Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering | +44 (0) 191 33 42538 |
Peter Matthews is an Associate Professor in Design Informatics at the Department of Engineering. His research in Design Informatics utilises data mining and machine learning tools to critically appraise technical data sets, such as operational sensor data from wind turbines (typically from SCADA systems). Gaining insights to the underlying processes governing these systems gives us a deeper understanding, which ultimately leads to improved design for the next generation of system.
The primary goal for machine learning with technical data is to be able to predict with sufficient warning when a machine is likely to fail. This prognostic ability has the potential of providing significant cost savings to industry: maintenance can be performed at the optimal time, allowing better planning, and the risk of incurring secondary damage is mitigated. Dr Matthews has led several successful projects which have accurately predicted failures for specific sub-systems (see results with Chen (2015), Godwin (2013), and Smith (2015)).
Another important component of Dr Matthews’ research is the production of tractable and humanly-understandable rules. Tractable rules require a much simpler validation process and are therefore more useable by system operators and designers when seeking to improve a system’s performance.
Wind Energy
Dr Matthews' wind energy research is primarily in data mining SCADA and other wind turbine operational data. This research is primarily aimed at developing diagnostic and prognostic measures for individual wind turbine health. The approach taken is based around statistical modelling of healthy wind turbines, and then comparing live wind turbines against this healthy model. Other methods (eg physics based) are under development as well, again using ‘big data’ approaches to validate.
In addition to SCADA analysis, Dr Matthews has directed research in wake optimisation and maintenance strategy simulation. The wake optimisation research has delivered a workable dynamic wind farm controller that can minimise the effect of in-farm wakes on total production. The maintenance strategy simulation provided a Monte Carlo based approach for developing and testing alternative off-shore wind farm maintenance strategies.
Much of the Wind Energy research is undertaken with industrial partners Ørsted Energy and Maia Eolis (now Engie Green).
Energy Distribution
The energy distribution sector has a broad range of customers, from domestic through to large industrial customers. All these customers use electricity in different ways, and their consumption is recorded using SCADA systems. Dr Matthews’ research in the Energy Distribution sector centres around data mining these SCADA databases of thousands of customers, as well as hundreds of electrical substations, to gain better understanding of the overall picture of electricity use. Dr Matthews has also directed research to forecast the demand increases at substation level using substation demographic customer profiles.
Much of this research is undertaken with Northern Powergrid.
Design Analysis
The Design Analysis research is based on data mining, but with considerably smaller datasets. Here, the aim is to extract the tacit rules the human designers have applied, and gain better understanding of the design domain through making these rules explicit. Design data often contains greater textual information, and so text mining approaches have also been applied with interesting results. Other techniques that have been used include Bayesian Belief Network and p-boxes. These techniques have been used to mitigate against the greater uncertainty levels that can be associated with early designs.
This research has been undertaken with Rolls-Royce (Aerospace) and BAE Systems.
Research interests
- Monte Carlo methods
- Engineering Uncertainty modelling and management
- Knowledge Management
- Engineering Design
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Design process
- Game theory
- Data mining
- Wind Energy
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Godwin, J., & Matthews, P. (2014). Robust Statistical Methods for Rapid Data Labelling. In V. Bhatnagar (Ed.), Data mining and analysis in the engineering field (107-141). IGI Global.
- Lomas, C., Maropoulos, P., & Matthews, P. (2007). Implementing Digital Enterprise Technologies for Agile Design in the Virtual Enterprise. In P. Cunha, & P. Maropoulos (Eds.), Digital enterprise technology : perspectives and future challenges (177-184). Springer Verlag.
