Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences |
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2015 - present: Professor in Earth Sciences, Dept of Earth Sciences, Durham University.
2010 — 2015: TOTAL Reader in Petroleum Geosciences, Dept of Earth Sciences, Durham University.
2009: TOTAL Senior Lecturer in Petroleum Geosciences, Dept of Earth Sciences, Durham University
2008: Lecturer in Petroleum Geosciences, Dept of Earth Sciences, Durham University
2005 — 2008: Lecturer, Dept of Earth Sciences, Durham University
2004 — 2005: Research Associate, University of Alberta, Canada
1999 — 2004: Post-doctoral fellow, University of Alberta, Canada
1999: PhD (University of Alberta, Canada)
1994: BSc (Southampton University, UK)
Career Research Highlights
Selby has been involved in the development and application of the Re-Os isotope system since 1999. His research focuses on the systematic development and application of the Re-Os isotope system to economic geology (e.g., sulfide Re-Os geochronology), chronology of sedimentary and petroleum systems, paleoclimate, paleoceanography, macroalgae, and the anthropocene.
His research is conducted in the Source Rock and Sulfide Geochronology and Geochemistry Laboratory and Arthur Holmes Laboratory, which forms an integral part of the Durham Geochemistry Centre.
For excellence in contributions to applied and economic aspects of the science Selby has been awarded the William Smith Fund (2009) from The Geological Society of London. He is also a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. In 2014 he received an award for excellence in doctoral supervision.
Research Interests
Application of isotope geology to metallic ore genesis, timescale calibration /isotope stratigraphy/mass extinction/ paleoclimate/macroalgae/past glaciations/anthropocene etc.
Rhenium-osmium isotope studies of organic-bearing sedimentary rocks/sulphide minerals/organic matter including macroalgae. Developing the laboratory techniques for the extraction of rhenium and osmium from geological samples.
Current Research Opportunites
If you are interested in any of my research interests, namely Re-Os isotope geochemistry of ore systems, organic-rich rocks, paleoclimate, macroalgae, and the anthropocene please feel free to contact me. E.g., Tracking human impact on the atmosphere, Late Paleozoic paleoclimate, Quaternay and Holocene paleoclimate, magmatism and economic mineralization. Current potential research project themes include:
PhD [funded]: Climatic change on the Greenland Ice Sheet over the Late Cenozoic to establish lineages to future climate change - supervised by David Selby, Emma Ownsworth (Earth Sciences), Jerry Lloyd (Geography) & Paul Knutz (GEUS).
MScR: Tracking marine excursion of Baffin Bay during the Cretaceous – supervised by David Selby & Paul Knutz (GEUS).
MScR: Temporal and Structural constraints of Magmatism and hosted Mo mineralization – supervised by David Selby, Ken Mccaffrey, Bob Holdsworth (Durham) and Cyril Chelle-Michou (ETH).
Conferences and Workshops
2016 — Chaired the session: Development and Application of Nontraditional Isotopes in Studies of Earth History. 2016 Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, 26 Jun – 1 Jul 2016.
2014 — Chaired the session: The Middle Paleozoic World, 2015 GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Nov 1-4.
2014 — Chaired the session: OAE phenomena contributed from Asian and Western Pacific records. IGCP608 meeting, Waseda Japan, September 4-6, 2014.
2013 — AGU Fall Meeting: Chaired Session: Recent Advances in the Study of Ocean Anoxic Events
2009 — AGU Fall Meeting: Chaired Session: Empirical and Modelling Reconstructions of the Tempo, Mode, and Origin of Palaeocirculation and Climate Change During the Holocene and Prior Periods
2009 — Geochemical Society Goldschmidt Conference Chaired Session: Role of Metals in Understanding the Origins of Petroleum
2006 — International Highly Siderophile Elements conference: High temperature and low temperature processes, environment and health issues, University of Durham
Editorial Roles
2010 – present — Editorial Committee, the Journal of Geology and Exploration
2012 – 2023 — Editorial Committee, the Society of Economic Geologists
2008 – 2012 — Royal Society: Industry Fellowship
Membership of Organisations and Societies
Member, Society of Economic Geologists
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, EARTH TIME Europe
Member, Geological Association of America
Prizes & Awards
2018 — Fellow of the Geological Society
2014 —Durham University award for excellence in doctoral supervision.
2009 — William Smith Fund from the Geological Society of London. Awarded for excellence in contributions to applied and economic aspects of the science.
2003 — Best Paper - Honourable Mention from the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
Recent and Current Grants
2021 - 2024 — NSF-NERC Research Grant
2014 – 2017 — Total Ph.D. Scholarship
2014 – 2015 — NERC Catalyst Research Grant
2012 – 2014 — CLAIR Group Research Grant
2010 – 2012 — SINDRI Research Grant
2010 – 2014 — NERC STD Grant
2009 – 2012 — Durham University/Helio Resource Corp. Ph.D. Scholarship
2009 – 2012 — Lundin Petroleum Ph.D. Scholarship
2009 – 2010 — NERC Small Grant
2008 – 2017 — TOTAL Endowment Fund
2008 – 2011 — NERC CASE Studentship
2007 – 2010 — CeREES/TOTAL Ph.D. Scholarship
2006 – 2009 — NERC CASE Studentship
2006 – 2008 — Nuffield Newly Appointed Lecturers Grant
2006 – 2009 — Science Foundation Ireland (Marine Institute) Research Frontiers Programme
Ph.D. Students (current)
Jennifer Taylor (2020-2021) – PhD – Tracking past sea-level and environmental changes via novel isotope geochemistry. Co-supervised by Drs Lloyd (DU Geography), Smeaton (St Andrews), Sageman (Northwestern University, USA). DDS Funded
Journal Article
- Taylor, J., Selby, D., Lloyd, J. M., Podrecca, L., Masterson, A. L., Sageman, B. B., & Szidat, S. (online). Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Loch Duart (NW Scotland, UK) since the Last Glacial Maximum: implications from a multiproxy approach. Journal of Quaternary Science, 39(1), 6-23.
- Podrecca, L., Masterson, A., Hurtgen, M., Taylor, J., Lloyd, J., Selby, D., & Sageman, B. (online). Microbial sulfate reduction regulated by relative sea level change in a Pleistocene – Holocene sedimentary record: Insights from Loch Duart, Scotland, UK. Chemical Geology, 122633.
- Feely, M., Selby, D., Conliffe, J., & Hunt, J. (online). Long-lived granite-related molybdenite mineralisation at Connemara, western Irish Caledonides. Geological Magazine,
- Rice, C., Mark, D., Selby, D., Neilson, J., & Davidheiser-Kroll, B. (in press). The age and geological setting of quartz vein-hosted gold mineralisation at Curraghinalt, Northern Ireland: Implications for genesis and classification. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists,
- Selby, D. (in press). The Timing of Vein Hosted Copper Mineralization and its Structural Setting in The Upper Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks of Southwest Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society,
- Gong, D., Liu, Z., Zhou, C., Ownsworth, E., Selby, D., He, W., & Qin, Z. (2024). Carboniferous–Permian interglacial warming and volcanism temporally linked to the world's oldest alkaline lake deposit of the Fengcheng Formation, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 654, Article 112441.
- Rabiee, A., Rossetti, F., Lustrino, M., Azizi, H., Asahara, Y., Alipour, S., & Selby, D. (2024). Formation and degradation of a porphyry occurrence: The Oligocene Khatoon-Abad porphyry Mo-Cu system, NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 174, Article 106330.
- Li, Y., Singer, B. S., Takashima, R., Schmitz, M. D., Podrecca, L. G., Sageman, B. B., Selby, D., Yamanaka, T., Mohr, M. T., Hayashi, K., Tomaru, T., & Savatic, K. (2024). Radioisotopic chronology of Ocean Anoxic Event 1a: Framework for analysis of driving mechanisms. Science Advances, 10(47), Article eadn8365.
- Virmond, A. L., Wotzlaw, J.-F., Rojas-Arancibia, R., Selby, D., & Chelle-Michou, C. (2024). Multi-million-year magmatic and hydrothermal activity is key to the formation of supergiant to behemothian porphyry copper deposits. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179(10), Article 88.
