Staff profile
Professor Nicola De Paola
Professor of Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics

Affiliation |
Professor of Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics in the Department of Earth Sciences |
2021 - Present: Professor of Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics (Durham University)
2012 - 2020: Associate Professor of Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics (Durham University)
2007 - 2012: Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics, (Durham University)
2005 – 2007: Post-doctoral Research Associate University of Perugia (Italy).
Research Themes and Methods
Nicola’s research themes are in the study of fault and earthquake mechanics. Throughout his career, Nicola has adopted a multidisciplinary research approach that combines fieldwork and microstructural observations with rock physics and mechanics experimental datasets. Nicola established the Rock Mechanics Laboratory (RML) at Durham University in 2012, and has since developed major UK Research Council (e.g., NERC, UKUH) and industry funded (e.g., MAERSK, DONG) programmes. Recent work carried out in the RML at Durham University contributes to our understanding of the processes that control earthquake rupture propagation, including induced seismicity. Nicola’s core research interests in fault and earthquake mechanics have broaden to include human induced seismicity studies. In particular, recent projects and studies address the issues posed by induced seismicity in enhanced geothermal systems.
Chapter in book
- De Paola, N., Hirose, T., Mitchell, T., Di Toro, G., Viti, C., & Shimamoto, T. (2011). Fault lubrication and earthquake propagation in carbonate rocks. In R. I. Borja (Ed.), Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics: Results of the Workshop on Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics, Stanford, June 23–25, 2010 (153-156). Springer Verlag.
- Collettini, C., Cardellini, C., Chiodini, G., De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., & Smith, S. (2008). Fault weakening due to CO2 degassing in the Northern Apennines: short- and long-term processes. In C. Wibberley, W. Kurz, J. Imber, R. Holdsworth, & C. Collettini (Eds.), The Internal Structure of Fault Zones: Implications for Mechanical and Fluid-Flow Properties (1-20). The Geological Society.
Journal Article
- Aretusini, S., Mittempergher, S., Remitti, F., Arletti, R., Polisi, M., De Paola, N., & Tesei, T. (2023). Heterogeneity‐Driven Localization and Weakening in Scaly Clays From a Fossil Accretionary Prism. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 128(9), Article e2023JB027332.
- Collettini, C., Barchi, M., De Paola, N., Trippetta, F., & Tinti, E. (2022). Rock and fault rheology explain differences between on fault and distributed seismicity. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 5627.
- Pozzi, G., De Paola, N., Nielsen, S., Holdsworth, R., Tesei, T., Thieme, M., & Demouchy, S. (2021). Coseismic fault lubrication by viscous deformation. Nature Geoscience, 14(6), 437-442.
- Thieme, M., Pozzi, G., Demouchy, S., De Paola, N., Barou, F., Koizumi, S., & Bowen, L. (2021). Shear deformation of nano- and micro-crystalline olivine at seismic slip rates. Tectonophysics, 802, Article 228736.
- Trippetta, F., Barchi, M., Tinti, E., Volpe, G., Rosset, G., & De Paola, N. (2021). Lithological and stress anisotropy control large-scale seismic velocity variations in tight carbonates. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 9472.
- Snell, T., De Paola, N., van Hunen, J., Nielsen, S., & Collettini, C. (2020). Modelling fluid flow in complex natural fault zones: implications for natural and human-induced earthquake nucleation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 530,
- Gluyas, J., De-Paola, N., Imber, J., Jezierski, T., Jones, R., Jordan, P., McCaffrey, K., Nielsen, S., Pongthunya, P., Satterley, A., Sowter, A., Wilkinson, M., & Moors, A. (2020). The Humbly Grove, Herriard and Hester’s Copse Fields, UK onshore. Memoirs, 52, 74-81.
- Pozzi, G., De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R. E., Bowen, L., Nielsen, S. B., & Dempsey, E. D. (2019). Coseismic ultramylonites: An investigation of nanoscale viscous flow and fault weakening during seismic slip. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 516, 164-175.
- Tesei, T., Harbord, C., De Paola, N., Collettini, C., & Viti, C. (2018). Friction of Mineralogically Controlled Serpentinites and Implications for Fault Weakness. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 123(8), 6976-6991.
- Pozzi, G., De Paola, N., Nielsen, S., Holdsworth, R., & Bowen, L. (2018). A new interpretation for the nature and significance of mirror-like surfaces in experimental carbonate-hosted seismic faults. Geology, 46(7), 583-586.
- Corradetti, A., McCaffrey, K., De Paola, N., & Tavani, S. (2017). Evaluating roughness scaling properties of natural active fault surfaces by means of multi-view photogrammetry. Tectonophysics, 717, 599-606.
- Harbord, C. W., Nielsen, S. B., De Paola, N., & Holdsworth, R. E. (2017). Earthquake nucleation on rough faults. Geology, 45(10), 931-934.
