Staff profile
Professor Michael Crang
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 41899 |
Mike Crang's interests lie in the field of cultural geography. He has worked extensively on the relationship of social memory and identity. Within this he focused empirically upon on practices of public and oral history, photography and museums looking especially at examples in the UK and Sweden. This interest feeds into looking at what people make of museums and landscapes and thus the study of tourism more generally. He has an edited collection on this theme that was published in 2009 (Cultures of Mass Tourism: Doing the Mediterranean in the Age of Banal Mobilities, edited with Pau Obrador and Penny Travlou, Ashgate) and a previous collection (Tourism: between place and performance, with Simon Coleman, Berghahn 2002) as well as co-editing the journal 'Tourist Studies' for ten years from its inception. He worked on the intersection of film, photography and tourism - through a case study using Captain Corelli and Cephallonia.
From the angle of visual aesthetics and senses of temporality and rhythm, he has become interested in not just issues of preservation and conservation but also their converse - destruction, dereliction and decay - as a collaborator on the ESRC project 'The Waste of the World'. On this project he has looked at the figuring of global flows through waste - especially in differing photographic traditions. He has also explored the creation of wastescapes in (former) industrial sites, on beaches and between places.
Subsequent work is attempting to rework the borders of the cultural and the economic looking at the travels and transformations of various goods. With wastes it is attempting to rethink approaches to the commodity through emphasising unbecoming things - that are both distasteful and unstable. Following things in and out of the commodity phase, in terms of objects becoming declassee or revalorised as heritage is part of his current work as a collaborator on the project Re:heritage. Cirkulering och kommodifiering av ting med historia (Re:heritage. Circulation and marketization of things with history) funded by Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council). Following the often fluid connection of things and values in the economy was a focus in the ESRC project 'Illicit Economies and the Spaces of Circulation' (with Nicky Gregson and Ray Hudson) and a current AHRC/ESRC project 'The Financial Aspects of the Trade in Counterfeit Products: An Exploratory Study' (with colleagues in criminology at Teesside University) looking at the entwining of legal and illicit in the circulation of goods. Looking at the other end of values, a Geoforum sponsored workshop led to a special issue focusing on the rise of global consumption and how ethical values and practices change when the market for goods changes and to a just starting ESRC funded project on 'Sustainable Consumption and Agri-food Ethics in the Global South'.
He is also interested in more abstract issues regarding time-space, action and temporality and co-edited the journal Time & Society from 1997 to 2006. His interests in this area led to a collection on spatiality and social theory ('Thinking Space', edited with Nigel Thrift). The other strand to his work is the analysis of transformations of space and time through electronic technologies, with specific work based around Singapore's 'Wired City' initiative and the 'digital divide' in UK cities. He completed an ESRC project on 'Multi-Speed Cities and the Logistics of Daily Life' with Steve Graham and is now working on the notion of a 'sentient city' and the politics of new forms of visualisation and urban givernance.
In terms of service to the wider discipline he was a senior editor of the International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (2009, Elsevier) which was one of the 'CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles 2010' in the Social and Behavioural Sciences category and co-editor of the Sage Encyclopedia of Urban Studies (2010, with Ray Hutchison, Bob Beauregard and Manuel Aalbers), while being on the editorial board of Geography Compass, Mondes du Tourisme, and previously Environment & Planning A, and Social & Cultural Geography. He was on the committee then secretary then chair of the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group of the RGS-IBG (1995-2006) and is curently on the scientific committee of the Societa Italianá di Scienze del Turismo. Within the department he has been Chair of the IT committee, convenor of research clusters, convenor of MA programmes in Space, Place and Culture and European Urban and Regional Change, and Director of the Geography and Cities degree programme and Director of Research (2003-6, 2008-10). He was deputy (2013-14) and Head of Department (2014-2017). He is on the steering group of the University Centre for Visual Arts and Cultures and the management board of the Leverhulme Doctoral Programme in Visual Cultures.