- Ownsworth, E., Moros, M., Lloyd, J., Bennike, O., Jensen, J. B., Blanz, T., & Selby, D. (2024). Multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Skagerrak from the Lateglacial to Middle Holocene. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 53(3), 360-375.
- Aluç, A., Kuşcu, I., Ulyanov, A., Selby, D., Antoine, C., Spikings, R. A., & Moritz, R. (2024). Protracted metallogenic and magmatic evolution of the Kirazlı epithermal Au-Ag and porphyry Cu deposits, Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey: evidence from zircon U-Pb, muscovite 40 Ar/ 39 Ar, and molybdenite Re-Os geochronology. Mineralium Deposita, 59(5), 885-905.
- Webb, S., Torvela, T., Chapman, R., Selby, D., & Gooday, R. (2024). A reinterpretation of the mineralization processes involved in the formation of the Tomnadashan sulfide deposit, Loch Tay, Scotland, UK. Scottish Journal of Geology, 60(1), Article sjg2023-023.
- Rooney, A. D., Hnatyshin, D., Toma, J., Saintilan, N. J., Millikin, A. E., Selby, D., & Creaser, R. A. (2024). Application of the 187Re-187Os geochronometer to crustal materials: Systematics, methodology, data reporting, and interpretation. GSA Bulletin, 136(9-10), 4091–4129.
- Takashima, R., Selby, D., Yamanaka, T., Kuwahara, Y., Nakamura, H., Sawada, K., Ikeda, M. A., Ando, T., Hayashi, K., Nishida, M., Usami, T., Kameyama, D., Nishi, H., Kuroyanagi, A., & Gyawali, B. R. (2024). Large igneous province activity drives oceanic anoxic event 2 environmental change across eastern Asia. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), Article 85.
- Lim, D., Xu, Z., Kim, J., Wang, W., Ownsworth, E., Selby, D., Yin, R., & Chang, T. (2024). Enhanced volcanic activity and long-term warmth in the middle Eocene revealed by mercury and osmium isotopes from IODP Expedition 369 Site U1514. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 627, Article 118565.
- Hong, W., Fabris, A., Wise, T., Collins, A. S., Gilbert, S., Selby, D., Curtis, S., & Reid, A. J. (2023). Metallogenic Setting and Temporal Evolution of Porphyry Cu-Mo Mineralization and Alteration in the Delamerian Orogen, South Australia: Insights From Zircon U-Pb, Molybdenite Re-Os, and In Situ White Mica Rb-Sr Geochronology. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 118(6), 1291-1318.
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., Roberts, N. M. W., Lee, J., Underhill, J. R., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K. J. W., & Selby, D. (2023). Older than you think: using U–Pb calcite geochronology to better constrain basin-bounding fault reactivation, Inner Moray Firth Basin, western North Sea. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(5),
- Percival, L., Ownsworth, E., Robinson, S., Selby, D., Goderis, S., & Claeys, P. (2023). Valanginian climate cooling and environmental change driven by Paraná-Etendeka basalt erosion. Geology, 51(8), 753-757.
- Li, N., Zhang, B., Danišík, M., Chen, Y.-J., Selby, D., & Xiao, W. (2023). Formation–exhumation history of the Carboniferous Axi epithermal gold deposit in the Chinese Western Tianshan based on zircon U–Pb and pyrite Re–Os geochronology and (U–Th)/He zircon–apatite thermochronometry. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(4), Article jgs2021–150.
- Rotich, E. K., Handler, M. R., Sykes, R., Naeher, S., Selby, D., & Kroeger, K. F. (2023). Evaluation of Re–Os geochronology and Os isotope fingerprinting of Late Cretaceous terrestrial oils in Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 149, Article 106071.
- Ouyang, H., Gaynor, S. P., Selby, D., Mao, J., Shu, Q., & Li, C. (2023). High-Precision Geochronology of the Xiaojiayingzi Mo Skarn Deposit: Implications for Prolonged and Episodic Hydrothermal Pulses. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 118(2), 485-507.
- Jones, M., Sageman, B., Selby, D., Jacobson, A., Batenburg, S., Riquier, L., MacLeod, K., Huber, B., Bogus, K., Tejada, M., Kuroada, J., & Hobbs, R. (2023). Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism. Nature Geoscience, 16(2), 169-174.
- Hu, J., Zhang, Y., Jia, D., Muxworthy, A., Selby, D., Li, Y., Brzozowski, M. J., Wei, G., Cao, J., Yin, H., & Li, W. (2023). Combining Paleomagnetic and Re‐Os Isotope Data to Date Hydrocarbon Generation and Accumulation Processes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(2), Article e2022JB025955.
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., Underhill, J. R., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K. J., & Selby, D. (2023). Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry Coupled with In Situ Fieldwork and U-Pb Geochronology to Decipher Multi-Phase Deformation Processes: A Case Study from Sarclet, Inner Moray Firth Basin, UK. Remote Sensing, 15(3), Article 695.
- Li, Z.-K., Li, J.-W., Sun, H.-S., Zhao, X.-F., Tomkins, A. G., Selby, D., Robinson, P. T., Deng, X.-D., Wang, Z., Yuan, Z.-Z., & Zhao, S.-R. (2023). Gold mineralized diorite beneath the Linglong ore field, North China craton: New insights into the origin of decratonization-related gold deposits. GSA Bulletin,
- Moles, N., & Selby, D. (2023). Implications of new geochronological constraints on the Aberfeldy stratiform barite deposits, Scotland, for the depositional continuity and global correlation of the Neoproterozoic Dalradian Supergroup. Precambrian Research, 384, Article 106925.
- Liu, J., Pujol, M., Zhou, H., Selby, D., Li, J., & Cheng, B. (2023). Origin and evolution of a CO2-Rich gas reservoir offshore Angola: Insights from the Gas Composition and isotope analysis. Applied Geochemistry, 148, Article 105552.
- Liu, Z., Tian, H., Selby, D., Hu, J., & Over, D. J. (2022). Organic geochemistry evidence for wildfire and elevated pO2 at the Frasnian–Famennian boundary. Global and Planetary Change, 216, Article 103904.
- Liu, J., Zhou, H., Pujol, M., Selby, D., Li, J., & Tian, H. (2022). The bitumen formation and Re-Os characteristics of a CO2-rich pre-salt gas reservoir of the Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 143, Article 105786.
- Pietras, J. T., Dennett, A., Selby, D., & Birdwell, J. E. (2022). The role of organic matter diversity on the Re-Os systematics of organic-rich sedimentary units: Insights into the controls of isochron age determinations from the lacustrine Green River Formation. Chemical Geology, 604, Article 120939.
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Underhill, J. R., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., McCarthy, D. J., McCaffrey, K. J., & Selby, D. (2022). Correlating deformation events onshore and offshore in superimposed rift basins: The Lossiemouth Fault Zone, Inner Moray Firth Basin, Scotland. Basin Research, 34(4), 1314-1340.
- Yang, C., Li, Y., Selby, D., Wan, B., Guan, C., Zhou, C., & Li, X.-H. (2022). Implications for Ediacaran biological evolution from the ca. 602 Ma Lantian biota in China. Geology, 50(5), 562-566.
- Tamas, A., Holdsworth, R. E., Underhill, J. R., Tamas, D. M., Dempsey, E. D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K. J., & Selby, D. (2022). New onshore insights into the role of structural inheritance during Mesozoic opening of the Inner Moray Firth Basin, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 179(2), jgs2021-066.
- Li, Y.-X., Liu, X., Selby, D., Liu, Z., Montañez, I. P., & Li, X. (2022). Enhanced ocean connectivity and volcanism instigated global onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) ∼94.5 million years ago. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, Article 117331.
- Carter, L. C., Tapster, S. R., Williamson, B. J., Buret, Y., Selby, D., Rollinson, G. K., Millar, I., & Parvaz, D. B. (2022). A rapid change in magma plumbing taps porphyry copper deposit-forming magmas. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 17272.
- Sproson, A. D., Pogge von Strandmann, P. A., Selby, D., Jarochowska, E., Frýda, J., Hladil, J., Loydell, D. K., Slavík, L., Calner, M., Maier, G., Munnecke, A., & Lenton, T. M. (2022). Osmium and lithium isotope evidence for weathering feedbacks linked to orbitally paced organic carbon burial and Silurian glaciations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 577, Article 117260.
