Staff profile
Professor Jens Beckmann
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the School of Education | +44 (0) 191 33 48375 |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 48375 |
Jens Beckmann is Professor of Educational Psychology, and Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute at Durham.
Jens joined Durham University, School of Education in 2011 from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia where he was Director of the Accelerated Learning Laboratory. Prior to that he worked at the University of Sydney (Australia), Yale University (USA), the University of Bonn and the University of Leipzig (Germany).
His areas of expertise and his main foci of research have mainly been on the study and the assessment of intellectual abilities. More specifically, he conducts research in three main areas:
Dynamic Testing: Dynamic tests concentrate specifically on intellectual potential instead of the mere registration of what examinees are capable of doing at the given time of testing. He has been working extensively on the development of dynamic assessment procedures (e.g. learning tests).
Complex Problem Solving: His interest here is primarily on knowledge acquisition processes whilst dealing with complex dynamic simulations and their effects on controlling such systems. Research in complex problem solving not only allows studying learning and the acquisition and application of knowledge it can also provide a framework to address issues around instructional design.
Cognitive Flexibility: Cognitive flexibility can broadly be defined as the ability to deal with novelty, adjust to changes, and to break out of routine ways of thinking when necessary. Jens' research in this area is concerned with both conceptualisation (i.e. how to define) and operationalization (i.e. how to measure) of these practically highly relevant facets of intellectual functioning.
Jens welcomes enquiries regarding potential supervision of postgraduate and doctoral research broadly related to the above-mentioned topics.
Completed Supervisions
Assessment, development and experimental evaluation of self-regulatory support in online learning.
Research interests
- Cognitive Flexibility
- Complex Problem Solving
- Dynamic Testing
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: Member of the Executive Committee of the European Network for Psychoeducational Assessment, Intervention and Rehabilitation (ENPAIR):
- 2000: Appointed Assessor: Australian Research Council (ARC)
- 2000: Member of the ESRC/Innovate UK Innovation Caucus: The Innovation Caucus is an initiative jointly funded by Innovate UK and the Economic and Social Research Council, and aims to promote closer engagement between social science researchers and the strategists, analysts and technologists working at Innovate UK
- 2000: Memberships Editorial Boards:
- Consulting Editor for Educational Psychologist
- Member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Dynamic Decision Making
- Associate Editor for New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development
- Editorial Advisor for Psychoeducational Assessment, Intervention and Rehabilitation (PAIR)
- Associate Editor for Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science
Authored book
- Wood, R., Cogin, J., & Beckmann, J. (2009). Managerial Problem Solving: Frameworks, Tools & Techniques. McGraw-Hill
- Beckmann, J. (2001). Zur Validierung des Konstrukts des intellektuellen Veränderungspotentials [On the validation of the construct of intellectual change potential]. Logos-Verlag
- Beckmann, J., & Guthke, J. (1999). Psychodiagnostik des schlußfolgernden Denkens [The assessment of reasoning ability]. Hogrefe
- Guthke, J., Beckmann, J., Stein, H., Vahle, H., & Rittner, S. (1995). Adaptive Computergestützte Intelligenz-Lerntestbatterie (ACIL) [The Adaptive, Computer-Based Learning Test Battery]. Schuhfried
- Beckmann, J. (1994). Lernen und komplexes Problemlösen [Learning and Complex Problem Solving]. Holos
Chapter in book
- Birney, P., Beckmann, J., & Beckmann, N. (2019). Within-individual variability of ability and learning trajectories in complex problems. In D. McFarland (Ed.), General and specific mental abilities (253-283). Cambridge Scholars
- Beckmann, J., & Schumacher, J. (2004). Urteilsbildung und Entscheidung [Judgement and Decision Making]. In B. Strauß, U. Berger, J. von Troschke, & E. Brähler (Eds.), Lehrbuch Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie (403-425). Hogrefe
- Guthke, J., & Beckmann, J. (2003). Dynamic Assessment with Diagnostic Programs. In R. Sternberg, J. Lautrey, & T. Lubart (Eds.), Models of Intelligence. International Perspectives (227-242). Washington, DC: APA
- Guthke, J., Beckmann, J., & Seiwald, B. (2003). Wie “identisch“ sind Arbeitsgedächtnis und Schlußfolgerndes Denken? [How “identical“ are working memory and reasoning?]. In W. Krause, & B. Krause (Eds.), Psychologie im Kontext der Naturwissenschaften. Berlin: trafo