Research interests
- Swedish heritage
- construction of identity
- critical theory
- cultural geographies
- heritage tourism
- information society
- qualitative methods
- waste, globalisation and aesthetics
- cultures of tourism
Authored book
- Hughes, A., Zhong, S., Crang, M., Zeng, G., Fastoso, F., Gonzalez Jimenez, H., & Doherty, B. (in press). Sustainable Food Consumption in China: Changing Foodscapes, Values, and Practices. Taylor and Francis
- Antonopoulos, G., Hall, A., Large, J., Shen, A., Crang, M., & Andrews, M. (2018). Fake Goods, Real Money: The Counterfeiting Business and its Financial Management. Policy Press
- Crang, M. (2015). Bare Life in the Mȳrr, Mēos, and Mire
- Crang, M., & Cook, I. (2007). Doing Ethnographies. SAGE Publications
- Crang, M. (1998). Cultural Geography. Routledge
- Crang, M., & Cook, I. (1995). Doing ethnographies. Geobooks
Chapter in book
- Crang, M., & Haji Bin Mohamed, S. (2016). Researching virtual communities. In N. Clifford, M. Cope, S. French, & T. Gillespie (Eds.), Key methods in geography (270-284). (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications
- Gregson, N., & Crang, M. (2015). Waste, Resource Recovery and Labour: Recycling Economies in the EU. In J. Michie, & C. Cooper (Eds.), Why the Social Sciences Matter (60-76). Palgrave Macmillan
- Crang, M. (2012). The Remembrance of Nostalgias Lost and Future Ruins: photographic journeys from the Coal Coast to the Geordie Shore. In L. Wells (Ed.), Futureland now : John Kippin, Chris Wainwright (61-72). University of Plymouth Press
- Crang, M. (2012). Tristes Entropique: steel, ships and time images for late modernity. In G. Rose, & D. Tolia-Kelly (Eds.), Visuality/materiality : images, objects and practices (59-74). Ashgate Publishing
- Crang, M. (2012). Timespaces in the Debris of Globalisation. In J. Rugg, & C. Martin (Eds.), Spatialities: The Geographies of Art and Architecture (25-34). Intellect
- Crang, M., Gregson, N., Ahamed, F., Ferdous, R., & Akhter, N. (2012). Death, the Phoenix and Pandora: transforming things and values in Bangladesh. In C. Alexander, & J. Reno (Eds.), Economies of recycling : the global transformation of materials, values and social relations (59-75). Zed Books
- Crang, M. (2011). Virtual Life. In V. del Casino, M. Thomas, P. Cloke, & R. Panelli (Eds.), A companion to social geography (401-416). Wiley
- Crang, M. (2011). Time. In J. Agnew, & D. Livingstone (Eds.), The Sage handbook of geographical knowledge (331-343). SAGE Publications
- Church, A., Burgess, J., Ravenscroft, N., Bird, W., Brady, E., Crang, M., Fish, R., Gruffudd, P., Mourato, S., Pretty, J., Tolia-Kelly, D., Turner, K., & Winter, M. (2011). Cultural Services. In UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Technical Report (633-692). United Nations Environment Programme/ DEFRA
- Crang, M. (2011). Tourist: Moving Places, Becoming Tourist, Becoming Ethnographer. In T. Cresswell, & P. Merriman (Eds.), Geographies of mobilities : practices, spaces, subjects (205-224). Ashgate Publishing
- Crang, M. (2010). Cyberspace as the New Public Domain. In C. Kihato, M. Massoumi, B. Ruble, P. Subirós, & A. Garland (Eds.), Urban diversity : space, culture and inclusive pluralism in cities worldwide (99-122). Johns Hopkins University Press ; Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
- Crang, M. (2009). Visual Methods and Methodologies. In D. Delyser, S. Herbert, S. Aitken, M. Crang, & L. McDowell (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative geography (208-225). SAGE Publications
- Crang, M., & Travlou, P. (2009). The Island that was not there: producing Corelli’s island, staging Kefalonia. In P. Obrador, M. Crang, & P. Travlou (Eds.), Cultures of mass tourism : doing the Mediterranean in the age of banal mobilities (75-90). Ashgate Publishing
- Obrador, P., Crang, M., & Travlou, P. (2009). Corrupted Seas: the Mediterranean in the Age of Mass Mobility. In P. Obrador, M. Crang, & P. Travlou (Eds.), Cultures of mass tourism : doing the Mediterranean in the age of banal mobilities (157-174). Ashgate Publishing
- Crang, M. (2009). Spaces in Theory, Spaces in History and Spatial Historiographies. In B. Kümin (Ed.), Political space in pre-industrial Europe (249-265). Ashgate Publishing
- Obrador, P., Crang, M., & Travlou, P. (2009). Taking Mediterranean Tourists Seriously. In P. Obrador, M. Crang, & P. Travlou (Eds.), Cultures of mass tourism : doing the Mediterranean in the age of banal mobilities (1-20). Ashgate Publishing
- Crang, M. (2009). Spatial Imaginaries of a Mediated World. In J. Döring, & T. Thielmann (Eds.), Mediengeographie : Theorie - Analyse - Diskussion (539-564). transcript Verlag
- Crang, M. (2008). Zeit:Raum. In J. Doering, & T. Thielmann (Eds.), Spatial Turn : Das Raumparadigma in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften (409-438). transcript Verlag.