- Martínez-Rodríguez, R., Selby, D., Castro, J. M., de Gea, G. A., Nieto, L. M., & Ruiz-Ortiz, P. A. (2021). Tracking magmatism and oceanic change through the early Aptian Anoxic Event (OAE 1a) to the late Aptian: Insights from osmium isotopes from the westernmost Tethys (SE Spain) Cau Core. Global and Planetary Change, 207, Article 103652.
- Nizam, S., Sen, I. S., Shukla, T., & Selby, D. (2021). Melting of the Chhota Shigri Glacier, Western Himalaya, Insensitive to Anthropogenic Emission Residues: Insights From Geochemical Evidence. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(19), Article e2021GL092801.
- Brando Soares, M., Selby, D., Robb, L., & Corrêa Neto, A. V. (2021). Sulfide recrystallization and gold remobilization during the 2.0 Ga stage of the Minas Orogeny: implications for gold mineralization in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero area, Brazil. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 116(6), 1455-1466.
- Liu, Z., Percival, L. M., Vandeputte, D., Selby, D., Claeys, P., Over, D. J., & Gao, Y. (2021). Upper Devonian mercury record from North America and its implications for the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 576, Article 110502.
- Chen, M., Wei, J., Selby, D., Li, Y., Shi, W., & Zhao, Y. (2021). Cretaceous intermediate sulfidation ore system in the Dongkeng Volcanic Basin, SE China: constraints from the Dongji and Maluntou gold deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 135, Article 104202.
- Zhao, Q., Zhai, D., Mathur, R., Liu, J., Selby, D., & Williams-Jones, A. E. (2021). The Giant Chalukou Porphyry Mo Deposit, Northeast China: The Product of a Short-Lived, High Flux Mineralizing Event. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 116(5), 1209-1225.
- Dempsey, E., Holdsworth, R., Selby, D., Bird, A., Young, B., & Le Cornu, C. (2021). A revised age, structural model and origin for the North Pennine Orefield in the Alston Block, northern England: intrusion (Whin Sill)-related base metal (Cu–Pb–Zn–F) mineralization. Journal of the Geological Society, 178(4), jgs2020-226.
- Aghayeva, V., Sachsenhofer, R., van Baak, C., Bechtel, A., Hoyle, T., Selby, D., Shiyanova, N., & Vincent, S. (2021). NEW GEOCHEMICAL INSIGHTS INTO CENOZOIC SOURCE ROCKS IN AZERBAIJAN: IMPLICATIONS FOR PETROLEUM SYSTEMS IN THE SOUTH CASPIAN REGION. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 44(3), 349-384.
- Maloney, K. M., Halverson, G. P., Schiffbauer, J. D., Xiao, S., Gibson, T. M., Lechte, M. A., Cumming, V. M., Millikin, A. E., Murphy, J. G., Wallace, M. W., Selby, D., & Laflamme, M. (2021). New multicellular marine macroalgae from the early Tonian of northwestern Canada. Geology, 49(6), 743-747.
- Myint, A. Z., Li, H., Mitchell, A., Selby, D., & Wagner, T. (2021). Geology, mineralogy, ore paragenesis, and molybdenite Re-Os geochronology of Sn-W (-Mo) mineralization in Padatgyaung and Dawei, Myanmar: Implications for timing of mineralization and tectonic setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 212, Article 104725.
- Jones, M. M., Sageman, B. B., Selby, D., Jicha, B. R., Singer, B. S., & Titus, A. L. (2021). Regional chronostratigraphic synthesis of the Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) interval, Western Interior Basin (USA): New Re-Os chemostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. GSA Bulletin, 133(5-6), 1090-1104.
- Liu, Z., & Selby, D. (2021). Deep-water osmium-isotope record of the Permian–Triassic interval from Niushan, China reveals potential delayed volcanic signal post the mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change, 200, Article 103473.
- Saintilan, N. J., Sproson, A. D., Selby, D., Rottier, B., Casanova, V., Creaser, R. A., Kouzmanov, K., Fontboté, L., Piecha, M., Gereke, M., & Zambito, J. J. (2021). Osmium isotopic constraints on sulphide formation in the epithermal environment of magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits. Chemical Geology, 564, Article 120053.
- Rotich, E. K., Handler, M. R., Sykes, R., Selby, D., & Naeher, S. (2021). Depositional influences on Re-Os systematics of Late Cretaceous–Eocene fluvio-deltaic coals and coaly mudstones, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. International Journal of Coal Geology, 236, Article 103670.
- Saintilan, N. J., Sheldrake, T. E., Creaser, R. A., Selby, D., Zieg, J., Boyce, A., & Chelle-Michou, C. (2021). Syn-sedimentary to diagenetic Cu ± Co mineralization in Mesoproterozoic pyritic shale driven by magmatic-hydrothermal activity on the edge of the Great Falls tectonic zone – Black Butte, Helena Embayment, Belt-Purcell Basin, USA: Evidence from sulfide Re-Os isotope geochemistry. Lithosphere, 2021(1), Article 7866186.
- Manoel, T. N., Selby, D., Galvez, M. E., Leite, J. A. D., & Figueiredo, L. N. (2021). A pre-Sturtian depositional age of the lower Paraguay Belt, Western Brazil, and its relationship to western Gondwana magmatism. Gondwana Research, 89, 238-246.
- Ge, X., Selby, D., Liu, J., Chen, Y., Cheng, G., & Shen, C. (2021). Genetic relationship between hydrocarbon system evolution and Carlin-type gold mineralization: Insights from ReOs pyrobitumen and pyrite geochronology in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China. Chemical Geology, 559, Article 119953.
- Rottier, B., Kouzmanov, K., Ovtcharova, M., Ulianov, A., Wälle, M., Selby, D., & Fontboté, L. (2020). Multiple rejuvenation episodes of a silicic magma reservoir at the origin of the large diatreme-dome complex and porphyry-type mineralization events at Cerro de Pasco (Peru). Lithos, 376-377, Article 105766.
- Lawley, C., Yang, X., Selby, D., Davis, W., Zhang, S., Petts, D., & Jackson, S. (2020). Sedimentary basin controls on orogenic gold deposits: New constraints from U-Pb detrital zircon and Re-Os sulphide geochronology, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, 126, Article 103790.
- Maydagan, L., Zattin, M., Mpodozis, C., Selby, D., Franchini, M., & Dimieri, L. (2020). Apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology and Re-Os ages in the Altar region, Central Andes (31°30’S), Main Cordillera of San Juan, Argentina: Implications of rapid exhumation in the porphyry Cu (Au) metal endowment and regional tectonics. Mineralium Deposita, 55(7), 1365-1384.
- Lúcio, T., Souza Neto, J. A., & Selby, D. (2020). Late Barremian / Early Aptian Re–Os age of the Ipubi Formation black shales: Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental implications for Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 102, Article 102699.
- Percival, L., Helmond, N., Selby, D., Goderis, S., & Claeys, P. (2020). Complex Interactions Between Large Igneous Province Emplacement and Global‐Temperature Changes During the Cenomanian‐Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 2). Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35(10), Article e2020PA004016.
- Nagornaya, E., Baksheev, I., Selby, D., & Tikhomirov, P. (2020). The latest Aptian / earliest Albian age of the Kekura gold deposit, Western Chukotka, Russia: Implications for mineralization associated with post-collisional magmatism. Mineralium Deposita, 55(7), 1255-1262.
- Liu, Z., Selby, D., Zhang, H., & Shen, S. (2020). Evidence for volcanism and weathering during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction from Meishan (South China) osmium isotope record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 553, Article 109790.
- Liu, Z., Selby, D., Hackley, P. C., & Over, D. J. (2020). Evidence of wildfires and elevated atmospheric oxygen at the Frasnian−Famennian boundary in New York (USA): Implications for the Late Devonian mass extinction. GSA Bulletin, 130(9-10), 2043-2054.
- Sproson, A. D., Selby, D., Suzuki, K., Oda, T., & Kuroda, J. (2020). Anthropogenic Osmium in Macroalgae from Tokyo Bay Reveals Widespread Contamination from Municipal Solid Waste. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(15), 9356-9365.
