Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor Emeritus (Ncl), Honorary Professor (Dur) in the School of Education |
After teaching in school, Doug Newton became a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor at Newcastle University where he trained teachers, taught higher degree courses and was Director of the Doctorate in Education course, founded the Teaching and Learning journal and established the Collection of Historical Science Textbooks. Professor Newton now teaches and researches at Durham University, where he mentors early-career researchers, teaches on higher degree courses, and trains teachers, mainly in Science and Technology Education. His research largely centred on Teaching with Text, Effective Communication, Teaching for Understanding, Creativity in the Classroom, Engagement in Learning, Fostering Productive Thought, and Peer Review. He has, however, had a long-standing interest in the interaction of thinking and feeling and how moods and emotions affect purposeful thought. While moods and emotions shape the thinking of all of us; for some, this interaction can be the most powerful determinant of academic success (and failure). His most recent book, Thinking with Feeling (London, Routledge) has been described as a Copernican change in the way the educational process is conceptualised. Professor Newton also has a strong interest in mentoring lecturers in HE and works in various parts of the University promoting and fostering scholarly activity. In this capacity, he has contributed to the University's resources for mentor development. This mentoring work has been described as a 'model of good practice'.
Professor Newton's interests are not confined to Education. For example, he has published research in the European Journal of Archaeology on using found coins as indicators of coins in circulation. He has also engaged in medical education research (health informatics and diabetes education) and he invented and patented a medical device, the Uflow meter, now produced by MDTi and available worldwide.
Prizes and awards include The Mark Wright Prize, The Guinness Award for Science Education, and the Esmée Fairbairn Partnership Trust Commendation for Teacher Training. Professor Newton is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is a member of the University's Durham Commission reporting on creativity across all subjects, including those in Higher Education.
Completed Supervisions
Information for prospective doctoral research student supervisions
Professor Newton has a variety of doctorate students working on areas, such as, science education; teaching for understanding; creativity and creative thinking; engagement in learning and the interaction of emotions and learning. Some are listed below.
Research interests
- Cognitive Engagement in Learning and Productive Thought
- Creativity
- Moods, emotions, thinking and learning
- Peer Review
- Science and Technology Education
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: Best publications: Newton, D.P. (2016). In Two Minds: The interaction of moods, emotions and purposeful thought in formal education. Ulm, Germany: International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE).
Newton, D.P. (2014). Thinking with Feeling: Fostering productive thought in the classroom. London New York: Routledge.
- 2000: Translation into other languages: For example, work on Teaching for Understanding was translated into Swedish at the request of educationalists in Sweden: Newton, D.P. (2003) Undervisa för förstäelse: Vad det är och hur man gör det, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 91 44 02347 2, 256pp
- 2000: Citations for research literature: His publications have been cited frequently and positively in the research literature. For example, relating to work on children's perceptions, see citations in International Journal of Science Education, 17(6), 755-774 (an Australian author), and on using analogies to support learning, see International Journal of Science Education, 25(6), 697-715. The articles have also been developed by invitation for publication in collected works (e.g. work on teachers' lack of support for understanding in Progress in Educational Research, Vol. 6, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, pp. 139-154, (ISBN 1 59033 321 7)
- 2000: Policy and Practice: His work continues to bear upon policy and practice, as exemplified by, for instance, its lengthy reproduction in books for taining teachers (Reflective Readers: Primary Science, Learning Matters, Exeter, 2005, 15-17; The Teaching of Science in Primary Schools, Harlen, W. & Qualter, A. 2004, David Fulton, London, 278-279) and in articles in the professional literature (e.g. School Science Review, 300, 71-83) and material in science teaching schemes (e.g. Bath Primary Science). I was also invited by the Treasury to give an address on the methodology of assessing learning (2003).
- 2000: Invention: Inventor of UFlow Meter - a portable, accurate and reliable gauge for the detection of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
Authored book
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2018). Making Purposeful Thought Productive. ICIE, International Centre for Innovation in Education
- Newton, D. (2014). Thinking with Feeling: Fostering productive thought in the classroom. Routledge
- Newton, D. (2012). Teaching for Understanding: What it is and how to do it. (2nd ed.). Routledge
- Newton, D. (2008). A Practical Guide to Teaching Science in the Secondary School. Routledge
- Moseley, D., Baumfield, V., Elliott, J., Gregson, M., Higgins, S., Miller, J., & Newton, D. (2005). Frameworks for thinking: a handbook for teaching and learning. Cambridge University Press.