- Crang, M. (2007). Speed= distance/time : chronotopographies of action. In R. Hassan, & R. Purser (Eds.), 24/7 : time and temporality in the network society (62-88). Stanford University Press
- Crang, M. (2006). Circulation and Emplacement: the hollowed out performance of tourism. In C. Minca, & T. Oakes (Eds.), Travels in paradox : remapping tourism (47-64). Rowman & Littlefield
- Crang, M. (2005). Travel and tourism. In D. Sibley, P. Jackson, D. Atkinson, & N. Washbourne (Eds.), Cultural geography : a critical dictionary of key ideas (34-40). I.B. Tauris
- Crang, M. (2005). Time : space. In P. Cloke, & R. Johnston (Eds.), Spaces of geographical thought : deconstructing human geography's binaries (199-217). SAGE Publications
- Crang, M. (2005). Cultural regions and their uses : the interpretation of landscape and identity. In G. Gimenez (Ed.), Cultural regions and regional cultures. Conaculta
- Crang, M. (2004). Cultural Geographies of Tourism. In A. Lew, C. Hall, & A. Williams (Eds.), A companion to tourism (74-84). Wiley
- Crang, M. (2004). Fields. In S. Pile, & N. Thrift (Eds.), Patterned Ground (88-91). Reaktion
- Crang., M. (2004). Livestock. In S. Pile, & N. Thrift (Eds.), Patterned Ground (247-249). Reaktion
- Crang, M. (2004). Las regiones culturales y sus usos: la interpretación de paisaje e identidad. In E. Cortes, & R. Castaneda (Eds.), Regiones culturales Culturas regionales (67-100). Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes
- Crang, M. (2004). Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissible City. In S. Graham (Ed.), The Cybercities Reader (129-132). Routledge
- Crang, M. (2003). On display : the poetics, politics and interpretation of exhibitions. In A. Blunt, P. Gruffudd, J. May, M. Ogborn, & D. Pinder (Eds.), Cultural geography in practice (255-268). Hodder Arnold
- Crang, M. (2003). Placing Jane Austen, displacing England : touring between book, history and nation. In S. Pucci, & J. Thompson (Eds.), Jane Austen and Co. : remaking the past in contemporary culture (111-132). SUNY Press
- Crang, M. (2003). Telling materials. In M. Pryke, G. Rose, & S. Whatmore (Eds.), Using social theory, thinking through research (127-144). SAGE Publications
- Crang, M. (2002). Rethinking the observer: film, mobility and the construction of the subject. In T. Cresswell, & D. Dixon (Eds.), Engaging Film (13-31). Rowman & Littlefield
- Crang, M. (2001). Rhythms of the city: temporalised space and motion. In J. May, & N. Thrift (Eds.), Timespace : geographies of temporality (187-207). Routledge
- Crang, M. (2001). Filed work: making sense of group interviews. In M. Limb, & C. Dwyer (Eds.), Qualitative Methodologies for Geographers (215-233). Arnold
- Crang, M. (2001). Public space, urban space and electronic space: would the real city please stand up. In D. Holmes (Ed.), Virtual Globalization (76-94). Routledge
- Crang, M. (2000). Relics, places and unwritten geographies in the work of Michael de Certeau (1925-86). In M. Crang, & N. Thrift (Eds.), Thinking space (136-153). Routledge