- Chen, J., Fu, L., Selby, D., Wei, J., Zhao, X., & Zhou, H. (2020). Multiple episodes of gold mineralization in the East Kunlun Orogen, western Central Orogenic Belt, China: Constraints from Re-Os sulfide geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews, 123, Article 103587.
- Saintilan, N., Selby, D., Hughes, J., Schlatter, D., Kolb, J., & Boyce, A. (2020). Source of gold in Neoarchean orogenic-type deposits in the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland: Insights for a proto-source of gold in sub-seafloor hydrothermal arsenopyrite in the Mesoarchean. Precambrian Research, 343, Article 105717.
- Nizam, S., Sen, I. S., Vinoj, V., Galy, V., Selby, D., Azam, M. F., Pandey, S. K., Creaser, R. A., Agarwal, A. K., Singh, A. P., & Bizimis, M. (2020). Biomass-derived provenance dominates glacial surface organic carbon in the western Himalaya. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(14), 8612-8621.
- Lang, J., Meere, P., Johnson, S., Solferino, G., Torremans, K., Selby, D., & Kyne, R. (2020). Vein Hosted Copper Deposits of the Allihies Mining Area, Southwest Ireland – A New Structural and Chronological Evaluation. Journal of the Geological Society, 177(4), 671-685.
- Zhai, D., Williams-Jones, E., Selby, D., Liu, J., Voudouris, P., Tombros, S., Li, K., Li, P., & Sun, H. (2020). The Genesis of the Giant Shuangjianzishan Epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit, Inner Mongolia, Northeastern China. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 115(1), 101-128.
- Rotich, K., Handler, M., Naeher, S., Selby, D., Hollis, C., & Sykes, R. (2020). Re-Os geochronology and isotope systematics, and organic and sulfur geochemistry of the middle-late Paleocene Waipawa Formation, New Zealand: Insights into early Paleogene seawater Os isotope composition. Chemical Geology, 536, Article 119473.
- Chen, J., Fu, L., Wei, J., Selby, D., Zhang, D., Zhou, H., Zhao, X., & Liu, Y. (2020). Proto-Tethys magmatic evolution along northern Gondwana: Insights from Late Silurian–Middle Devonian A-type magmatism, East Kunlun Orogen, Northern Tibetan Plateau, China. Lithos, 356-357, Article 105304.
- Ge, X., Shen, C., Selby, D., Feely, M., & Zhu, G. (2020). Petroleum evolution within the Tarim Basin, northwestern China: Insights from organic geochemistry, fluid inclusions, and rhenium–osmium geochronology of the Halahatang oil field. AAPG Bulletin, 104(2), 329-355.
- Feely, M., Costanzo, A., Gaynor, S. P., Selby, D., & McNulty, E. (2020). A review of molybdenite, and fluorite mineralization in Caledonian granite basement, western Ireland, incorporating new field and fluid inclusion studies, and Re-Os and U-Pb geochronology. Lithos, 354-355, Article 105267.
- Corrick, A., Hall, P., Gong, S., McKirdy, D., Selby, D., Trefry, C., & Ross, A. (2020). A second type of highly asphaltic crude oil seepage stranded on the South Australian coastline. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 112, Article 104062.
- Pietras, J. T., Selby, D., Brembs, R., & Dennett, A. (2020). Tracking drainage basin evolution, continental tectonics, and climate change: Implications from osmium isotopes of lacustrine systems. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 537, Article 109471.
- Saintilan, N., Selby, D., Hughes, J., Schlatter, D., Kolb, J., & Boyce, A. (2020). Mineral separation protocol for accurate and precise rhenium-osmium (Re-Os) geochronology and sulphur isotope composition of individual sulphide species. MethodsX, 7, Article 100944.
- Kemp, D. B., Selby, D., & Izumi, K. (2020). Direct coupling between carbon release and weathering during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. Geology, 48(10), 976-980.
- Liu, Z., Horton, D. E., Tabor, C., Sageman, B. B., Percival, L. M., Gill, B. C., & Selby, D. (2019). Assessing the Contributions of Comet Impact and Volcanism Toward the Climate Perturbations of the Paleocene‐Eocene Thermal Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(24), 14798-14806.
- Liu, Z., Selby, D., Zhang, H., Zheng, Q., Shen, S., Sageman, B. B., Grasby, S. E., & Beauchamp, B. (2019). Osmium-isotope evidence for volcanism across the Wuchiapingian–Changhsingian boundary interval. Chemical Geology, 529, Article 119313.
- Delibaş, O., Moritz, R., Selby, D., Göç, D., & Revan, M. K. (2019). Multiple Porphyry Cu-Mo Events in the Eastern Pontides Metallogenic Belt, Turkey: From Early Cretaceous Subduction to Eocene Postcollision Evolution. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 114(7), 1285-1300.
- Simmonds, V., Mathur, R., & Selby, D. (2019). Rhenium abundance in molybdenites: a case study on vein-type Cu-Mo-Au mineralisation in the Qarachilar area, Sungun porphyry Cu and Siah Kamar porphyry Mo deposits, NW Iran. Geological Quarterly, 63(3), 478-492.
- Ownsworth, E., Selby, D., Ottley, C. J., Unsworth, E., Raab, A., Feldmann, J., Sproson, A. D., Kuroda, J., Faidutti, C., & Bücker, P. (2019). Tracing the natural and anthropogenic influence on the trace elemental chemistry of estuarine macroalgae and the implications for human consumption. Science of the Total Environment, 685, 259-272.
- Mederer, J., Moritza, R., Chiaradiaa, M., Spikings, R., Selby, D., & Spangenberg, J. (2019). Ore formation during Jurassic subduction of the Tethys along the Eurasian margin: Constraints from the Kapan district, Lesser Caucasus, southern Armenia. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 114(7), 1251-1284.
- Li, Y., McCoy-West, A. J., Zhang, S., Selby, D., Burton, K. W., & Horan, K. (2019). Controlling Mechanisms for Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Porphyry Deposits: The Qulong Example. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 114(5), 981-992.
- Washburn, A., Hudson, S., Selby, D., Abdullayev, N., & Shiyanova, N. (2019). Constraining the timing and depositional conditions of the maikop formation within the Kura Basin, Eastern Azerbaijan, through the application of re‐os geochronology and chemostratigraphy. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 42(3), 281-299.
- Marcoux, É., Breillat, N., Guerrot, C., Négrel, P., Hmima, S. B., & Selby, D. (2019). Multi-isotopic tracing (Mo, S, Pb, Re Os) and genesis of the Mo W Azegour skarn deposit (High-Atlas, Morocco). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 155, 109-117.
- Rabiee, A., Rossetti, F., Tecce, F., Asahara, Y., Azizi, H., Glodny, J., Lucci, F., Nozaem, R., Opitz, J., & Selby, D. (2019). Multiphase magma intrusion, ore-enhancement and hydrothermal carbonatisation in the Siah-Kamar porphyry Mo deposit, Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic zone, NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 110, Article 102930.
- Zhai, D., Williams-Jones, A. E., Liu, J., Selby, D., Li, C., Huang, X.-W., Qi, L., & Guo, D. (2019). Evaluating the Use of the Molybdenite Re-Os Chronometer in Dating Gold Mineralization: Evidence from the Haigou Deposit, Northeastern China. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 114(5), 897-915.
- Percival, L., Selby, D., Bond, D., Rachocinski, M., Racki, G., Marynowski, L., Adatte, T., Spangenberg, J., & Follmi, K. (2019). Pulses of enhanced continental weathering associated with multiple Late Devonian climate perturbations: Evidence from osmium-isotope compositions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 524, 240-249.
- Liu, J., Selby, D., Zhou, H., & Pujol, M. (2019). Further evaluation of the Re-Os systematics of crude oil: Implications for Re-Os geochronology of petroleum systems. Chemical Geology, 513, 1-22.
- Schröder-Adams, C., Herrle, J., Selby, D., Quesnel, A., & Froude, G. (2019). Influence of the High Arctic Igneous Province on the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Interval, Sverdrup Basin, High Canadian Arctic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 511, 76-88.