- Newton, D. (2005). Teaching Design and Technology. SAGE Publications
- Newton, D. (2003). Undervisa för förstäelse: Vad det är och hur man gör det = Teaching for Understanding: What it is and how to do it. Studentlitteratur
- Newton, D. (2003). Teaching Science Concepts. Scholastic
- Newton, D. (2002). Talking Sense in Science. RoutledgeFalmer
Chapter in book
- Newton, D. (2020). Creative Teaching in a Changing World. In Y. Harpaz, & E. Horwitz (Eds.), The future of education (218-229). Branco Weiss Institute & Kineret Zmova Dvir
- Newton, D. (2018). Emotions: Can’t think with them, can’t think without them. In L. Kerslake, & R. Wegerif (Eds.), Theory of Teaching Thinking: International Perspectives (26-40). Routledge
- Newton, D. (2016). Causal Understanding: Is it only a matter of intellect?. In Y. Harpaz (Ed.), Understanding Understanding: Theory and Practice. Moffet
- Newton, D. (2016). Students’ academic emotions, their effects and some suggestions for teaching practices. In C. MarshalL, S. Nolan, & D. Newton (Eds.), Widening Participation, Higher Education and Non-Traditional Students (165-178). Palgrave Macmillan
- Newton, D. (2015). There’s more to thinking than the intellect. In R. Wegerif, L. Li, & J. Kaufman (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking (58-68). Routledge
- Newton, D., Donkin, H., Kokotsaki, D., & Newton, L. (2012). Creativity in Art and Music. In L. Newton (Ed.), Creativity for a New Curriculum: 5-11 (62-79). Routledge
- Newton, D. (2012). Recognizing creativity. In L. Newton (Ed.), Creativity for a New Curriculum (108-119). Routledge
- Newton, D. (2012). Creativity and problem solving: An overview. In L. Newton (Ed.), Creativity for a New Curriculum (7-18). Routledge
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2008). A problem-based approach to training elementary teachers to plan science lessons. In G. Ollington (Ed.), Teachers and Teaching: Strategies, Innovations and Problem Solving (54-74). Nova Science Publishers
- Newton, D. (2005). Teaching and learning in the primary school. In E. English, & L. Newton (Eds.), Professional Studies in the Primary School: Thinking Beyond the Standards (35-49). David Fulton.
- Newton, D. (2005). Motivating students in science. In L. Newton (Ed.), Meeting the Standards in Secondary Science (164-173). RoutledgeFalmer
- Newton, D., & Sambell, F. (2005). The Physical World. In L. Newton (Ed.), Meeting the Standards in Secondary Science (80-121). RoutledgeFalmer
- Newton, D. (2002). There's more to communication than just words. In S. Amos, & R. Boohan (Eds.), Aspects of Teaching Secondary Science: Perspectives on Practice (199-210). RoutledgeFalmer
- Newton, D. (2002). Helping children to understand. In L. Newton (Ed.), Teaching for Understanding across the Primary Curriculum (3-11). Multilingual Matters
- Newton, D., Newton, L., Blake, A., & Brown, K. (2002). Is understanding a priority in elementary science teaching?. In Progress in Educational Research (139-154). Nova Science Publishers
Conference Paper
- Mathias, J., & Newton, D. (2016, June). Deep and shallow approaches to learning mathematics are not mutually exclusive. Presented at Conference of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, Loughborough
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2009, December). Conceptions of Creativity in Elementary School Science. Presented at Excellence in Educatin 2008: Future Minds and Creativity., Paris
- Pridgeon, S., Harding, C., Newton, D., & Pickard, R. (2005, September). Validity and Reliability of a simple Home Uroflow Device for Repeated Flow Rate Measurement. Presented at International Urology Conference
- Newton, D. (2005, December). Understanding Science: Is there just one road up the mountain?. Presented at BERA Annual Conference
- Heller, S., Amiel, S., Beveridge, S., Bradley, C., Gianfransesco, C., James, P., McKeown, N., Newton, D., Newton, L., Oliver, L., Reid, H., Roberts, S., Robson, S., Rollingson, J., Scott, V., Speight, J., Taylor, C., Thompson, G., & Wright, F. (2002, March). The end of the diabetic diet in Type 1 diabetes. Presented at Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference
