Staff profile
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Professor in the Department of Engineering | +44 (0) 191 33 42450 |
Chapter in book
- Stirling, R., Hughes, P., Davie, C., & Glendinning, S. (2014). Cyclic relationship between saturation and tensile strength in the near-surface zone of infrastructure embankments. In N. Khalili, A. Russell, & A. Khoshghalb (Eds.), Unsaturated soils : research and applications : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT 2014, Sydney, Australia, 2-4 July 2014 (1501-1505). CRC Press/Balkema.
- Hen-Jones, R., Hughes, P., Glendinning, S., Gunn, D., Chambers, J., Wilkinson, P., & Uhlemann, S. (2014). Determination of moisture content and soil suction in engineered fills using electrical resistivity. In N. Khalili, A. Russell, & A. Khoshghalb (Eds.), Unsaturated soils : research and applications : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT 2014, Sydney, Australia, 2-4 July 2014 (1695-1699). CRC Press/Balkema.
- Toll, D., Mendes, J., Gallipoli, D., Glendinning, S., & Hughes, P. (2012). Investigating the impacts of climate change on slopes: field measurements. In T. Radford (Ed.), EARTHWORKS IN EUROPE (151-161).
Conference Paper
- Hughes, P., Hen-Jones, R., Stirling, R., Glendinning, S., Gunn, D., Chambers, J., Dijkstra, T., Smethurst, J., & Flesjo, K. (2016, December). Challenges in monitoring and managing engineered slopes in a changing climate. Presented at 3rd European conference on unsaturated soils, Paris
- Hughes, P. (2024, July). Unsaturated behaviour of material from a vernacular eastern Croatia rammed earth house. Presented at Second RILEM International Conference on Earthen Construction, Edinburgh, UK
- Mutsvairo, T., Lloret-Cabot, M., Hughes, P., Muguda-Viswanath, S., & Dias, A. S. (2024, April). A non-hysteretic simplification to the Glasgow Coupled Model (GCM). Presented at 2024 UK Association for Computational Mechanics Conference, Durham, UK
- Muguda, S., Lucas, G., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Cuccurullo, A., Bruno, A. W., Perlot, C., & Gallipoli, D. (2018, December). Advances in the Use of Biological Stabilisers and Hyper-compaction for Sustainable Earthen Construction Materials. Presented at International Symposium on Earthen Structures 2018 (ISES2018), Bangalore, India
- Muguda, S., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Perlot, C., Bruno, A., & Gallipoli, D. (2019, December). Geotechnical characterisation of recycled biopolymer-stabilised earthen materials. Presented at The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik Iceland
- Muguda, S., Booth, S., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Perlot, C., Bruno, A., & Gallipoli, D. (2018, August). Preliminary study on use of biopolymers in earthen construction. Presented at 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Hong Kong, China
- Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A., La Borderie, C., Augarde, C., & Hughes, P. (2018, August). The effect of ambient humidity on the stiffness and strength of a hyper-compacted silty clay for earth building. Presented at 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Hong Kong, China
- Stirling, S., Helm, P., Glendinning, S., Asquith, J., Hughes, P., & Toll, D. (2017, September). Deterioration of geotechnical infrastructure: the influence of asset aging through environmental cycling. Presented at 19th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul, Korea
- Toll, D., Asquith, J., Hughes, P., & Osinski, P. (2016, September). Soil Water Retention Behaviour of a Sandy Clay Fill Material. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, Guimarães, Portugal
- Toll, D., Hughes, P., & Asquith, J. (2016, September). Soil water retention behaviour for an instrumented embankment. Presented at 3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Paris, France
- Hughes, P., Glendinning, S., Dixon, N., Dijkstra, T., Clarke, D., Smethurst, J., Powrie, W., Toll, D., Mendes, J., & Hughes, D. (2008, December). Field testing and modelling the effects of climate on geotechnical infrastructure - A collaborative approach. Presented at Advances in Transportation Geotechnics, Nottingham
- Glendinning, S., Hughes, P., Hughes, D., Clarke, D., Smethurst, J., Powrie, W., Dixon, N., Dijkstra, T., Toll, D., & Mendes, J. (2008, December). Biological and Engineering Impacts of Climate on Slopes – Learning from Full-Scale. Presented at 10th International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Xian, P.R. China
- Hughes, P., Glendinning, S., Davies, O., & Mendes, J. (2008, December). Construction and monitoring of a test embankment for evaluation of the impacts of climate change on UK transport infrastructure. Presented at Advances in Transportation Geotechnics, Nottingham
Journal Article
- Wang, J., Hughes, P. N., & Augarde, C. E. (online). Towards a predictive model of the shear strength behaviour of fibre reinforced clay. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 28(2), 380-400.