Conference Paper
- Liu, J., Kazemtabrizi, B., Du, H., Matthews, P., & Sun, H. (2024, November). An Integrated Stacked Sparse Autoencoder and CNN-BLSTM Model for Ultra-Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting with Advanced Feature Learning. Presented at 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Chicago, USA
- Correa-Delval, M., Sun, H., Matthews, P. C., & Chiu, W.-Y. (2022, September). Appliance Scheduling Optimisation Method Using Historical Data in Households with RES Generation and Battery Storage Systems. Presented at 2022 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE 2021), Beijing, China
- Correa-Delval, M., Sun, H., Matthews, P., & Jiang, J. (2021, October). Appliance Classification using BiLSTM Neural Networks and Feature Extraction. Presented at IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), Espoo, Finland
- Hua, W., Li, D., Sun, H., Matthews, P., & Meng, F. (2017, September). Stochastic environmental and economic dispatch of power systems with virtual power plant in energy and reserve markets. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, Chengdu, China
- Al Moubayed, N., Breckon, T., Matthews, P., & McGough, A. (2016, August). SMS Spam Filtering using Probabilistic Topic Modelling and Stacked Denoising Autoencoder
- Ahmad, T., Girard, N., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2015, November). Analysis of Two Onshore Wind Farms with a Dynamic Farm Controller. Presented at EWEA 2015, Paris, France
- Smith, C., Wadge, G., Crabtree, C., & Matthews, P. (2015, November). Characterisation of Electrical Loading Experienced by a Nacelle Power Converter. Presented at EWEA 2015, Paris, France
- Sidwell, N., Ahmad, T., & Matthews, P. (2015, November). Onshore Wind Farm Fast Wake Estimation Method: Critical Analysis of the Jensen Model. Presented at EWEA 2015, Paris, France
- Smith, C., Crabtree, C., & Matthews, P. (2015, November). Evaluation of Synthetic Wind Speed Time Series for Reliability Analysis of Offshore Wind Farms. Presented at EWEA 2015, Paris, France
- Ahmad, T., Matthews, P., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Smith, C. (2015, September). Dynamic Wind Farm Controller. Presented at 11th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe., Stuttgart, Germany
- Smith, C., Crabtree, C., & Matthews, P. (2015, September). Experimental Set-up for Applying Wind Turbine Operating Profiles to the Nacelle Power Converter. Presented at 11th EAWE PhD Seminar, Stuttgart, Germany
- Akperi, B., & Matthews, P. (2014, October). Analysis of clustering techniques on load profiles for electrical distribution. Presented at 2014 International Conference on Power System Technology, Chengdu, China
- Ahmad, T., Smith, C., Matthews, P., Crabtree, C., & Kazemtabrizi, B. Determining the Wind Speed Distribution within a Wind Farm considering Site Wind Characteristics and Wake Effects. Presented at 10th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe, EAWE., Orléans, France
- Smith, C., Crabtree, C., Matthews, P., & Kazemtabrizi, B. Modelling and Evaluation of Wind Speed Time Series for Reliability Analysis of Offshore Wind Farms. Presented at 10th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe, EAWE., Orléans, France
- Akperi, B., & Matthews, P. (2014, September). Analysis of customer profiles on an electrical distribution network. Presented at 2014 49th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Chen, B., Matthews, P., & Tavner, P. (2013, February). Automated Wind Turbine Pitch Fault Prognosis using ANFIS. Presented at EWEA 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Ullah, B., Trevelyan, J., & Matthews, P. (2012, December). Structural optimisation using boundary element based level set method. Presented at Proceedings of the 20th UK conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME), University of Manchester, Manchester
- Matthews, P., & Philip, A. (2011, December). Bayesian Project Monitoring. Presented at Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), Copenhagen
- Matthews, P. (2010, July). Comparing Stochastic Design Decision Belief Models: Pointwise versus Interval Probabilities. Presented at 4th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition DCC'10, Stuttgart, Germany
- Matthews, P., & Coates, G. (2007, August). Pre-emptive Concurrent Design Planning and Scheduling. Presented at 16th International Conference on Engineering Design, Paris, France
- Lomas, C. D. W., & Matthews, P. C. (2007, July). Meta-Design for Agile Concurrent Product Design in the Virtual Enterprise. Presented at International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Durham, England
- Matthews, P., & Coates, G. (2007, July). Stochastic based Pre-emptive Planning and Scheduling. Presented at 10th International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Durham, UK
- Matthews, P. (2007, July). Bayesian Networks for Engineering Design Decision Support. Presented at 2007 International Conference of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, London
- Lomas, C., Wilkinson, J., Matthews, P., & Maropoulos, P. (2006, September). Implementing Digital Enterprise Technologies for Agile Design in the virtual enterprise. Presented at 3rd International CIRP Sponsored Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology., Setubal, Portugal
- Matthews, P., Lomas, C., & Maropoulos, P. (2006, August). A Methodology for Negotiating Change Propagation in Agile Design. Presented at 9th International Conference on Agile Manufacture, Norfolk, VA (USA)