- Beckmann, J. (2003). Testing the limits. In K. Kubinger, & R. Jager (Eds.), Stichwörter der Psychologischen Diagnostik. Weinheim: PVU
- Beckmann, J. (2003). Statusdiagnostik [Status diagnostics]. In K. Kubinger, & R. Jager (Eds.), Stichwörter der Psychologischen Diagnostik. Weinheim: PVU
- Beckmann, J. (2003). Lerntests [Learning tests]. In K. Kubinger, & R. Jager (Eds.), Stichwörter der Psychologischen Diagnostik. Weinheim: PVU
- Beckmann, J., & Freitag, H. (2001). Konstruktvalidierung der Diagnostik intellektueller Lernfähigkeit. [Construct validation of learning ability]. In J. Beckmann, & P. Herzberg (Eds.), Dynamik im Testen. Landau: VEP
- Guthke, J., & Beckmann, J. (2001). Intelligenz als "Lernfähigkeit"—Lerntests als Alternative zum herkömmlichen Intelligenztest. [Intelligence as the ability to learn – learning tests as alternative to traditional intelligence measures]. In E. Stern, & J. Guthke (Eds.), Perspektiven der Intelligenzforschung. Ein Lehrbuch für Fortgeschrittene. Lengerich: Pabst
- Guthke, J., & Beckmann, J. (2000). Learning test concept and dynamic assessment. In A. Kozulin, & B. Rand (Eds.), Experience of mediated learning: An impact of Feuerstein's theory in education and psychology (175-190). Elsevier
- Guthke, J., & Beckmann, J. (2000). The learning test concept: Application in practice. In C. Lidz, & J. Elliott (Eds.), Dynamic Assessment: Prevailing models and applications (17-69). Elsevier
- Guthke, J., & Beckmann, J. (1996). Wygotskis Postulat von der “Diagnostik der Zone der nächsten Entwicklung“ und dessen Realisierung in der zeitgenössischen Psychodiagnostik [Vygotsky’s postulate of the “zone of proximal development“ and its realisation in contemporary psychological assessment]. In J. Lompscher (Ed.), Entwicklung und Lernen aus kulturhistorischer Sicht. Marburg: BdWi-Verlag
- Beckmann, J., & Guthke, J. (1995). Complex problem solving, intelligence, and learning ability. In P. Frensch, & J. Funke (Eds.), Complex problem solving: The European Perspective (177-200). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
- Guthke, J., Beckmann, J., & Stein, H. (1995). Recent research evidence on the validity of learning tests. In J. Carlson (Ed.), Advances in cognition and educational practice. European contributions to dynamic assessment (117-143). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press
Conference Paper
- Beckmann, N., Wood, R., Birney, D., Beckmann, J., & Minbashian, A. (2018, December). Contingent units of personality at work – A reconciliation of stability and change. Presented at 19th European Conference on Personality (ECP19), Zadar, Croatia
- Pogorskiy, E., Beckmann, J., Joksimovic, S., Kovanovic, V., & West, R. (2018, December). Utilising a Virtual Learning Assistant as a Measurement and Intervention Tool for Self-Regulation in Learning. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Wollongong, NSW Australia
- Birney, D., Beckmann, J., & Beckmann, N. (2017, December). Individual Differences in Success: Too soon to give up on intellect!?. Presented at 16th Australian Conference on Personality and Individual Differences (ACPID), Sydney, Australia
- Beckmann, J. (2016, December). Flexibility in Dynamic Testing - Potentials for Complex Problem Solving?. Paper presented at Cognitive Science and Assessment, University of Luxembourg
- Beckmann, J. (2015, February). The prediction of success in an ever-changing world: Assessing cognitive flexibility through dynamic testing. Presented at International Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education in Southern Africa. Personalizing Thinking & Learning in the Conceptual Age., Cape Town, South Africa
- Beckmann, J., & Goode, N. (2013, August). On costs of good intentions: The effect of problem contextualisation on knowledge acquisition. Presented at 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction., Munich, Germany
- Tymms, P., Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J., Elliott, J., & Merell, C. (2013, August). Does schooling have an impact on short-term memory?. Presented at 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction., Munich, Germany
- Beckmann, J. (2011, December). With a little help… On the role of guidance in knowledge acquisition in complex, dynamic systems. Presented at 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Exeter, England
- Beckmann, J. (2011, December). The Benefit of Being Naive and Knowing it: The Unfavourable Impact of Context Familiarity on Learning in Complex Problem Solving Tasks. Presented at 14th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, London, England
- Birney, D., Grigorenko, E., Stemler, S., Beckmann, J., & Sternberg, R. (2010, December). An investigation of the theoretical implications of differential item functioning in the evaluation of educational interventions. Presented at 15th International Objective Measurement Conference, Boulder, CO, USA