- Dias, A. S., Hughes, P. N., & Toll, D. G. (2024). Soil–Water Retention Curve Prediction for Compacted London Clay Subjected to Moisture Cycles. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 42(4), 2799-2814.
- Dias, A. S., Hughes, P. N., Toll, D. G., & Glendinning, S. (2023). A simple method to determine soil–water retention curves of compacted active clays. Transportation Geotechnics, 43, 101138.
- Morsy, A. M., Helm, P. R., El-Hamalawi, A., Smith, A., Hughes, P. N., Stirling, R. A., Dijkstra, T. A., Dixon, N., & Glendinning, S. (2023). Development of a Multiphase Numerical Modeling Approach for Hydromechanical Behavior of Clay Embankments Subject to Weather-Driven Deterioration. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(8),
- Wang, J., Hughes, P. N., & Augarde, C. E. (2023). Effects of fibre additions on the tensile strength and crack behaviour of unsaturated clay. Ground Improvement, 176(2), 108-120.
- Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2022). Earth stabilisation via carbonate precipitation by plant-derived urease for building applications. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 30, Article 100230.
- Muguda, S., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Perlot, C., Bruno, A., & Gallipoli, D. (2022). Cross-linking of biopolymers for stabilising earthen construction materials. Building Research and Information, 50(5), 502-514.
- Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2021). A comparative study of the effects of particle grading and compaction effort on the strength and stiffness of earth building materials at different humidity levels. Construction and Building Materials, 306, Article 124770.
- Stirling, R., Toll, D., Glendinning, S., Helm, P., Yildiz, A., Hughes, P., & Asquith, J. (2021). Weather-driven deterioration processes affecting the performance of embankment slopes. Géotechnique, 71(11), 957-969.
- Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2020). Influence of particle grading on the hygromechanical properties of hypercompacted earth. Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, 5(1), Article 2.
- Muguda, S., Lucas, G., Hughes, P. N., Augarde, C. E., Perlot, C., Bruno, A. W., & Gallipoli, D. (2020). Durability and hygroscopic behaviour of biopolymer stabilised earthen construction materials. Construction and Building Materials, 259, Article 119725.
- Davis, C., Coningham, R., Acharya, K., Kunwar, R., Forlin, P., Weise, K., Maskey, P., Joshi, A., Simpson, I., Toll, D., Wilkinson, S., Hughes, P., Sarhosis, V., Kumar, A., & Schmidt, A. (2020). Identifying archaeological evidence of past earthquakes in a contemporary disaster scenario: Case-studies of damage, resilience and risk reduction from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and past seismic events within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property (Nepal). Journal of Seismology, 24(4), 729-751.
- Kumar, A., Hughes, P. N., Sarhosis, V., Toll, D., Wilkinson, S., Coningham, R., Acharya, K. P., Weise, K., Joshi, A., Davis, C., Kunwar, R. B., & Maskey, P. N. (2020). Experimental, numerical and field study investigating a heritage structure collapse after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. Natural Hazards, 101(1), 231-253.
- Sargent, P., Rouainia, M., Diambra, C., Nash, D., & Hughes, P. (2020). Small to large strain mechanical behaviour of an alluvium stabilised with low carbon secondary minerals. Construction and Building Materials, 232, Article 117174.
- Dixon, N., Crosby, C., Stirling, R., Hughes, P., Smethurst, J., Briggs, K., Hughes, D., Gunn, D., Hobbs, P., Loveridge, F., Glendinning, S., Dijkstra, T., & Hudson, A. (2019). In situ measurements of near-surface hydraulic conductivity in engineered clay slopes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 52(1), 23-135.