- Crang, M. (2000). Between Academy and Popular Geographies: Cartographic Imaginations and the Cultural Landscape of Sweden. In I. Cook, D. Crouch, S. Naylor, & J. Ryan (Eds.), Cultural Turns/ Geographical Turns: perspectives on cultural geography (88-108). Prentice Hall
- Crang, M. (2000). Playing Nymphs and Swains in a Pastoral Myth?. In A. Hughes, C. Morris, & S. Seymour (Eds.), Ethnography & Rural Research (158-78). Countryside and Community Press
- Crang, M. (1999). Knowing, Tourism and Practices of Vision. In D. Crouch (Ed.), Leisure/tourism geographies : practices and geographical knowledge (238-257). Routledge
- Crang, M. (1999). Image -- Reality. In P. Cloke, P. Crang, & M. Goodwin (Eds.), Introducing Human Geographies (54-62). Edward Arnold
- Crang, M. (1997). Analyzing Qualitative Materials. In R. Flowerdew, & D. Martin (Eds.), Methods in Human Geography: A guide for Students Doing a Research Project (183-196). Longman
Conference Paper
Edited book
- Guo, R., Bulag, U., Crang, M., Heberer, T., Hwang, E.-G., Millward, J., Rossabi, M., Postiglione, G., Shih, C.-Y., Tapp, N., & Guo, L. (Eds.). (2014). Multicultural China: A Statistical Yearbook (2014). Springer Verlag
- Hutchison, R., Aalbers, M., Beauregard, R., & Crang, M. (Eds.). (2010). Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. SAGE Publications
- Delyser, D., Herbert, S., Aitken, S., Crang, M., & McDowell, L. (Eds.). (2010). The Handbook of Qualitative Geography. SAGE Publications
- Obrador, P., Crang, M., & Travlou, P. (Eds.). (2009). Cultures of Mass Tourism: Doing the Mediterranean in the Age of Banal Mobilities. Ashgate Publishing
- Kitchin, R., Thrift, N., Castree, N., Crang, M., Domosh, M., Anderson, K., Cloke, P., Crampton, J., Graham, B., Hadjimichalis, C., Hubbard, P., Kearns, R., Kwan, M.-P., Lees, L., McLafferty, S., Paasi, A., Philo, C., Sidaway, J., Willis, K., & Yeung, H. (Eds.). (2009). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier
- Coleman, S., & Crang, M. (Eds.). (2002). Tourism: Between Place and Performance. Berghahn Journals
- Crang, M., & Thrift, N. (Eds.). (2000). Thinking Space. Routledge
- Crang, M., Crang, P., & May, J. (Eds.). (1999). Virtual Geographies: bodies, spaces, relations. Routledge
Journal Article
- Hua, F., Hu, X., Bai, K., & Crang, M. (online). The Connectedness with Nature of Chinese Adolescent Tourists: A Q Method Approach. Journal of China Tourism Research,
- Zhong, S., Hughes, A., Crang, M., Zeng, G., & Hocknell, S. (2022). Fragmentary embeddedness: Challenges for alternative food networks in Guangzhou, China. Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 382-390.
- Jie], 乔. [., Lianping], 洪. [., Crang], 克. [., & Xiaofeng], 李. [. (2021). 乡村小流域空间治理: 理论逻辑、实践基础和 实现路径. Chengshi guihua, 45(10), 31-77
- Qiao, J., Crang, M., Hong, L., & Li, X. (2021). Exploring the Benefits of Small Catchments on Rural Spatial Governance in Wuling Mountain Area, China. Sustainability, 13(2),
- Zhong, S., Crang, M., & Zeng, G. (2020). Constructing Freshness: The Vitality of Wet Markets in Urban China. Agriculture and Human Values, 37, 175-185.