- Li, Y., Zhang, S., Hobbs, R., Caiado, C., Sproson, A., Selby, D., & Rooney, A. (2019). Monte Carlo sampling for error propagation in linear regression and applications in isochron geochronology. Science Bulletin, 64(3), 189-197.
- Corrick, A. J., Selby, D., McKirdy, D. M., Hall, P. A., Gong, S., Trefry, C., & Ross, A. S. (2019). Remotely constraining the temporal evolution of offshore oil systems. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 1327.
- Simmonds, V., Moazzen, M., & Selby, D. (2019). U-Pb zircon and Re-Os molybdenite age of the Siah Kamar porphyry molybdenum deposit, NW Iran. International Geology Review, 61(14), 1786-1802.
- Saintilan, N., Selby, D., Creaser, R., & Dewaele, S. (2018). Sulphide Re-Os geochronology links orogenesis, salt and Cu-Co ores in the Central African Copperbelt. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article 14946.
- Sproson, A. D., Selby, D., Gannoun, A., Burton, K. W., Dellinger, M., & Lloyd, J. M. (2018). Tracing the impact of coastal water geochemistry on the Re-Os systematics of macroalgae: Insights from the basaltic terrain of Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(9), 2791-2806.
- Liu, J., Selby, D., Obermajer, M., & Mort, A. (2018). Rhenium–osmium geochronology and oil-source correlation of the Duvernay petroleum system, Western Canada sedimentary basin: Implications for the application of the rhenium–osmium geochronometer to petroleum systems. AAPG Bulletin, 102(8), 1627-1657.
- Ge, X., Shen, C., Selby, D., Wang, G., Yang, Z., Gong, Y., & Xiong, S. (2018). Neoproterozoic-Cambrian petroleum system evolution of the Micang Shan Uplift, Northern Sichuan Basin, China: Insights from pyrobitumen Re-Os geochronology and apatite fission track analysis. AAPG Bulletin, 102(8), 1429-1453.
- van der Ploeg, R., Selby, D., Cramwinckel, M., Li, Y., Bohaty, S., Middelburg, J., & Sluijs, A. (2018). Middle Eocene greenhouse warming facilitated by diminished weathering feedback. Nature Communications, 9, Article 2877.
- Washburn, A., Hudson, S., Selby, D., Abdullayev, N., & Shiyanova, N. (2018). Extended abstract : Re-os geochronology and chemostratigraphy of the maikop series source rocks of Eastern Azerbaijan. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 41(3), 411-416.
- Ge, X., Shen, C., Selby, D., Wang, J., Ma, L., Ruan, X., Hu., S., & Mei, L. (2018). Petroleum generation timing and source in the Northern Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, Southwest China: Implications for multiple oil generation episodes and sources. AAPG Bulletin, 102(05), 913-938.
- Huang, S., Qin, M., Selby, D., Liu, Y., Xu, Q., He, Z., Liu, Z., & Liu, J. (2018). Geochemistry characteristics and Re-Os isotopic dating of Jurassic oil sands in the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin. Dixue qianyuan, 25(2), 254-266.
- Myint, A., Yonezu, K., Boyce, A., Selby, D., Scherstén, A., Tindell, T., Watanabe, K., & Swe, Y. (2018). Stable isotope and geochronological study of the Mawchi Sn-W deposit, Myanmar: implications for timing of mineralization and ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 95, 663-679.
- Liu, J., & Selby, D. (2018). A matrix-matched reference material for validating petroleum Re-Os measurements. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 42(1), 97-113.
- Li, Y., Selby, D., Li, X.-H., & Ottley, C. (2018). Multisourced metals enriched by magmatic-hydrothermal fluids in stratabound deposits of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt, China. Geology, 46(5), 391-394.
- Jones, M., Ibarra, D., Gaoc, Y., Sageman, B., Selby, D., Chamberlain, P., & Graham, S. (2018). Evaluating Late Cretaceous OAEs and the influence of marine incursions on organic carbon burial in an expansive East Asian paleo-lake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 484, 41-52.
- Li, Y., Li, X.-H., Selby, D., & Li, J.-W. (2018). Pulsed magmatic-fluid release for the formation of porphyry deposits: tracing fluid evolution in absolute time from the Tibetan Qulong Cu-Mo deposit. Geology, 46(1), 7-10.
- Rooney, A., Austermann, J., Smith, E., Li, Y., Selby, D., Dehler, C., Schmitz, M., Karlstrom, K., & Macdonald, F. (2017). Coupled Re-Os and U-Pb geochronology of the Tonian Chuar Group, Grand Canyon. GSA Bulletin, 130(7-8), 1085-1098.
- Delibaş, O., Moritz, R., Chiaradia, M., Selby, D., Ulianov, A., & Revan, M. (2017). Post-collisional magmatism and ore-forming systems in the Menderes massif: new constraints from the Miocene porphyry Mo–Cu Pınarbaşı system, Gediz–Kütahya, western Turkey. Mineralium Deposita, 52(8), 1157-1178.
- Chang, J., Li, J.-W., Selby, D., Liu, J.-C., & Deng, X.-D. (2017). Geological and chronological constraints on the long-lived Eocene Yulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, eastern Tibet, China: implications for lifespan of magmatic-hydrothermal processes forming giant and supergiant porphyry Cu deposits. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 112(7), 1719-1746.
- Horan, K., Hilton, R., Selby, D., Ottley, C., Gröcke, D., Hicks, M., & Burton, K. (2017). Mountain glaciation drives rapid oxidation of rock-bound organic carbon. Science Advances, 3(10), Article e1701107.
- Li, Y., Selby, D., Condon, D., & Tapster, S. (2017). Cyclic magmatic-hydrothermal evolution in porphyry systems: High-precision U-Pb and Re-Os geochronology constraints from the Tibetan Qulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposit. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 112(6), 1419-1440.
- Them, T., Gill, B., Selby, D., Gröcke, D., Friedman, R., & Owens, J. (2017). Evidence for rapid weathering response to climatic warming during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 5003.
- Zeng, Z., Ma, Y., Chen, S., Selby, D., Wang, X., & Yin, X. (2017). Sulfur and lead isotopic compositions of massive sulfides from deep-sea hydrothermal systems: Implications for ore genesis and fluid circulation. Ore Geology Reviews, 87, 155-171.
- Pogge von Strandmann, P., Desrochers, A., Murphy, M., Finlay, A., Selby, D., & Lenton, T. (2017). Global climate stabilisation by chemical weathering during the Hirnantian glaciation. Geochemical perspectives letters, 3(2), 230-237.
- Veloso, E., Cembrano, J., Arancibia, G., Heuser, G., Neira, S., Siña, A., Garrido, I., Vermeesch, P., & Selby, D. (2017). Tectono-metallogenetic evolution of the Fe–Cu deposit of Dominga, northern Chile. Mineralium Deposita, 52(4), 595-620.
- Li, Z.-K., Bi, S.-J., Li, J.-W., Zhang, W., Cooke, D., & Selby, D. (2017). Distal Pb-Zn-Ag veins associated with the world-class Donggou porphyry Mo deposit, southern North China craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 82, 232-251.
- Barra, F., Reich, M., Selby, D., Rojas, P., Simon, A., Salazar, E., & Palma, G. (2017). Unraveling the origin of the Andean IOCG clan: A Re-Os isotope approach. Ore Geology Reviews, 81(Part 1), 62-78.
- Kelley, K., Selby, D., Falck, H., & Slack, J. (2017). Re-Os systematics and age of pyrite associated with stratiform Zn-Pb mineralization in the Howards Pass district, Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 52(3), 317-335.
- Li, Y., Selby, D., Feely, M., Costanzo, A., & Li, X.-H. (2017). Fluid inclusion characteristics and molybdenite Re-Os geochronology of the Qulong porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, Tibet. Mineralium Deposita, 52(2), 137-158.
- Xu, W., Ruhl, M., Jenkyns, H., Hesselbo, S., Riding, J., Selby, D., Naafs, D., Weijers, J., Pancost, R., Tegelaar, E., & Idiz, E. (2017). Carbon sequestration in an expanded lake system during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. Nature Geoscience, 16(2), 129-134.