- Howe, A., & Beckmann, J. (2010, December). Does task type affect the efficacy of performance goals? A comparison of discovery and instruction-based skill acquisition. Presented at 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
- Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J., & Elliott., J. (2009, December). Accuracy feedback in dynamic testing. Presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Bowman, D., Beckmann, J., Minbashian, A., Beckmann, N., MacCann, C., Birney, D., & Wood, R. (2009, December). Invited Workshop: The Accelerated Learning Laboratory’s approach to accelerated learning. Presented at 8th Australasian Conference on Personality and Individual Differences, Sydney, NSW, Australia
- Beckmann, J. (2009, December). Flexibility in Dynamic Testing: The assessment of cognitive flexibility in high performing adults. Presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Goode, N., & Beckmann, J. (2009, December). The Benefit of Being Naive but Knowing it: The Impact of Semantic Embedment in Complex Problem Solving Tasks. Presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Beckmann, J. (2009, December). From process models to diagnostic practice: A unified approach to complex problem solving. Presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Goode, N., & Beckmann, J. (2009, December). More than just rule application: determinants of control performance under conditions of partial and complete information in complex problem solving tasks. Presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Beckmann, J. (2008, December). Exploring the potential of dynamic testing in the measurement of cognitive flexibility. Presented at Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association, Singapore
- Beckmann, J., & Bowman, D. (2008, December). Item development for new measures of cognitive flexibility
- Bowman, D., & Beckmann, J. (2007, December). Who, what, and where: Person and situation determinants of individual differences in complex reasoning task performance. Presented at 13th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Giessen, Germany
- Beckmann, J., Dörfler, T., & Kramer, M. (2004, December). Antwortlatenzen in Reasoningtests – abhängig vom Testmedium?. [Response latencies in reasoning tests – dependent on test presentation medium?]. Presented at 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie – 100 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie, Gottingen
- Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J., Elliott, J., & Guthke, J. (2004, December). Feeback gut für jedermann? – Zu differentiellen Effekten von Feedback in Leistungssituationen. [Feedback good for everyone? – On differential effects of feedback in performance situations]. Presented at 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie – 100 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie, Göttingen
- Dörfler, T., & Beckmann, J. (2003, December). Kognitiver Aufwand oder mentale Effizienz - Zur Bedeutung von Antwortlatenzen in computerisierten Leistungstests [Cognitive Effort or mental efficiency – On the relevance of response latencies in computerised assessments]. Presented at Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie
- Seiwald, B., Hegel, T., Beckmann, J., & Guthke, J. (2001, December). Differentialpsychologische Analysen zum Verhältnis von (figuralem) Arbeitsgedächtnis und Reasoning. [Differential analyses of the relationship between figural working mamory and reasoning]. Presented at 6. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig: Universitätsverlag
- Beckmann, J. (2001, December). Computer-aided diagnostic programs: New learning test variants and new strategies for validation of intelligence and learning tests. Presented at 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Aachen: Mainz
- Beckmann, J., Funke, J., & Guthke, J. (1992, December). Lernprozesse in statischen und dynamischen Aufgabenstellungen. [Learning processes in static and dynamic tasks]. Presented at 38. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Trier, Germany
Edited book
- Seiwald, B., Guthke, J., Petermann, H., Beckmann, J., & Roth, M. (Eds.). (2001). 6. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Universitätsverlag
- Beckmann, J., & Herzberg, Y. (Eds.). (2001). Dynamik im Testen. Neuere Befunde und Anwendungen [Dynamic in testing. Recent results and applications]. Landau: VEP
Journal Article
- Walker, S., López-Pérez, B., Beckmann, J. F., Kunst, H., & Polias, S. (online). The Need for a Unified Language Framework in Extrinsic Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Research. Emotion,
- Du, F., & Beckmann, J. F. (2024). Dynamic testing of language learning aptitude: an exploratory proof of concept study. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 4(1), 168-197.
