Staff profile
Peter Atkins
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography |
Authored book
- Atkins, P. (2010). Liquid materialities: a history of milk, science and the law. Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P., & Bowler, I. (2001). Food in society, economy, culture, geography. Arnold
- Atkins, P., Simmons, I., & Roberts, B. (1998). People, Land and Time. Arnold
- Raw, M., & Atkins, P. (1995). Agriculture and Food. Collins Educational
- Atkins, P. (1990). The Directories of London, 1677-1977. Mansell
Chapter in book
- Atkins, P. (2013). A social history of the science of food analysis and the control of adulteration. In A. Murcott, W. Belasco, & P. Jackson (Eds.), The Handbook of Food Research. Bloomsbury
- Atkins, P. (2012). Introduction. In P. Atkins (Ed.), Animal cities : beastly urban histories (1-17). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2012). The Charmed Circle. In P. Atkins (Ed.), Animal cities : beastly urban histories (53-76). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2012). Animal Wastes and Nuisances in Nineteenth-Century London. In P. Atkins (Ed.), Animal cities : beastly urban histories (19-51). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2012). The Urban Blood and Guts Economy. In P. Atkins (Ed.), Animal cities : beastly urban histories (77-106). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2012). Food security, safety, and crises: 1920-2000. In A. Bentley (Ed.), A cultural history of food in the modern age (69-86). Berg
- Atkins, P. (2011). Communal feeding in war time: British restaurants, 1940-1947. In I. Zweiniger-Bargielowska, R. Duffett, & A. Drouard (Eds.), Food and war in twentieth century Europe (139-153). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2010). Lobbying and resistance with regard to policy on bovine tuberculosis: an inside/outside model of Britain, 1900-1939. In M. Worboys, & F. Condrau (Eds.), Tuberculosis then and now : perspectives on the history of an infectious disease (189-212). (!st ed.). McGill-Queen’s University Press
- Oddy, D., & Atkins, P. (2009). Introduction. In D. Oddy, P. Atkins, & V. Amilien (Eds.), The rise of obesity in Europe : a twentieth century food history (1-11). Ashgate Publishing
- Oddy, D., & Atkins, P. (2009). Conclusion. In D. Oddy, P. Atkins, & V. Amilien (Eds.), The rise of obesity in Europe : a twentieth century food history (223-233). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2009). Famine. In R. Kitchin, & N. Thrift (Eds.), International encyclopedia of human geography (14-20). Elsevier.
- Atkins, P., & Stanziani, A. (2008). From laboratory expertise to litigation. The municipal laboratory of Paris and the Inland Revenue laboratory in London, 1870-1914: A Comparative Analysis. In S. Van Damme, & C. Rabier (Eds.), Fields of expertise: a comparative history of expert procedures in Paris and London, 1600 to present (317-338). Cambridge Scholars Press
- Atkins, P. (2007). A tale of two cities: a comparison of food systems in London and Paris in the 1850s. In P. Atkins, P. Lummel, & D. Oddy (Eds.), Food in the city in Europe since the late eighteenth century (25-38). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2007). Le concept de lait sain en Grande-Bretagne et sa mise en oeuvre, 1900-1960. In F. Audoin-Rouzeau, & F. Sabban (Eds.), Un aliment sain dans un corps sain: perspectives historiques (273-287). Presses Universitaires Francois-Rabelais
- Atkins, P., & Oddy, D. (2007). Food and the city. In P. Atkins, P. Lummel, & D. Oddy (Eds.), Food and the City in Europe since 1800 (1-10). Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P. (2005). The Empire Marketing Board. In D. Oddy, & L. Petráňová (Eds.), The diffusion of food culture in Europe from the late eighteenth century to the present day (248-255). Academia Press
- Atkins, P. (2004). Edmund Charles Tisdall (1824-1892). In C. Matthew (Ed.), New Dictionary of National Biography (839-840). Oxford University Press
- Atkins, P. (2004). Sir William Price (1865-1938). In C. Matthew (Ed.), New Dictionary of National Biography (325-326). Oxford University Press
- Atkins, P. (2003). Is it urban? The relationship between food production and urban space in Britain, 1800-1950. In M. Hietala, & T. Vahtikari (Eds.), The landscape of food : the food relationship of town and country in modern times (133-144). Finnish Literature Society
- Atkins, P. (2000). The pasteurisation of England: the science, culture and health implications of milk processing, 1900-1950. In D. Smith, & J. Phillips (Eds.), Food, science, policy and regulation in the 20th century (37-51). Routledge