- Li, Y., Li, J., Li, X., Selby, D., Huang, G., Chen, L., & Zheng, K. (2017). An Early Cretaceous carbonate replacement origin for the Xinqiao stratabound massive sulfide deposit, Middle-Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, 985-1003.
- Alderton, D., Selby, D., Kucha, H., & Blundell, D. (2016). A multistage origin for Kupferschiefer mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 79, 535-543.
- Aleinikoff, J., Selby, D., Slack, J., Day, W., Pillers, R., Cosca, M., Seeger, C., Fanning, C., & Samson, I. (2016). U-Pb, Re-Os, and Ar/Ar Geochronology of Rare Earth Element (REE)-Rich Breccia Pipes and Associated Host Rocks from the Mesoproterozoic Pea Ridge Fe-REE-Au Deposit, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 111(8), 1883-1914.
- Racionero-Gómez, B., Sproson, A., Selby, D., Gannoun, A., Gröcke, D., Greenwell, H., & Burton, K. (2016). Osmium uptake, distribution, and 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os compositions in Phaeophyceae macroalgae, Fucus vesiculosus: Implications for determining the 187Os/188Os composition of seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 199, 48-57.
- Buret, Y., von Quadt, A., Heinrich, C., Selby, D., Wälle, M., & Peytcheva, I. (2016). From a long-lived upper-crustal magma chamber to rapid porphyry copper emplacement: Reading the geochemistry of zircon crystals at Bajo de la Alumbrera (NW Argentina). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450, 120-131.
- Moritz, R., Rezeau, H., Ovtcharova, M., Tayan, R., Melkonyan, R., Hovakimyan, S., Ramazanov, V., Selby, D., Ulianov, A., Chiaradia, M., & Putlitz, B. (2016). Long-lived, stationary magmatism and pulsed porphyry systems during Tethyan subduction to post-collision evolution in the southernmost Lesser Caucasus, Armenia and Nakhitchevan. Gondwana Research, 37, 465-503.
- Rezeau, H., Moritz, R., Wotzlaw, J.-F., Tayan, R., Melkonyan, R., Ulianov, A., Selby, D., d'Abzac, F.-X., & Stern, R. (2016). Temporal and genetic link between incremental pluton assembly and pulsed porphyry Cu-Mo formation in accretionary orogens. Geology, 44(8), 627-630.
- Ge, X., Shen, C., Selby, D., Deng, D., & Mei, L. (2016). Apatite fission-track and Re-Os geochronology of the Xuefeng uplift, China: Temporal implications for dry gas associated hydrocarbon systems. Geology, 4(6), 491-494.
- Akbulut, M., Oyman, T., Çiçek, M., Selby, D., Özgenç, İ., & Tokçaer, M. (2016). Petrography, mineral chemistry, fluid inclusion microthermometry and Re–Os geochronology of the Küre volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit (Central Pontides, Northern Turkey). Ore Geology Reviews, 76, 1-18.
- Racionero-Gómez, B., Sproson, A., Selby, D., Gröcke, D., Redden, H., & Greenwell, H. (2016). Rhenium uptake and distribution in phaeophyceae macroalgae, Fucus vesiculosus. Royal Society Open Science, 3(5), Article 160161.
- Dichiarante, A., Holdsworth, R., Dempsey, E., Selby, D., McCaffrey, K., Michie, U., Morgan, G., & Bonniface, J. (2016). New structural and Re–Os geochronological evidence constraining the age of faulting and associated mineralization in the Devonian Orcadian Basin, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 173(3), 457-473.
- Rooney, A., Selby, D., Lloyd, J., Roberts, D., Lückge, A., Sageman, B., & Prouty, N. (2016). Tracking millennial-scale Holocene glacial advance and retreat using osmium isotopes: Insights from the Greenland ice sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 138, 49-61.
- Moritz, R., Melkonyan, R., Selby, D., Popkhadze, N., Gugushvili, V., Tayan, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2016). Metallogeny of the Lesser Caucasus: From arc construction to post-collision evolution. Special publication (Society of Economic Geologists (U.S.)), 157-192
- Holdsworth, R., Dempsey, E., Selby, D., Darling, J., Feely, M., Costanzo, A., Strachan, R., Waters, P., Finlay, A., & Porter, S. (2015). Silurian–Devonian magmatism, mineralization, regional exhumation and brittle strike-slip deformation along the Loch Shin Line, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 172(6), 748-762.
- Du Vivier, A., Selby, D., Condon, D., Takashima, R., & Nishi, H. (2015). Pacific 187Os/188Os isotope chemistry and U-Pb geochronology: synchroneity of global Os isotope change across OAE 2. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 428, 204-216.
- Zeng, Z., Ma, Y., Yin, X., Selby, D., Kong, F., & Chen, S. (2015). Factors affecting the rare earth element compositions in massive sulfides from deep-sea hydrothermal systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16(8), 2679-2693.
- Chinnasamy, S., Uken, R., Reinhardt, J., Selby, D., & Johnson, S. (2015). Pressure, temperature, and timing of mineralization of the sedimentary rock-hosted orogenic gold deposit at Klipwal, southeastern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Mineralium Deposita, 50(6), 739-766.
- Du Vivier, A. D., Jacobson, A. D., Lehn, G. O., Selby, D., Hurtgen, M. T., & Sageman, B. B. (2015). Ca isotope stratigraphy across the Cenomanian–Turonian OAE 2: Links between volcanism, seawater geochemistry, and the carbonate fractionation factor. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 416, 121-131.
- Chelle-Michou, C., Chiaradia, M., Selby, D., Ovtcharova, M., & Spikings, R. (2015). High-resolution geochronology of the Coroccohuayco porphyry-skarn deposit, Peru: A rapid product of the Incaic orogeny. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 110(2), 423-443.
- Bezard, R., Schaefer, B., Turner, S., Davidson, J., & Selby, D. (2015). Lower crustal assimilation in oceanic arcs: Insights from an osmium isotopic study of the Lesser Antilles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 150, 330-344.
- Hassanpour, S., Alirezaei, S., Rasa, I., Selby, D., & Sergeev, S. (2015). SHRIMP zircon U–Pb and biotite and hornblende Ar–Ar geochronology of Sungun, Haftcheshmeh, Kighal, and Niaz porphyry Cu–Mo systems: evidence for an early Miocene porphyry-style mineralization in northwest Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 104, 45–59.
- Bertoni, M., Rooney, A., Selby, D., Alkmim, F., & Le Heron, D. (2014). Neoproterozoic Re–Os systematics of organic-rich rocks in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil and implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Precambrian Research, 255(1), 355-366.
- Wanhainen, C., Nigatu, W., Selby, D., McLeod, C., Nordin, R., & Bolin, N.-J. (2014). The Distribution, Character, and Rhenium Content of Molybdenite in the Aitik Cu-Au-Ag-(Mo) Deposit and Its Southern Extension in the Northern Norrbotten Ore District, Northern Sweden. Minerals, 4(4), 788-814.
- Porter, S., Selby, D., & Vyllinniskii, C. (2014). Characterising the nickel isotopic composition of organic-rich marine sediments. Chemical Geology, 387, 12-21.
- Lawley, C., Selby, D., Condon, D., & Imber, J. (2014). Palaeoproterozoic orogenic gold style mineralization at the Southwestern Archaean Tanzanian cratonic margin, Lupa Goldfield, SW Tanzania: Implications from U–Pb titanite geochronology. Gondwana Research, 26(3-4), 1141-1158.
- Hughes, H., McDonald, I., Goodenough, K., Ciborowski, T., Kerr, A., Davies, J., & Selby, D. (2014). Enriched lithospheric mantle keel below the Scottish margin of the North Atlantic Craton: Evidence from the Palaeoproterozoic Scourie Dyke Swarm and mantle xenoliths. Precambrian Research, 250, 97-126.
- Sperling, E., Rooney, A., Hays, L., Sergeeva, V., Vorob’eva, N., Sergeeva, N., Pearson, A., Selby, D., Johnston, D., & Knoll, A. (2014). Redox heterogeneity of subsurface waters in the Mesoproterozoic ocean. Geobiology, 12(5), 373-386.