- Beckmann, J. F., Birney, D. P., & Sternberg, R. J. (2024). A Novel Approach to Measuring an Old Construct: Aligning the Conceptualisation and Operationalisation of Cognitive Flexibility. Journal of Intelligence, 12(6), Article 61.
- Zhang, J., Beckmann, N., & Beckmann, J. (2023). More than meets the ear: Individual differences in trait and state willingness to communicate as predictors of language learning performance in a Chinese EFL context. Language Teaching Research, 27(3), 593-620.
- Herrmann, W., Beckmann, J., & Kretzschmar, A. (2023). The role of learning in complex problem solving using MicroDYN. Intelligence, 100, Article 101773.
- Zhang, J., Beckmann, N., & Beckmann, J. (2022). One situation doesn’t fit all: Variability and stability of state willingness to communicate in a Chinese College English classroom. Language Teaching Research, 26(3), 504-529.
- Birney, D., Beckmann, J., Beckmann, N., & Stemler, S. (2022). Sophisticated statistics cannot compensate for method effects if quantifiable structure is compromised. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 812963.
- Birney, D. P., & Beckmann, J. F. (2022). Intelligence IS Cognitive Flexibility: Why Multilevel Models of Within-Individual Processes Are Needed to Realise This. Journal of Intelligence, 10(3),
- Pogorskiy, E., & Beckmann, J. F. (2022). From procrastination to engagement? An experimental exploration of the effects of an adaptive virtual assistant on self-regulation in online learning. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, Article 100111.
- Pogorskiy, E., & Beckmann, J. F. (2022). Learners’ web navigation behaviour beyond learning management systems: A way into addressing procrastination in online learning?. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3,
- Beckmann, N., Birney, D., Minbashian, M., & Beckmann, J. (2021). Personality dynamics at work: The effects of form, time, and context of variability. European Journal of Personality, 35(4), 421-449
- Barbot, B., Hein, S., Trentacosta, C., Beckmann, J. F., Bick, J., Crocetti, E., Liu, Y., Rao, S. F., Liew, J., Overbeek, G., Ponguta, L. A., Scheithauer, H., Super, C., Arnett, J., Bukowski, W., Cook, T. D., Côté, J., Eccles, J. S., Eid, M., Hiraki, K., …Van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2020). Manifesto for new directions in developmental science. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2020(172), 135-149.
- Beckmann, N., Birney, D., Beckmann, J., Wood, R., Sojo, V., & Bowman, D. (2020). Inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability in personality within and across contexts. Journal of Research in Personality, 85, Article 103909.
- Birney, D., Beckmann, J. F., & Beckmann, N. (2020). What does within-individual variability in performance trajectories tell us about intelligence?. Personality and Individual Differences, 157, Article 109684.
- Gibbs, S., Beckmann, J. F., Elliott, J., Metsäpelto, R.-L., Vehkakoski, T., & Aro, M. (2020). What’s in a name: the effect of category labels on teachers’ beliefs. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35(1), 115--127.