- process. Presented at 9th International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Norfolk, VA (USA)
- Matthews, P. (2006, July). Bayesian Networks for Design. Presented at Design Computing and Cognition'06, Eindhoven
- Matthews, P., Coates, G., & Lomas, C. (2006, December). Agile resource allocation through pre-emptive planning. Presented at 9th International Conference on Agile Manufacture, Norfolk, VA (USA)
- Matthews, P. (2005, August). Machine learning stochastic design models. Presented at 15th International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia
- Matthews, P., Keegan, J., & Robson, J. (2005, August). Development of a simple information pump. Presented at 15th International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia
- Armoutis, N., Matthews, P., Lomas, C., & Maropoulos, P. (2005, December). Partner Profiling to Support Agile Design. Presented at First International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, Munich
- Baguley, P., Qaqish, T., Matthews, P., & Maropoulos, P. (2005, December). An Agile Digital Enterprise Technology Cost Engineering Tool. Presented at International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Helsinki
- Matthews, P., Lomas, C., Armoutis, N., & Maropoulos, P. (2005, December). Foundations of an Agile Design Methodology. Presented at International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Helsinki
- Lomas, C., Matthews, P., Armoutis, N., & Maropoulos, P. (2005, December). Verification of Event Impact Levels for an Agile Design Framework. Presented at Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacture Engineering, Kalithea
- Matthews, P., & Wallace, K. (2003, August). Using Self Organizing Maps as a Design Exploration Tool. Presented at 14th International Conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm
- Matthews, P., & Lowe, D. (2003, August). Inducing Change Propagation Models using Previous Designs. Presented at 14th International Conference on Engineering Design, Stockholm
- Matthews, P., Langdon, P., & Wallace, K. (2001, August). New techniques for design knowledge exploration: A comparison of three data grouping approaches. Presented at 13th International Conference on Engineering Design, Glasgow
- Matthews, P., Ahmed, S., & Aurisicchio, M. (2001, December). Extracting Experience through Protocol Analysis
- Matthews, P., Wallace, K., & Blessing, L. (2000, December). Design Heuristics Extraction: Acquiring engineering knowledge from previous designs. Presented at Artificial Intelligence in Design, Worcester, MA
- Matthews, P., Blessing, L., & Wallace, K. (1999, December). Conceptual Evaluation using Neural Networks. Presented at 12th International Conference on Engineering Design
- Ball, N., Matthews, P., & Wallace, K. (1998, December). Managing Conceptual Design Objects: An Alternative to Geometry. Presented at Artificial Intelligence in Design, Lisbon
- Matthews, P. (1998, December). Using a Guideline Database to Support Design Emergence: A Proposed System based on a Designer's Workbench. Presented at Artificial Intelligence in Design (Workshop), Lisbon
- Charlton, C., Ball, N., & Matthews, P. (1998, December). Towards Mechanical Design Object Reuse: The Description, Retrieval and Classification of Cases. Presented at Artificial Intelligence in Design, Lisbon
- Ball, N., & Matthews, P. (1998, December). Active Design Support with a Hierarchical Blackboard Structure. Presented at Adaptive Computing for Design and Manufacture
- Murdoch, T., Ball, N., & Matthews, P. (1997, December). Constraint Based Templates for Design Re-use. Presented at 11th International Conference on Engineering Design, Tampere
Doctoral Thesis
Journal Article
- Hua, W., Xiao, H., Pei, W., Chiu, W.-Y., Jiang, J., Sun, H., & Matthews, P. (2023). Transactive Energy and Flexibility Provision in Multi-microgrids using Stackelberg Game. CSEE journal of power and energy systems, 9(2), 505-515.
- Ahmad, T., Basit, A., Ahsan, M., Coupiac, O., Girard, N., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2019). Implementation and Analyses of Yaw Based Coordinated Control of Wind Farms. Energies, 12(7), Article 1266.
- Ahmad, T., Basit, A., Anwar, J., Coupiac, O., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2019). Fast Processing Intelligent Wind Farm Controller for Production Maximisation. Energies, 12(3), Article 544.
- Hua, W., Li, D., Sun, H., Matthews, P., & Meng, F. (2018). Stochastic environmental and economic dispatch of power systems with virtual power plant in energy and reserve markets. International journal of smart grid and clean energy, 7(4), 231-239.
- Ahmad, T., Coupliac, O., Petit, A., Guignard, S., Girard, N., Kazemtabrizi, B., & Matthews, P. (2018). Field Implementation and Trial of Coordinated Control of Wind Farms. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(3), 1169-1176.
- Trenkel-Lopez, M., & Matthews, P. (2018). Method for Designing a High Capacity Factor Wide Area Virtual Wind Farm. IET Renewable Power Generation, 12(3), 351-358.
- Smith, C., Crabtree, C., & Matthews, P. (2017). Impact of wind conditions on thermal loading of PMSG wind turbine power converters. IET Power Electronics, 10(11), 1268-1278.
- Chen, B., Matthews, P., & Tavner, P. (2015). Automated on-line fault prognosis for wind turbine pitch systems using supervisory control and data acquisition. IET Renewable Power Generation, 9(5), 503-513.
- Ullah, B., Trevelyan, J., & Matthews, P. (2014). Structural optimisation based on the boundary element and level set methods. Computers and Structures, 137, 14-30.