- Cumming, V., Selby, D., Lillis, P., & Lewan, M. (2014). Re–Os geochronology and Os isotope fingerprinting of petroleum sourced from a Type I lacustrine kerogen: Insights from the natural Green River petroleum system in the Uinta Basin and hydrous pyrolysis experiments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 138, 32-56.
- Porter, S., Smith, P., Carruthers, A., Hou, P., Gröcke, D., & Selby, D. (2014). New high resolution geochemistry of Lower Jurassic marine sections in western North America: A global positive carbon isotope excursion in the Sinemurian?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 397, 19-31.
- Zeng, Z., Chen, S., Selby, D., Yin, X., & Wang, X. (2014). Rhenium–osmium abundance and isotopic compositions of massive sulfides from modern deep-sea hydrothermal systems: Implications for vent associated ore forming processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 396, 223-234.
- Vernon, R., Holdsworth, R., Selby, D., Dempsey, E., Finlay, A., & Fallick, A. (2014). Structural characteristics and Re–Os dating of quartz-pyrite veins in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, NW Scotland: Evidence of an Early Paleoproterozoic hydrothermal regime during terrane amalgamation. Precambrian Research, 246, 256-267.
- White, A., Burgess, R., Charnley, N., Selby, D., Whitehouse, M., Robb, L., & Waters, D. (2014). Constraints on the timing of late-Eburnean metamorphism, gold mineralisation and regional exhumation at Damang mine, Ghana. Precambrian Research, 243, 18-38.
- Du Vivier, A., Selby, D., Sageman, B., Jarvis, I., Gröcke, D., & Voigt, S. (2014). Marine 187Os/188Os isotope stratigraphy reveals the interaction of volcanism and ocean circulation during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 389(1), 23-33.
- Prouty, N., Roark, E., Koenig, A., Demopoulos, A., Batista, F., Kocar, B., Selby, D., McCarthy, M., & Mienis, F. (2014). Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28(1), 29-43.
- Rooney, A., Macdonald, F., Strauss, J., Dudás, F., Hallmann, C., & Selby, D. (2014). Re-Os geochronology and coupled Os-Sr isotope constraints on the Sturtian snowball Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(1), 51-56.
- Hemmesch, N., Harris, N., Mnich, C., & Selby, D. (2014). A sequence-stratigraphic framework for the Upper Devonian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, west Texas. AAPG Bulletin, 98(1), 23-47.
- Lawley, C., Imber, J., & Selby, D. (2013). Structural Controls on Orogenic Au Mineralization During Transpression: Lupa Goldfield, Southwestern Tanzania. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 108(7), 1615-1640.
- Lawley, C., Selby, D., & Imber, J. (2013). Re-Os Molybdenite, Pyrite, and Chalcopyrite Geochronology, Lupa Goldfield, Southwestern Tanzania: Tracing Metallogenic Time Scales at Midcrustal Shear Zones Hosting Orogenic Au Deposits. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 108(7), 1591-1613.
- Harris, N., Mnich, C., Selby, D., & Korn, D. (2013). Minor and Trace Element and Re-Os Chemistry of the Upper Devonian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas: Insights into Metal Abundance and Basin Processes. Chemical Geology, 356, 76-93.
- Lillis, P., & Selby, D. (2013). Evaluation of the Rhenium-Osmium geochronometer in the Phosphoria Petroleum System, Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, USA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 118, 312-330.
- Tang, K., Li, J., Selby, D., Bi, S., & Deng, X. (2013). Geology, mineralization, and geochronology of the Qianhe gold deposit, southern North China Craton. Mineralium Deposita, 48, 729–747.
- Lawley, C., Selby, D., Condon, D., Horstwood, M., Millar, I., Crowley, Q., & Imber, J. (2013). Lithogeochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamic Setting of the Lupa Terrane, Tanzania: Implications for the Extent of the Archean Tanzanian Craton. Precambrian Research, 231, 174-193.
- Schoepfer, S., Henderson, C., Garrison, G., Foriel, J., Ward, P., Selby, D., Hower, J., Algeo, T., & Sheng, Y. (2013). Termination of a continent-margin upwelling system at the Permian-Triassic boundary (Opal Creek, Alberta, Canada). Global and Planetary Change, 105, 21-35.
- Cumming, V., Poulton, S., Rooney, A., & Selby, D. (2013). Anoxia in the terrestrial environment during the Late Mesoproterozoic. Geology, 41(5), 583-586.
- Deng, X., Li, J., Zhao, X., Hu, Z., Hu, H., Selby, D., & de Souza, Z. (2013). U–Pb isotope and trace element analysis of columbite-(Mn) and zircon by laser ablation ICP–MS: Implications for geochronology of pegmatite and associated ore deposits. Chemical Geology, 344, 1-11.
- Porter, S., Selby, D., Suzuki, K., & Gröcke, D. (2013). Opening of a trans-Pangaean marine corridor during the Early Jurassic: Insights from osmium isotopes across the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian GSSP, Robin Hood's Bay, UK. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 375, 50-58.
- Li, K., Li, J., Zhao, X., Selby, D., Bi, S., Sui, J., & Zhao, Z. (2013). Crustal-Extension Ag-Pb-Zn Veins in the Xiong’ershan District, southern North China Craton: A Case Study of the Shagou Deposit. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 108, 1703-1729
- Zhao, X., Zhou, M., Li, J., Selby, D., Li, X., & Qi, L. (2013). Sulfide Re-Os and Rb-Sr isotope dating of the Kangdian IOCG metallogenic province, southwest China: Implications for regional metallogenesis. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 108, 1489-1498
- Li, J. V., P.M. Zhou, M. D., X. Cohen, B. B., Zhao, X., & Selby, D. (2013). Longevity of magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Daye Cu-Fe-Au District, eastern China with implications for mineral exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 375-392
- Cumming, V., Selby, D., & Lillis, P. (2012). Re–Os geochronology of the lacustrine Green River Formation: Insights into direct depositional dating of lacustrine successions, Re–Os systematics and paleocontinental weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359-360, 194-205.
- Li, J.-W., Bi, S.-J., Selby, D., Chen, L., Vasconcelos, P., Thiede, D., Zhou, M.-F., Zhao, X.-F., Li, Z.-K., & Qiu, H.-N. (2012). Giant Mesozoic gold provinces related to the destruction of the North China Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 349-350, 26-37.
- Finlay, A., McComish, J., Ottley, C., Bates, C., & Selby, D. (2012). Trace element fingerprinting of ceramic building material from Carpow and York Roman fortresses manufactured by the VI Legion. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(7), 2385-2391.
- Rowbotham, J., Dyer, P., Greenwell, H., Selby, D., & Theodorou, M. (2012). Copper(II)-mediated thermolysis of alginates: a model kinetic study on the influence of metal ions in the thermochemical processing of macroalgae. Interface Focus, 3(1),
- Rooney, A., Selby, D., Lewan, M., Lillis, P., & Houzay, J.-P. (2012). Evaluating Re-Os systematics in organic-rich sedimentary rocks in response to petroleum generation using hydrous pyrolysis experiments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 77, 275-291.
- Finlay, A., Selby, D., & Osborne, M. (2012). Petroleum source rock identification of United Kingdom Atlantic Margin oil fields and the Western Canadian Oil Sands using Platinum, Palladium, Osmium and Rhenium: Implications for global petroleum systems. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 313-314, 95-104.
- Reid, A., Smith, R., Baker, T., Jagodzinki, E., Selby., D., Gregory, C., & Skirrow, R. (2012). Re-Os dating of molybdenite within hematite-breccias from the Vulcan Cu-Au prospect, Olympic Cu-Au province, south Australia. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 108, 871-882
- Lawley, C., & Selby, D. (2012). Re-Os Geochronology of Quartz Enclosed Ultra-fine Molybdenite: Implications for Ore Geochronology. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 107(7), 1499-1506.
