Staff profile
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Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology |
Chapter in book
Journal Article
- Norman, L., Hartley, T., & Thaler, L. (2024). Changes in primary visual and auditory cortex of blind and sighted adults following 10 weeks of click-based echolocation training. Cerebral Cortex, 34(6), Article bhae239.
- Thaler, L., Castillo-Serrano, J. G., Kish, D., & Norman, L. (2024). Effects of type of emission and masking sound, and their spatial correspondence, on blind and sighted people’s ability to echolocate. Neuropsychologia, 196, Article 108822.
- Norman, L. J., & Thaler, L. (2023). The occipital place area is recruited for echo-acoustically guided navigation in blind human echolocators. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(24), 4470-4486.
- Thaler, L., Norman, L., De Vos, H., Kish, D., Antoniou, M., Baker, C., & Hornikx, M. (2022). Human Echolocators Have Better Localization Off Axis. Psychological Science, 33(7), 1143-1153.
- Thaler, L., & Norman, L. J. (2021). No effect of 10-week training in click-based echolocation on auditory localization in people who are blind. Experimental Brain Research, 239(12), 3625-3633.
- Norman, L. J., & Thaler, L. (2021). Perceptual constancy with a novel sensory skill. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(2), 269-281.
- Norman, L. J., Dodsworth, C., Foresteire, D., & Thaler, L. (2021). Human click-based echolocation: Effects of blindness and age, and real-life implications in a 10-week training program. PLoS ONE, 16(6), Article e0252330.
- Castillo-Serrano, J., Norman, L., Foresteire, D., & Thaler, L. (2021). Increased emission intensity can compensate for the presence of noise in human click-based echolocation. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 1750.
- Dodsworth, C., Norman, L., & Thaler, L. (2020). Navigation and Perception of Spatial Layout in Virtual Echo-Acoustic Space. Cognition, 197, Article 104185.
- Norman, L. J., & Thaler, L. (2020). Stimulus uncertainty affects perception in human echolocation: Timing, level, and spectrum. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(12), 2314-2331.
- Norman, L., & Thaler, L. (2019). Retinotopic-like maps of spatial sound in primary 'visual' cortex of blind human echolocators. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1912), Article 20191910.
- Norman, L., & Thaler, L. (2018). Human echolocation for target detection is more accurate with emissions containing higher spectral frequencies, and this is explained by echo intensity. i-Perception, 9(3), 1-18.
- Norman, L., Heywood, C., & Kentridge, R. (2017). Texture segmentation without human V4. Visual Cognition, 25(1-3), 184-195.
- Ameen-Ali, K., Norman, L., Eacott, M., & Easton, A. (2017). Incidental context information increases recollection. Learning & Memory, 24(3), 136-139.
- Norman, L., Heywood, C., & Kentridge, R. (2015). Exogenous attention to unseen objects?. Consciousness and Cognition, 35, 319-329.
- Norman, L., Heywood, C., & Kentridge, R. (2015). Direct encoding of orientation variance in the visual system. Journal of Vision, 15(4), 1-14.
- Norman, L., Akins, K., Heywood, C., & Kentridge, R. (2014). Colour constancy for an unseen surface. Current Biology, 24(23), 2822-2826.
- Norman, L., & Tokarev, A. (2014). Spatial attention does not modulate holistic face processing, even when multiple faces are present. Perception, 43(12), 1341 - 1352.
- Norman, L. J., Heywood, C. A., & Kentridge, R. W. (2013). Object-based attention without awareness. Psychological Science, 24(6), 836-843.
- Rosenthal, H., Norman, L., Smith, S., & McGregor, A. (2012). Gender-based navigation stereotype improves men’s search for a hidden goal. Sex Roles, 67(11-12), 682-695.
- Norman, L. J., Heywood, C. A., & Kentridge, R. W. (2011). Contrasting the processes of texture segmentation and discrimination with static and phase-reversing stimuli. Vision Research, 51(18), 2039-2047.
Supervision students
Rachael Graham
Research Postgraduate