- Beckmann, J. (2019). Heigh-Ho: CPS and the seven questions – Some thoughts on contemporary complex problem solving research. Journal of dynamic decision making, 5, Article 12.
- Yu, C., Beckmann, J. F., & Birney, D. P. (2019). Cognitive flexibility as a meta-competency / Flexibilidad cognitiva como meta-competencia. Studies in Psychology, 40(3), 563-584.
- Wood, R., Beckmann, N., Birney, D., Beckmann, J., Minbashian, A., & Chau, R. (2019). Situation contingent units of personality at work. Personality and Individual Differences, 136, 113-121.
- Elliott, J., Stankov, L., Lee, J., & Beckmann, J. (2019). What did PISA and TIMSS ever do for us?: the potential of large scale datasets for understanding and improving educational practice. Comparative Education, 55(1), 133-155.
- Beckmann, J. (2018). Deferential trespassing: Looking through and at an intersectional lens. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2018(161),
- Birney, D., Beckmann, J., Beckmann, N., Double, K., & Whittingham, K. (2018). Moderators of learning and performance trajectories in microworld simulations: Too soon to give up on intellect!?. Intelligence, 68, 128-140.
- Zhang, J., Beckmann, N., & Beckmann, J. (2018). To talk or not to talk: A review of situational antecedents of willingness to communicate in the second language classroom. System, 72, 226-239.
- Elliott, J., Resing, W., & Beckmann, J. (2018). Dynamic assessment: a case of unfulfilled potential?. Educational Review, 70(1), 7-17.
- Beckmann, J., Birney, D., & Goode, N. (2017). Beyond psychometrics: the difference between difficult problem solving and complex problem solving. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, Article 1739.
- Beckmann, J., & Goode, N. (2017). Missing the wood for the wrong trees: On the difficulty of defining the complexity of Complex Problem Solving scenarios. Journal of Intelligence, 5(2), Article 15.
- Birney, D., Beckmann, J., Beckmann, N., & Double, K. (2017). Beyond the Intellect: Complexity and learning trajectories in Raven’s Progressive Matrices depend on self-regulatory processes and conative dispositions. Intelligence, 61, 63-77.
- Goode, N., & Beckmann, J. (2017). With a little help …: On the role of guidance in the acquisition and utilisation of knowledge in the control of complex, dynamic systems. Journal of dynamic decision making, 2, Article 5.
- Birney, D., Beckmann, J., & Seah, Y. (2016). More than the eye of the beholder: The interplay of person, task, and situation factors in evaluative judgements of creativity. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 400-408.
- Cripps, E., Wood, R., Beckmann, N., Lau, J., Beckmann, J., & Cripps, S. (2016). Bayesian Analysis of Individual Level Personality Dynamics. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 1065.
- Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J., Birney, D., & Wood, R. (2015). A problem shared is learning doubled: Deliberative processing in dyads improves learning in complex dynamic decision-making tasks. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 654-662.
- Beckmann, J. (2015). Commentary - Of quadrants and fish scales: Reflections on new directions in research in child and adolescent development. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2015(147), 127-133.
- Scherer, R., & Beckmann, J. (2014). The acquisition of problem solving competence: evidence from 41 countries that math and science education matters. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 2, Article 10.
- Beckmann, J., & Goode, N. (2014). The benefit of being naïve and knowing it: the unfavourable impact of perceived context familiarity on learning in complex problem solving tasks. Instructional Science, 42(2), 271-290.
- Beckmann, J. (2014). The umbrella that is too wide and yet too small: Why dynamic testing has still not delivered on the promise that was never made. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 13(3), 308-323.
- Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J., Minbashian, A., & Birney, D. (2013). In the heat of the moment: On the effect of state neuroticism on task performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(3), 447-452.
- Birney, D., Beckmann, J., & Wood, R. (2012). Precursors to the development of flexible expertise: Metacognitive self-evaluations as antecedences and consequences in adult learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(5), 563-574.
