Cœur de Marie. Études sur le XVIIIe siècle, 44(Femmes des anti-Lumières, femmes apologistes),