- Allen, M., Walters, R., Song, S., Saville, C., De Paola, N., Ford, J., Hu, Z., & Sun, W. (2017). Partitioning of oblique convergence coupled to the fault locking behavior of fold-and-thrust belts: evidence from the Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 36(9), 1679-1698.
- Bruttoa, F., Muto, F., Loreto, M., De Paola, N., Tripodi, V., Critelli, S., & Facchin, L. (2016). The Neogene-Quaternary geodynamic evolution of the central Calabrian Arc: A case study from the western Catanzaro Trough basin. Journal of Geodynamics, 102, 95-114.
- Sagi, D., De Paola, N., McCaffrey, K., & Holdsworth, R. (2016). Fault and fracture patterns in low porosity chalk and their potential influence on sub-surface fluid flow—A case study from Flamborough Head, UK. Tectonophysics, 690(A), 35-51.
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., Viti, C., Collettini, C., & Bullock, R. (2015). Can grain size sensitive flow lubricate faults during the initial stages of earthquake propagation?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 431, 48-58.
- Bullock, R., De Paola, N., & Holdsworth, R. (2015). An experimental investigation into the role of phyllosilicate content on earthquake propagation during seismic slip in carbonate faults. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 120(5), 3187-3207.
- Balsamo, F., Aldega, L., De Paola, N., Faoro, I., & Storti, F. (2014). The signature and mechanics of earthquake ruptures along shallow creeping faults in poorly lithified sediments. Geology, 42(5), 435-438.
- Bullock, R. J., De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R. E., & Trabucho-Alexandre, J. (2014). Lithological controls on the deformation mechanisms operating within carbonate-hosted faults during the seismic cycle. Journal of Structural Geology, 58, 22-42.
- De Paola, N. (2013). Nano-powder coating can make fault surfaces smooth and shiny: implications for fault mechanics?. Geology, 41(6), 719-720.
- Di Toro, G., Han, R., Hirose, T., De Paola, N., Nielsen, N., Mizoguchi, K., Ferri, F., Cocco, M., & Shimamoto, T. (2011). Fault lubrication during earthquakes. Nature, 471(7339), 494-498.
- De Paola, N., Hirose, T., Mitchell, T., Di Toro, G., Viti, C., & Shimamoto, T. (2011). Fault lubrication and earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rocks. Geology, 39(1), 35-38.
- De Paola, N., Chiodini, G., Hirose, T., Cardellini, C., Caliro, S., & Shimamoto, T. (2011). The geochemical signature caused by earthquake propagation in carbonate-hosted faults. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 310(3-4), 225-232.
- Collettini, C., De Paola, N., & Faulkner, D. (2009). Insights on the geometry and mechanics of the Umbria–Marche earthquake (Central Italy) from the integration of field and laboratory data. Tectonophysics, 476(1-2), 99-109.
- De Paola, N., Faulkner, D., & Collettini, C. (2009). Brittle versus ductile deformation as the main control on the transport properties of low-porosity anhydrite rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, Article B06211.
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R. E., & Collettini, C. (2008). The internal structure of Dilational stepovers in regional transtension zones. International Geology Review, 50(3), 291-304.
- De Paola, N., Collettini, C., Faulkner, D., & Trippetta, F. (2008). upper crust. Tectonics, 27(4),
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., Collettini, C., McCaffrey, K., & Barchi, M. (2007). The structural evolution of dilational step-overs in transtensional zones. Geological Society Special Publications, 290, 433-445.
- De Paola, N., Collettini, C., Trippetta, F., Barchi, M., & Minelli, G. (2007). A mechanical model for complex fault patterns induced by evaporite dehydration and cyclic changes in fluid pressure. Journal of Structural Geology, 29(10), 1573-1584.
- De Paola, N., Mirabella, F., Barchi, M., & Burchielli, F. (2006). Early orogenic normal faults and their reactivation during thrust belt evolution: the Gubbio Fault case study, Umbria-Marche Apennines (Italy). Journal of Structural Geology, 28(11), 1948-1957.
- Collettini, C., De Paola, N., & Goulty, N. (2006). Switches in the minimum compressive stress direction induced by overpressure beneath a low-permeability fault zone. Terra Nova, 18(3), 224-231.
- McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, R., Imber, J., Clegg, P., De Paola, N., Jones, R., Hobbs, R., Holliman, N., & Trinks, I. (2005). Putting the geology back into Earth models. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86(46), 461-466.
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., & McCaffrey, K. (2005). The influence of lithology and pre-existing structures on reservoir-scale faulting patterns in transtensional rift zones. Journal of the Geological Society, 162(3), 471-480.
- De Paola, N., Holdsworth, R., McCaffrey, K., & Barchi, M. (2005). Partitioned transtension: an alternative to basin inversion models. Journal of Structural Geology, 27(4), 607-625.