- Holwell, D., Selby, D., Boyce, A., Gilbertson, J., & Abraham-James, T. (2012). An Re-Os date for molybdenite-bearing quartz vein mineralization within the Kangerlussuaq alkaline complex, East Greenland: Implications for the timing of regional metallogenesis. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 107, 713-722
- Li, J.-W., Li, Z.-K., Zhou, M.-F., Chen, L., Bi, S.-J., Deng, X.-D., Qiu, H.-N., Cohen, B., Selby, D., & Zhao, X.-F. (2012). The Early Cretaceous Yangzhaiyu Lode Gold Deposit, North China Craton: A link between carton reactivation and gold veining. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 107, 43-79
- Kerr, A., & Selby, D. (2012). The timing of epigenetic gold mineralization on the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada: new evidence from Re-Os pyrite geochronology. Mineralium Deposita, 47, 325-337.
- Finlay, A., Selby, D., & Osborne, M. (2011). Re-Os geochronology and fingerprinting of United Kingdom Atlantic margin oil: Temporal implications for regional petroleum systems. Geology, 39(5), 475-478.
- Rooney, A., Chew, D., & Selby, D. (2011). Re-Os geochronology of the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Dalradian Supergroup of Scotland and Ireland: Implications for Neoproterozoic stratigraphy, glaciations and Re-Os systematics. Precambrian Research, 185, 202-214
- Finlay, A., Selby, D., Osborne, M., & Finucane, D. (2010). Fault-charged mantle-fluid contamination of United Kingdom North Sea oils: Insights from Re-Os isotopes. Geology, 38(11), 979-982.
- Finlay, A., Selby, D., & Gröcke, D. (2010). Tracking the Hirnantian glaciation using Os isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 293(3-4), 339-348.
- Rooney, A., Selby, D., Houzay, J.-P., & Renne, P. (2010). Re–Os geochronology of a Mesoproterozoic sedimentary succession, Taoudeni basin, Mauritania: Implications for basin-wide correlations and Re–Os organic-rich sediments systematics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289(3-4), 486-496.
- Porter, S., & Selby, D. (2010). Rhenium-Osmium (Re-Os) molybdenite systematics and geochronology of the Cruchan Granite skarn mineralization, Etive Complex: implications for emplacement chronology. Scottish Journal of Geology, 46, 17-21
- Conliffe, J., Selby, D., Porter, S., & Feely, M. (2010). Re-Os molybdenite dates from the Ballachulish and Kilmelford Igneous Complexes (Scottish Highlands): Age constraints for late-Caledonian magmatism. Journal of the Geological Society, 167, 297-302
- Selby, D., Kelley, K., Hitzman, M., & Zieg, J. (2009). Re-Os sulfide (bornite, chalcopyrite and pyrite) systematics of the carbonate-hosted copper deposits at Ruby Creek, southern Brooks Range, Alaska. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 104, 437-444
- Mutterlose, S. D., J., C., & J., D. (2009). U-Pb and Re-Os Geochronology of the Aptian/Albian and Cenomanian/Turonian stage boundaries: Implications for timescale calibration, osmium isotope seawater composition and Re-Os systematics in organic-rich sediments. Chemical Geology, 265, 394-409.
- Kendall, B., Creaser, R., & Selby, D. (2009). 187Re-187Os geochronology of Precambrian organic-rich sedimentary rocks. Geological Society Special Publications, 326, 85-107.
- Selby, D. (2009). U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Aptian/Albian boundary implies that the GL-O international glauconite standard is anomalously young. Cretaceous Research, 30, 1263-1267.
- Feely, M., Selby, D., Conliffe, J., & Judge, M. (2007). The role and temporal evolution of granite–related molybdenite mineral systems along the Caledonian-Appalachian orogen: Implications from Re-Os geochronology and fluid inclusion microthermometry. Applied Earth Science, 116(3), 143-149.
- Selby, D., Creaser, R., Stein, H., Markey, R., & Hannah, J. (2007). Assessment of the 187Re decay constant by cross calibration of Re–Os molybdenite and U–Pb zircon chronometers in magmatic ore systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(8), 1999-2013.
- Morelli, R., Creaser, R., Seltmann, R., Stuart, F., Selby, D., & Graupner, T. (2007). Age of and source constraints for the Giant Murantau gold deposit, Uzbekistan, from coupled Re-Os-He isotopes in arsenopyrite. Geology, 35, 795-798.
- Selby, D., Creaser, R., & Fowler, M. (2007). Re-Os elemental and isotopic systematics in crude oils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 378-386.
- Selby, D. (2007). Direct rhenium-osmium age of the oxfordian-kimmidgian boundary, Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, UK and the Late Jurassic geologic timescale
- Kendall, B., Creaser, R., & Selby, D. (2006). Re-Os geochronology of the post-glacial black shales in Australia: Constraints on the timing of “Sturtian” glaciation. Geology, 34, 729-732
- Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2005). Direct radiometric dating of the Devonian-Mississippian time-scale boundary using the Re-Os black shale geochronometer. Geology, 33(7), 545-548.
- Selby, D., Creaser, R., Dewing, K., & Fowler, M. (2005). Evaluation of bitumen as a 187Re-187Os geochronometer for hydrocarbon maturation and migration: A case study from the Polaris MVT deposit, Canada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235(1-2), 1-15.
- Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2005). Direct radiometric dating of hydrocarbon deposits using Rhenium-Osmium isotopes. Science, 308(5726), 1293-1295.
- Morelli, R., Creaser, R., & Selby, D. (2004). Re-Os sulfide geochronology from the Red Dog sedimentary-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, Alaska. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 99, 1569-1576
- Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2004). Macroscale NTIMS and microscale LA-MC-ICP-MS Re-Os isotopic analysis of molybdenite: Testing spatial restrictions for reliable Re-Os age determinations, and implications for the decoupling of Re and Os within molybdenite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, 3897-3908.
- Selby, D., Creaser, R., & Feely, M. (2004). Accurate and precise Re-Os molybdenite dates from the Galway Granite, Ireland. A Critical Comment to: 'Disturbance of the Re-Os chronometer of molybdenites from the late-Caledonian Galway Granite, Ireland, by hydrothermal fluid circulation.'
- Kendall, B., Creaser, R., Ross, G., & Selby, D. (2004). Constraints on the timing of Marinoan 'Snowball Earth' glaciation by 187Re-187Os dating of a Neoproterozoic, post-glacial black shale in Western Canada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222, 729-740.
- Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2003). Re-Os geochronology of organic rich sediments: An evaluation of organic matter analysis methods. Chemical Geology, 200, 225-240.
- Selby, D., Creaser, R., Heaman, L., & Hart, C. (2003). Re-Os and U-Pb geochronology of the Clear Creek, Dublin Gulch and Mactung deposits, Tombstone Gold Belt, Canada: Absolute timing relationships between plutonism and mineralization. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 40, 1839-1852
- Selby, D., Creaser, R., Hart, C., Rombach, C., Thompson, J., Smith, M., Bakke, A., & Goldfarb, R. (2002). Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska. Geology, 30(9), 791-794.
- Creaser, R., Sannigrahi, P., Chacko, T., & Selby, D. (2002). Further evaluation of the Re-Os geochronometer in organic-rich sedimentary rocks: A test of hydrocarbon maturation effects in the Exshaw Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66, 3441-3452.
- Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2001). Re-Os Geochronology and Systematics in Molybdenite from the Endako Porphyry Molybdenum Deposit, British Columbia, Canada. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96, 197-204
- Selby, D., Nesbitt, B., Creaser, R., Reynolds, P., & Muehlenbachs, K. (2001). Evidence of a Non-Magmatic Component in Potassic Hydrothermal Fluids of Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Systems, Yukon, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 571-587.
- Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2001). Late and Mid Cretaceous mineralization in the Northern Canadian Cordillera: Constraints from Re-Os molybdenite dates. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 96, 1461-1467
- Selby, D., & Nesbitt, B. (2000). Biotite Chemistry of the Casino Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Mineralization, Yukon, Canada: Evaluation of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Fluid Chemistry. Chemical Geology, 171, 77-93.
- Selby, D., Nesbitt, B., Muehlenbachs, K., & Prochaska, W. (2000). Hydrothermal Alteration and Fluid Chemistry the Endako Porphyry Molybdenum System, British Columbia:. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 95, 183-202
- Selby, D., Creaser, R., & Nesbitt, B. (1999). Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb Systematics of Crystalline Rocks from the Dawson Range, Yukon, Canada:. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 36, 1463-1481.