- Roberts, S., Amiel, S., Beveridge, S., Bradley, C., Gianfransesco, C., Heller, J., Oliver, L., McKeown, N., Newton, D., Newton, L., Robson, S., Rollingson, J., Reid, H., Scott, V., Speight, J., Taylor, C., Thompson, G., Turner, E., & Wright, F. (2001, April). Changing the way people manage Type 1 Diabetes. Presented at Annual Professional Meeting of Diabetes UK: Hot Topics., Glasgow
Edited book
Journal Article
- Wang, Y., & Newton, D. P. (online). How Initial Teacher Training programmes integrate research: A case study of insights from module expectations and teacher educators’ implementation. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal,
- Newton, P., & Newton, L. (online). When Robots Teach: Towards a Code of Practice
- Newton, D. (online). Ofsted doesn't work. Managing schools today, 16-18
- Newton, D. (online). A Roman problem. Junior education, 27-28
- Irving-Walton, J., Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2023). Emotions Matter in Learning: The Development of a Training Package for Teachers in Higher Education. International journal for talent development and creativity, 11 & 12(1), 179-191
- Wang, Y., Newton, D., Moger, P., Ion, G., & Armau-Sabates, L. (2023). What do we know so far about the research-teaching nexus in Initial Teacher Training?. Review of Education, 11(2), Article e3405.
- Simpson, R., Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2022). Developing Creative Teaching Skills in Pre-Service Teachers. International journal for talent development and creativity, 10(1-2), 163-178
- Newton, D., Wang, Y., & Newton, L. (2022). ‘Allowing them to dream’: fostering creativity in mathematics undergraduates. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(10), 1334-1346.
- Rees, S., & Newton, D. (2021). The Creative Sciences. School science review, 382, 57-62
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2020). Fostering creative thinking in a digital world. International journal for talent development and creativity, 8(1 & 2), 19-28
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2019). Humanoid robots as teachers and a proposed code of practice. Frontiers in Education, 4, Article 125.
- Rees, S., Kind, V., & Newton, D. (2019). Meeting the Challenge of Chemical Language Barriers in University Level Chemistry Education. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 59(6-7), 470-477.
- Rees, S., Kind, V., & Newton, D. (2018). The development of chemical language usage by “non-traditional” students: the interlanguage analogy. Research in Science Education, 51(2), 419-438.
- Newton, D., Newton, L., & Abrams, P. (2018). A study of children’s classroom questions in relation to elementary science teaching. International journal for talent development and creativity, 6(1-2), 39-50
- Davies, L., Newton, D. P., & Newton, L. (2018). Teachers’ pedagogies and strategies of engagement. International journal for talent development and creativity, 6(1-2), 169-180
- Newton, D. (2018). Profiles of Creativity. International journal for talent development and creativity, 6(1-2), 211-220
- Rees, S., Kind, V., & Newton, D. (2018). Can language focussed activities improve understanding of chemical language in non-traditional students?. Chemistry education research and practice, 19(3), 755-766.
- Davies, L., Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2018). Creativity as a Twenty-First-Century Competence: An Exploratory Study of Provision and Reality. Education 3-13, 46(7), 879-891.
- Newton, D. (2017). Choosing for Yourself: A pragmatic framework for developing competence in young people’s personal decision-making. Archives of psychology (Chicago, Ill. Online), 1(2), Article 16
- Moreton, I., Newton, D., Newton, L., & Mathias, J. (2017). The Selection of Potential Undergraduate Students who Lack Customary Academic Qualifications: is a toolkit possible?. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 19(3), 64-84.
- Ferrari, D., Kokotsaki, D., Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2017). How can the understanding of analysis of sonata form movements be deepened by the use of graphic representation?. The journal of music and meaning, 14, 1-20
- Parton, A., Newton, D. P., & Newton, L. (2017). The implementation of object-centred learning through the visual arts: Engaging students in creative, problem-based learning. International Journal of Education through Art, 13(2), 147-162.