- Dawson, R. J., Thompson, D., Johns, D., Wood, R., Darch, G., Chapman, L., Hughes, P. N., Watson, G. V., Paulson, K., Bell, S., Gosling, S. N., Powrie, W., & Hall, J. W. (2018). A systems framework for national assessment of climate risks to infrastructure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2121), Article 20170298.
- Tang, A., Hughes, P., Dijkstra, T., Askarinejad, A., Brenčič, M., Cui, Y., Diez, J., Firgi, T., Gajewska, B., Gentile, F., Grossi, G., Jommi, C., Kehagia, F., Koda, E., ter Maat, H., Lenart, S., Lourenco, S., Oliveira, M., Osinski, P., Springman, S., …Van Beek, V. (2018). Atmosphere–vegetation–soil interactions in a climate change context; impact of changing conditions on engineered transport infrastructure slopes in Europe. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 51(2), 156-168.
- Muguda, S., Booth, S. J., Hughes, P. N., Augarde, C. E., Perlot, C., Bruno, A. W., & Gallipoli, D. (2017). Mechanical properties of biopolymer-stabilised soil-based construction materials. Géotechnique Letters, 7(4), 309-314.
- Smethurst, J., Smith, A., Uhlemann, S., Wooff, C., Chambers, J., Hughes, P., Lenart, S., Saroglou, H., Springman, S., Löfroth, H., & Hughes, D. (2017). Current and future role of instrumentation and monitoring in the performance of transport infrastructure slopes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 50(3), 271-286.
- Hen-Jones, R., Hughes, P., Stirling, R., Glendinning, S., Chambers, J., Gunn, D., & Cui, Y. (2017). Seasonal effects on geophysical-geotechnical relationships and their implications for Electrical Resistivity Tomography monitoring of slopes. Acta Geotechnica, 12(5), 1159-1173.
- Sargent, P., Hughes, P., & Rouainia, M. (2016). A new low carbon cementitious binder for stabilising weak ground conditions through deep soil mixing. Soils and Foundations, 56(6), 1021-1034.
- Gunn, D., Chambers, J., Uhlemann, S., Wilkinson, P., Meldrum, P., Dijkstra, T., Haslam, E., Kirkham, M., Wragg, J., Holyoake, S., Hughes, P., Hen-Jones, R., & Glendinning, S. (2015). Moisture monitoring in clay embankments using electrical resistivity tomography. Construction and Building Materials, 92, 82-94.
- Stirling, R., Hughes, P., Davie, C., & Glendinning, S. (2015). Tensile behaviour of unsaturated compacted clay soils — A direct assessment method. Applied Clay Science, 112-113, 123-133.
- Glendinning, S., Hughes, P., Helm, P., Chambers, J., Mendes, J., Gunn, D., Wilkinson, P., & Uhlemann, S. (2014). Construction, management and maintenance of embankments used for road and rail infrastructure: implications of weather induced pore water pressures. Acta Geotechnica, 9(5), 799-816.
- Sargent, P., Hughes, P., Rouainia, M., & White, M. (2013). The use of alkali activated waste binders in enhancing the mechanical properties and durability of soft alluvial soils. Engineering Geology, 152(1), 96-108.
- Hughes, P., N, G., S, M., D, A., C, W., & M, L. (2011). Use of red gypsum in soil mixing engineering applications. Geotechnical Engineering, 164(3), 223-234.
- Hughes, P., Glendinning, S., Manning, D., & Noble, B. (2010). Production of `green' concrete using red gypsum and waste. Engineering Sustainability, 163(3), 137-146.
- Kilsby, C., Glendinning, S., Hughes, P., Parkin, G., & Bransby, M. (2009). Climate-change impacts on long-term performance of slopes. Engineering Sustainability, 162(2), 59-66.
- Hughes, P., Glendinning, S., Mendes, J., Parkin, G., Toll, D., Gallipoli, D., & Miller, P. (2009). Full-scale testing to assess climate effects on embankments. Engineering Sustainability, 162(2), 67-79.
- Glendinning, S., Loveridge, F., Starr-Keddle, R., Bransby, M., & Hughes, P. (2009). Role of vegetation in sustainability of infrastructure slopes. Engineering Sustainability, 162(2), 101-110.
Supervision students
Takkie Mutsvairo
Research Postgraduate – Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Node