- Birney, D., Bowman, D., Beckmann, J., & Seah, Y. (2012). Assessment of processing capacity: Reasoning in Latin Square tasks in a population of managers. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 28(3), 216-226.
- Beckmann, J., & Birney, D. (2012). What happens before and after it happens: Antecedences and consequences of adult learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(5), 561-562.
- Beckmann, J. (2010). Taming a beast of burden - On some issues with the conceptualisation and operationalisation of cognitive load. Learning and Instruction, 20(3), 250-264.
- Goode, N., & Beckmann, J. (2010). You need to know: There is a causal relationship between structural knowledge and control performance in complex problem solving tasks. Intelligence, 38(3), 345-352.
- Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J., & Elliott, J. (2009). Self-confidence and performance goal orientation interactively predict performance in a reasoning test with accuracy feedback. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(2), 277-282.
- Wood, R., Beckmann, J., & Birney, D. (2009). Simulations, learning and real world capabilities. Education + Training, 51(5/6), 491-510.
- Beckmann, J. (2006). Superiority: always and everywhere? - On some misconceptions in the validation of dynamic testing. Educational and Child Psychology, 23(3), 35-49
- Beckmann, J., & Beckmann, N. (2005). Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests. Psychologische Beiträge (Lengerich), 47(2), 262-278
- Beckmann, J. (2005). As time goes by: In search of the meaning of response latencies in performance tests. Psychologische Beiträge (Lengerich), 47(2),
- Beckmann, J. (2005). Oh, there is one more thing .... Psychologische Beiträge (Lengerich), 47(2), 294-295
- Neubauer, A., Grabner, R., Freudenthaler, H., Beckmann, J., & Guthke, J. (2004). Intelligence and individual differences in becoming neurally efficient. Acta Psychologica, 116, 55-74.
- Guthke, J., Beckmann, J., & Wiedl, K. (2003). Dynamik im Dynamischen Testen [Dynamics in dynamic testing]. Psychologische Rundschau, 54,
- Guthke, J., Beckmann, J., & Schmid, G. (2002). Ist an der Graphologie doch etwas dran? Untersuchungen zur Übereinstimmung von Graphologenurteil und psychometrischen Persönlichkeitstests [Is graphology of value after all? On the relationship between graphological judgment and psychometric personality tests]. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 1,
- Beckmann, J. (2000). Differentielle Latenzzeiteffekte bei der Bearbeitung von Reasoning-Items [Differential effects on latencies in solving reasoning items]. Diagnostica, 3,
- Schreiber, M., Schneider, R., Schweizer, A., Beckmann, J., & Baltissen, R. (2000). Diagnostische Programme in der Demenzfrüherkennung – Der Adaptive Figurenfolgen-Lerntest (ADAFI) [Diagnostic programs in the early detection of dementia – the Adaptive Figure Series Learning Test. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie und -psychiatrie, 2/3,
- Beckmann, J., & Dobat, H. (2000). Zur Validierung der Diagnostik intellektueller Lernfähigkeit [On validating the diagnostics of intellectual learning ability]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 14,
- Beckmann, J., & Guthke, J. (1999). Berliner Intelligenzstruktur-Test (BIS), Form 4 von A.O. Jäger, H.-M. Süß und A. Beauducel. Diagnostica, 45, 56-61.
- Guthke, J., Beckmann, J., & Dobat, H. (1997). Dynamic testing—problems, uses, trends and evidence of validity. Educational and Child Psychology, 14, 17-32
- Beckmann, J., Guthke, J., & Vahle, H. (1997). Analysen zum Zeitverhalten bei computergestützten adaptiven Intelligenz-Lerntests [Analysis of item response latencies in computer-aided adaptive intelligence learning ability tests]. Diagnostica, 43, 40-62
- Beckmann, J., & Funke, J. (1991). Solide Diskussionsbasis? Ein Kommentar zu dem Aufsatz “Komplexes Problemlösen und Verarbeitungskapazität“ von Walter Hussy [Solid basis for discussion? A comment on Walter Hussy]