Staff profile

Affiliation |
Academic Development Advisor in the Durham Centre for Academic Development (DCAD) |
Research Student in the School of Education |
Specialised in creative and critical education with a specific interest in poetry teaching and learning (in secondary schools).
Language and poetry has interested me all my life, and I write poems and song lyrics as a hobby. It intrigued me to see so many students who were not keen on poetry teaching and learning; this combined with a fascination with critical pedagogy, social semiotics and creativity eventually led to an idea for a PhD thesis.
My love for education extends to teaching in practice too, which has led me to work with DCAD on the academic development team. I am very excited to be a part of this team and to continue my pedagogical journey.
Other passions: Music and horsewomanship
Chapter in book
Conference Paper
- Diehl, M. B. (2020, September). The Trouble with Poetry: Teachers’ perceptions on poetry teaching and learning in the secondary classroom. Presented at Imagining Better Education, Durham, England
- Diehl, M. (2019, December). Engaging the Poet: Exploring poetry through creativity and criticality in English secondary education. Presented at Imagining Better Education, Durham, England
- Heinemeyer, S., Khoze, V. A., Ryskin, M. G., Tasevsky, M., & Weiglein, G. (2010, May). BSM Higgs physics at the LHC in the forward proton mode. Presented at Physics at the LHC 2010, Hamburg
- Hoche, S., Krauss, F., Schonherr, M., & Siegert, F. (2010, December). Next-to-leading order matrix elements and truncated showers. Presented at 5th Conference, PLHC2010, Hamburg, Germany