- Atkins, P. (2000). Milk consumption and tuberculosis in Britain, 1850-1950. In A. Fenton (Ed.), Order and disorder : the health implications of eating and drinking in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (83-95). Tuckwell Press
- Atkins, P. (1996). A séance with the living: the intelligibility of the north Korean landscape. In H. Smith (Ed.), North Korea in the New World Order (196-211). Macmillan
- Atkins, P. (1993). The dialectics of environment and culture: kimilsungism and the north Korean landscape. In A. Mukherjee, & V. Agnihotri (Eds.), Environment and Development: Views from the East and the West (309-332). Concept
- Atkins, P. (1993). Causey Arch and the industrial revolution in North East England. In J. Sargent, & R. Wiltshire (Eds.), Geographical Studies and Japan (182-184). Japan Library
- Atkins, P. (1986). Edmund Charles Tidsall (1824-1892) milk retailer and wholesaler. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography (534-536). Butterworths
- Atkins, P. (1986). Edwin White (1873-1965) milk wholesaler and retailer. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography. Butterworths
- Atkins, P. (1986). The production and marketing of fruit and vegetables 1850-1950. In D. Oddy, & D. Miller (Eds.), Diet and health in modern Britain (102-133). Croom Helm
- Atkins, P. (1985). Leonard Maggs (1890-1959) dairy company chairman. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography (81-82). Butterworks
- Atkins, P. (1985). Sir William Price (1865-1938) milk retailer and wholesaler. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography (769-771). Butterworths
- Atkins, P. (1985). Joseph Herbert Maggs (1890-1964) dairy company chairman. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography (79-80). Butterworths
- Atkins, P. (1984). Arthur Saxby Barham (1865-1952) milk wholesaler and retailer. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography: a Biographical Dictionary of Business Leaders Active in Britain in the Period 1860-1980 (156-157). Butterworks
- Atkins, P. (1984). Sir George Barham (1836-1913) milk wholesaler and retailer. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography (157-161). Butterworths
- Atkins, P. (1984). Sir Robert Butler (1866-1933) milk and dairy products wholesaler and retailer. In D. Jeremy (Ed.), Dictionary of Business Biography (531-533). Butterworths
- Atkins, P. (1978). The growth of London's milk trade c. 1845-1914. In The European cities and technology reader (208-226). Routledge/Open University
Edited book
- Atkins, P. (Ed.). (2012). Animal Cities: Beastly Urban Histories. Ashgate Publishing
- Oddy, D., Atkins, P., & Amilien, V. (Eds.). (2009). The Rise of Obesity in Europe: a Twentieth Century Food History. Ashgate Publishing
- Atkins, P., Lummel, P., & Odddy, D. (Eds.). (2007). Food and the city in Europe since 1800. Ashgate Publishing
Journal Article
- Atkins, P. J., & Lamberton, A. (2024). Cheesemaking in Cheshire 1550–1750. Northern History, 61(2), 180-201.
- Atkins, P. J. (2022). Navy victuallers and the rise of Cheshire cheese. International Journal of Maritime History, 34(1),
- Khan, A. U., Hassan, M., & Atkins, P. J. (2014). International curriculum transfer in geography in higher education: an example. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 38(3), 348-360.
- Atkins, P., & Robinson, P. (2013). Bovine tuberculosis and badgers in Britain: relevance of the past. Epidemiology and Infection, 141(Special issue 7), 1437-1444.
- Atkins, P., & Robinson, P. (2013). Coalition culls and zoonotic ontologies. Environment and Planning A, 45(6), 1372-1386.
- Atkins, P. (2011). The material histories of food quality and composition. Endeavour, 35(2-3), 74-79.
- Hassan, M., & Atkins, P. (2011). Application of geostatistics with Indicator Kriging for analyzing spatial variability of groundwater arsenic concentrations in southwest Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 46(11), 1185-96.
- Huda, K., Atkins, P., Donoghue, D., & Cox, N. (2010). Small water bodies in Bangladesh. Area, 42(2), 217-227.
- Atkins, P. (2009). The history of food exchanges: a new agenda. Food & history, 7(1), 111-123.
- Atkins, P. (2008). Fear of animal foods: a century of zoonotics. Appetite, 51(1), 18-21.
- Atkins, P. (2007). Laboratories, laws, and the career of a commodity. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 25(6), 967-989.
- Atkins, P. (2007). School Milk in Britain, 1900-1934. Journal of Policy History, 19(4), 395-427.
- Atkins, P., Hassan, M., & Dunn, C. (2007). Environmental irony: summoning death in Bangladesh. Environment and Planning A, 39(11), 2699-2714.
- Isalm, T., & Atkins, P. (2007). Indigenous floating cultivation: a sustainable agricultural practice in the wetlands of Bangladesh. Development in Practice, 17(1), 130-136.