- Chen, B., Matthews, P., & Tavner, P. (2013). Wind turbine pitch faults prognosis using a-priori knowledge-based ANFIS. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(17), 6863-6876.
- Chandler, S., & Matthews, P. (2013). Through-Life Systems Engineering Design & Support with SysML. Procedia CIRP, 11, 425-430.
- Godwin, J., Matthews, P., & Watson, C. (2013). Classification and Detection of Electrical Control System Faults Through SCADA Data Analysis. Chemical engineering transactions, 1, 985-990.
- Godwin, J., & Matthews, P. (2013). Classification and Detection of Wind Turbine Pitch Faults Through SCADA Data Analysis. International journal of prognostics and health management, 4, Article 016
- Matthews, P., & Philip, A. (2012). Bayesian project diagnosis for the construction design process. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 26(4), 375-391.
- Matthews, P. (2011). Challenges to Bayesian decision support using morphological matrices for design: empirical evidence. Research in Engineering Design, 22(1), 29-42.
- Matthews, P. C., & Lomas, C. D. (2010). A methodology for quantitative estimates for the work and disturbance transformation matrices. Journal of Engineering Design, 21(4), 413-425.
- Cheung, W., Maropoulos, P., & Matthews, P. (2010). Linking design and manufacturing domains via web-based and enterprise integration technologies. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 37(3/4), 182-197.
- Cheung, W., Matthews, P., Gao, J., & Maropoulos, P. (2008). Advanced product development integration architecture: An out-of-box solution to support distributed production networks. International Journal of Production Research, 46(12), 3185-3206.
- Matthews, P. (2008). A Bayesian support tool for morphological design. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 22(2), 236-253.
- Armoutis, N., Maropoulos, P., Matthews, P., & Lomas, C. (2008). Establishing agile supply networks through competence profiling. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(2), 166-173.
- Lomas, C., & Matthews, P. (2007). Meta-Design for Agile Concurrent Product Design in the Virtual Enterprise. International journal of agile manufacturing, 10(2), 77-87
- Matthews, P., & Chesters, P. (2006). Implementing the Information Pump using Accessible Technology. Journal of Engineering Design, 17(6), 563-585.
- Matthews, P., Standingford, D., Holden, C., & Wallace, K. (2006). Learning inexpensive parametric design models using an augmented genetic programming technique. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 20(1), 1-18.
- Lomas, C., Wilkinson, J., Maropoulos, P., & Matthews, P. (2006). Measuring Design Process Agility for the Single Company Product Development Process. International journal of agile manufacturing, 9(2), 105-112
- Matthews, P., Lomas, C., Armoutis, N., & Maropoulos, P. (2006). Foundations of an Agile Design Methodology. International journal of agile manufacturing, 9(1), 29-38
- Matthews, P., Blessing, L., & Wallace, K. (2002). The introduction of a design heuristics extraction method. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 16(1), 3-19.
- Matthews, P., Standingford, D., & Holden, C. (2003). Method of Design using Genetic Programming
- Matthews, P., Standingford, D., & Holden, C. (2002). Method of design using genetic programming
- Bulkeley, H., Matthews, P., Whitaker, G., Bell, S., Wardle, R., Lyon, S., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers on Time of Use Tariffs. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, University of Durham and EA Technology Ltd
- Bell, S., Capova, K., Barteczko-Hibbert, C., Matthews, P., Wardle, R., Bulkeley, H., Lyon, S., Judson, E., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Heat Pump Customers. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, University of Durham and EA Technology Ltd
- Bulkeley, H., Whitaker, G., Matthews, P., Bell, S., Lyon, S., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Solar PV Customers. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, EA Technology Limited and the University of Durham
- Bulkeley, H., Whitaker, G., Matthews, P., Bell, S., Lyon, S., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, EA Technology Limited and the University of Durham
- Capova, K., Wardle, R., Bell, S., Lyon, S., Bulkeley, H., Matthews, P., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Electrical Vehicle Users. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, University of Durham and EA Technology Ltd
- Jones, O., Wardle, R., & Matthews, P. (2014). Micro-CHP Trial Report. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, University of Durham and EA Technology Ltd
- Whitaker, G., Wardle, R., Barteczko-Hibbert, C., Matthews, P., Bulkeley, H., & Powells, G. (2013). Insight Report: Domestic Time of Use Tariff: A comparison of the time of use tariff trial to the baseline domestic profiles. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited EA Technology Ltd and the University of Durham
- Matthews, P. (2003). Identifying Design Micro-models using Genetic Programming Techniques: A User Manual for the GP-HEM toolbox. [No known commissioning body]