- Crang, M. (2018). Travelling People and Things:The Creation of Differentiated Mobilities in a World on the Move. Kankogaku hyoron, 6(1), 49-54
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., & Antonopoulos, C. (2017). Holding together logistical worlds: friction, seams and circulation in the emerging ‘global warehouse’. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 35(3), 381-398.
- Gregson, N., & Crang, M. (2017). Illicit economies: customary illegality, moral economies and circulation. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(2), 206-219.
- McLean, A., Bulkeley, H., & Crang, M. (2016). Negotiating the Urban Smart Grid: Socio-Technical Experimentation in the City of Austin. Urban Studies, 53(15), 3246-3263.
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., Botticello, J., Calestani, M., & Krzywoszynska, A. (2016). Doing the ‘Dirty Work’ of the Green Economy: resource recovery and migrant labour in the EU. European Urban and Regional Studies, 24(3), 541-555.
- Zhang, J., & Crang, M. (2016). Making material memories: Kinmen’s bridging objects and fractured places between China and Taiwan. Cultural Geographies, 23(3), 421-439.
- Crang, M. (2015). Travelling ethics: Valuing harmony, habitat and heritage while consuming people and places. Geoforum, 67, 194-203.
- Crang, M., & Hughes, A. (2015). Globalizing Ethical Consumption. Geoforum, 67, 131-134.
- Gregson, N., & Crang, M. (2015). From Waste to Resource: The Trade in Wastes and Global Recycling Economies. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 40(1), 151-176.
- Crang, M. (2015). The Promises and Perils of a Digital Geohumanities. Cultural Geographies, 22(2), 351-360.
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., Fuller, S., & Holmes, H. (2015). Interrogating the Circular Economy: the Moral Economy of Resource Recovery in the EU. Economy and Society, 44(2), 218-243.
- Shaw, W., DeLyser, D., & Crang, M. (2015). Limited by imagination alone: research methods in cultural geographies. Cultural Geographies, 22(2), 211-215.
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., Laws, J., Fleetwood, T., & Holmes, H. (2013). Moving up the waste hierarchy: car boot sales, reuse exchange and the challenges of consumer culture to waste prevention. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 77, 97-107.
- Crang, M., Hughes, A., Gregson, N., Norris, L., & Ahamed, F. (2013). Rethinking governance and value in commodity chains through global recycling networks. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(1), 12-24.
- Crang, M., & Zhang, J. (2012). Transient Dwelling: Trains as places of identification for the floating population of China. Social and Cultural Geography, 13(8), 895-914.
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., Ahamed, F., Akter, N., Ferdous, R., Foisal, S., & Hudson, R. (2012). Territorial agglomeration and industrial symbiosis: Sitakunda-Bhatiary, Bangladesh, as a secondary processing complex. Economic Geography, 88(1), 37-58.
- Crang, M. (2012). Negative images of consumption: cast offs and casts of self and society. Environment and Planning A, 44(4), 763-767.
- Crang, M. (2012). Temporal ecologies: multiple times, multiple spaces, and complicating space times. Environment and Planning A, 44(9), 2119-2123.
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., & Watkins, H. (2011). Souvenir, Salvage and the Death of Great Naval Ships. Journal of Material Culture, 16(3), 301-324.
- Tolia-Kelly, D., & Crang, M. (2010). Affect, race, and identities. Environment and Planning A, 42(10), 2309-2314.
- Crang, M. (2010). The Calculus of Speed: Accelerated worlds. worlds of acceleration. Time & Society, 19(3), 404-410.
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., Ahamed, F., Akhtar, N., & Ferdous, R. (2010). Following things of rubbish value: end-of-life ships, ‘chock-chocky’ furniture and the Bangladeshi middle class consumer. Geoforum, 41(6), 846-854.
- Crang, M., Tolia-Kelly, D. P., & Tolia-Kelly, D. (2010). Nation, Race and Affect: Senses and Sensibilities at National Heritage sites. Environment and Planning A, 42(10), 2315-2331.