- Bourdieu, J., Bruegel, M., & Atkins, P. (2007). ‘That elusive feature of food consumption’: historical perspectives on quality, a review and some proposals. Food & history, 5(2), 247-267.
- Atkins, P. (2007). Early experiments with school milk in Britain, 1900-34. Journal of Policy History, 19, 395-427
- Hassan, M., & Atkins, P. (2007). Arsenic risk mapping in Bangladesh: a simulation technique of cokriging estimation from regional count data
- Atkins, P., Hassan, M., & Dunn, C. (2007). Poisons, pragmatic governance and deliberative democracy: The arsenic crisis in Bangladesh. Geoforum, 38(1), 155-170.
- Nadiruzzaman, N., & Atkins, P. (2007). Infrastructure and poverty reduction: the Rural Maintenance Programme in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, 30(2), 1-6
- Atkins, P., Hassan, M., & Dunn, C. (2006). Toxic torts: arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh and the legal geographies of responsibility. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 31(3), 272-285.
- Huda, K., Atkins, P., & Dunn, C. (2006). Monitoring and spatial mapping of small water bodies using GIS and remote sensing
- Hassan, M., Atkins, P., & Dunn, C. (2006). Pattern of groundwater arsenic concentrations in diffrent aquifers
- Hassan, M., Atkins, P., & Dunn, C. (2006). Social implications of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh. Social Science & Medicine, 61(10), 2201-2211.
- Atkins, P. (2005). The Milk in Schools Scheme, 1934-45: 'nationalization' and resistance. History of Education, 34(1), 1-21.
- Atkins, P. (2005). Mapping foodscapes. Food & history, 3(1), 267-280.
- Atkins, P. (2005). Fattening children or fattening farmers? School milk in Britain, 1921-1941. The Economic History Review, 58(1), 57-78.
- Huda, K., & Atkins, P. (2005). The creation and uses of small water bodies in Bangladesh: case study of Shahjadpur Thana. Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, 28(2), 1-7
- Atkins, P. (2004). Interdisciplinarity and positionality: case studies from the social sciences. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 29(1), 1-4
- Hassan, M., Atkins, P., & Dunn, C. (2004). Suitable arsenic mitigation options in Bangladesh: voices of local people. Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, 27(2), 1-7
- Atkins, P. (2004). The Glasgow case: meat, disease and regulation, 1889-1924. Agricultural History Review, 52(2), 161-182
- Hassan, M., Atkins, P., & Dunn, C. (2003). The spatial pattern of risk from arsenic poisoning: A Bangladesh case study
- Atkins, P. (2003). Mother's milk and infant death in Britain, circa 1900-1940. Anthropology of food, 2,
- Kumar, N., Raju, S., Atkins, P., & Townsend, J. (1997). Where angels fear to tread? Mapping women and men in India. Environment and Planning A, 29(12), 2207-2215.
- Atkins, P., Townsend, J., Raju, S., & Kumar, N. (1997). A geography of the sex ratio in India
- Gastoni, M., & Atkins, P. (1997). The Maltese food system and the Mediterranean. GeoJournal, 41(2), 127-136.
- Atkins, P. (1993). How the West End has won: the struggle to remove street barriers in Victorian London. Journal of Historical Geography, 19(3), 265-277.
- Atkins, P. (1992). White poison? the social consequences of milk consumption, 1850–1930. Social History of Medicine, 5(2), 207-227.
- Atkins, P. (1991). Sophistication detected: or, the adulteration of the milk supply, 1850-1914. Social History, 16, 317-339.
- Sheub, S., & Atkins, P. (1991). Crop area estimation: a comparison of remote sensing and census methods. Geography, 76(3), 235-239
- Atkins, P. (1990). The spatial configuration of class solidarity in London's West End, 1792-1939. Urban History, 17, 35-65.
- Atkins, P. (1989). The compilation and reliability of London directories. The London Journal, 14(1), 17-28.
- Atkins, P. (1989). Eighteenth century London directories
- Atkins, P. (1989). London's suburban directories, 1827 circa 1975
- Atkins, P. (1989). The Covent Garden Ladies
- Atkins, P. (1989). Operation Flood. Geography, 74, 259-262
- Atkins, P. (1988). London directories: a reassessment
- Atkins, P. (1988). India's dairy development and Operation flood. Food Policy, 13, 305-312
- Atkins, P. (1988). Redefining agricultural geography as the geography of food. Area, 20(3), 281-283
- Atkins, P. (1987). The charmed circle: von Thünen and agriculture around nineteenth century London. Geography, 72(2), 129-139
- Atkins, P. (1977). London's intra-urban milk supply, circa 1790-1914. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series 2(3), 383-399
- Atkins, P. (1972). Moated medieval sites