Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Research Postgraduate (PhD) in the Department of Geography |
My PhD explores the role that smartphones now play in the everyday lives of asylum seekers in the UK. I'm interested in how everyday smartphone practices mediate the spatio-temporal experience of waiting within the asylum system. Mobilizing an intersectional feminist approach to research within digital geographies, I explore the everyday, intimate, and affective digtial encounters with the state (and beyond) that asylum seekers now expereince through the smartphone screen.
I use ethnographic methods informed by participatory action research.
I am also a PGR representative for the RGS Digital Geographies Research Group. We run a ‘Digital Shorts’ YouTube channel where ECRs and PGRs can get there work out there in a visual, interactive format. For any enquiries about contributions just send me an email. You can see the channel and its current contributions here:
Journal Article
- Morgan, H. (online). Living digitally like a migrant: Everyday smartphone practices and the (Re)mediation of hostile state-affects. Progress in Human Geography, 47(3),
- Morgan, H. (2024). Everyday digital dis/connection: Locating slow violence in (non)encounters with the UK asylum state. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 49(4), Article e12674.
- Morgan, H. (2024). Between hope and hostility: The affirmative biopolitics of everyday smartphone geographies. Political Geography, 114, Article 103192.