- Crang, M. (2010). The Death of Great Ships: photography, politics and waste in the global imaginary. Environment and Planning A, 42(5), 1084-1102.
- Gregson, N., & Crang, M. (2010). Materiality and waste: inorganic vitality in a networked world. Environment and Planning A, 42(5), 1026-1032.
- Crang, M. (2008). Placing Stories, Performing Places: spatiality in Joyce and Austen. Anglia, 126(2), 312-29.
- Crang, M., & Graham, S. (2007). Sentient cities : ambient intelligence and the politics of urban space. Information, Communication and Society, 10(6), 789-817.
- Crang, M. (2007). Flexible and fixed times working in the academy. Environment and Planning A, 39(3), 509-514.
- Crang, M., Crosbie, T., & Graham, S. (2007). Technology, timespace and the remediation of neighbourhood life. Environment and Planning A, 39(10), 2405-2422.
- Crang, M., Graham, S., & Crosbie, T. (2006). Variable geometries of connection: Urban digital divides and the uses of Information Technology. Urban Studies, 43(13), 2551 -2570.
- Crang, M. (2005). Qualitative methods (part 3) : there is nothing outside the text?. Progress in Human Geography, 29(2), 225-233.
- Crang, M. (2003). Qualitative methods : touchy, feely, look-see?. Progress in Human Geography, 27(4), 494-504.
- Crang, M. (2003). The Hair in the Gate: Visuality and Geographical Knowledge. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 35(2), 238-243.
- Crang, M. (2003). Malestream geography: gender patterns among UK geography faculty. Environment and Planning A, 35(10), 1711-1716.
- Crang, M. (2003). Singapore as an informational hub in a space of global flows. disP - The Planning Review, 154(3), 52-57
- Crang, M. (2002). Qualitative methods : the new orthodoxy?. Progress in Human Geography, 26(5), 647-655.
- Crang, M. (2002). Between places: producing hubs, flows, and networks. Environment and Planning A, 34(4), 569-574.
- Crang, M. (2001). Grounded speculations on theories of the city and the city of theory. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25(3), 665-669.
- Franklin, A., & Crang, M. (2001). The trouble with tourism and travel theory?. Tourist Studies, 1(1), 5-22.
- Crang, M., & Travlou, P. (2001). The city and topologies of memory. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 19(2), 161-177.
- Crang, M. (2000). Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissable City. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 4(3), 303-315.
- Crang, M. (2000). Distribution of Postgraduates in UK Geography Departments. Environment and Planning A, 32(4), 571-576.
- Crang, M. (2000). Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the real city please stand up?. Urban Studies, 37(2), 301-317.
- Crang, M. (1999). Nation, region and homeland : history and tradition in Dalarna Sweden. Ecumene (Sevenoaks), 6(4), 447-470.
- Crang, M. (1998). Places of Practice and the Practice of Science. Environment and Planning A, 30(11), 1971-1974.
- Hinchliffe, S., Crang, M., Reimer, S., & Hudson, A. (1997). Software for Qualitative Research: 2 Some Thoughts on 'Aiding' Analysis. Environment and Planning A, 29(6), 1109-1124.
- Crang, M. (1997). Picturing Practices: Research through the Tourist Gaze. Progress in Human Geography, 21(3), 359-374.
- Crang, M., Hudson, A., Reimer, S., & Hinchliffe, S. (1997). Software for Qualitative Research: 1 Prospectus and Overview. Environment and Planning A, 29(5), 771-787.
- Crang, M. (1996). Watching the City: video, surveillance and resistance. Environment and Planning A, 28(12), 2099-2104.
- Crang, M. (1996). Envisioning Urban Histories: Bristol as palimpsest, postcards, and snapshots. Environment and Planning A, 28(3), 429-452.
- Crang, M. (1996). Living history : magic kingdoms or a quixotic quest for authenticity?. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(2), 415-431.
- Crang, M. (1994). On the heritage trail: maps of and journeys to olde Englande. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 12(3), 341-355.
- Crang, M. (1994). Spacing Times, Telling Times and Narrating the Past. Time & Society, 3(1), 29-45.