- Kokotsaki, D., & Newton, D. (2015). Recognizing creativity in the music classroom. International Journal of Music Education, 33(4), 491-508.
- Newton, D. (2014). The intellect is not everything: The interaction of thinking and feeling
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2014). Creativity in 21st-Century Education. Prospects, 44(4), 575-589.
- Newton, D. (2014). The Elephant in the classroom
- Mathias, J., Bruce, M., & Newton, D. (2013). Challenging the Western stereotype: Do Chinese International Foundation students learn by rote?. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 18(3), 221-238.
- Newton, D. (2013). Moods, emotions and creative thinking: A framework for teaching. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8, 34-44.
- Newton, D. (2013). הבנה , רגשות ומצבי רוח (Causal understanding: Intellect or emotion?). Hd hḥynwk, 88(1), 42-47
- Newton, D., & Donkin, H. (2011). Some notions of artistic creativity amongst history of art students acquired through incidental learning. International Journal of Education through Art, 7(3), 283-298.
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2011). Engaging science: pre-service primary school teachers' notions of engaging science lessons. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(2), 327-345.
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2010). Creative Thinking and Teaching for Creativity in Elementary School Science. Gifted and Talented International, 25(2), 111-124
- Newton, D. (2010). Assessing the creativity of scientific explanations in elementary science: an insider-outsider view of intuitive assessment in the hypothesis space. Research in Science and Technological Education, 28(3), 187-201.
- Newton, D. (2010). Quality and Peer Review of Research: An Adjudicating Role for Editors. Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 17(3), 130-145.
- Bolden, D., Harries, A., & Newton, D. (2010). Pre-service primary teachers’ conceptions of creativity in mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 73(2), 143-157.
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2010). What teachers see as creative incidents in elementary science lessons. International Journal of Science Education, 32(15), 1989-2005.
- Blake, A., Edwards, G., Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2010). Some student teachers' conceptions of creativity in primary school history. International journal of historical learning, teaching and research, 9(2), 15-24
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2009). Some student teachers' conceptions of creativity in school science. Research in Science and Technological Education, 27(1), 45-60.
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2009). Knowledge development at the time of use: a problem-based approach to lesson planning in primary teacher training in a low knowledge, low skill context. Educational Studies, 35(3), 311-321.
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2009). A Procedure for Assessing Textbook Support for Reasoned Thinking
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2007). An analysis of primary technology textbooks: can they support cause and purpose explanations?. Research in Science and Technological Education, 25(2), 199-210.
- Pridgeon, S., Harding, C., Newton, D., & Pickard, R. (2007). Clinical evaluation of a simple uroflowmeter for categorization of maximum urinary flow rate. Indian Journal of Urology, 23(2), 114-118.
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2007). Could elementary mathematics textbooks help give attention to reasons in the classroom?. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 64, 69-84.
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2007). Can RE textbooks help you teach for understanding the primary school?
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2006). Can explanations in children's books help teachers foster reason-based understandings in religious education in primary schools?. British Journal of Religious Education, 28(3), 225-234.
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2006). Could elementary textbooks serve as models of practice to help new teachers and non-specialists attend to reasoning in music?. Music Education Research, 8(1), 3-16.
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2006). To what extent can children's geography books help a primary school teacher explain cause and purpose?. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15(1), 29-40.
- Newton, L. D., & Newton, D. P. (2005). Thinking about Art: Could Elementary Textbooks Serve as Models of Practice to Help New Teachers and Non Specialists Support Reasoning in Art?. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 24(3), 315-324.
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2005). Can elementary textbooks help teachers teach Physical Education for understanding?
- Blake, A., Newton, L., Newton, D., & Brown, K. (2003). Do primary history books show a concern for explanatory understanding?. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 26(2), 149-159.
- Shaw, I., Newton, D., Aitkin, M., & Darnell, R. (2003). Do OFSTED inspections of secondary schools make a difference to GCSE results?. British Educational Research Journal, 29(1), 63-75.
- Blake, A., Newton, L., Newton, D., & Brown, K. (2003). But why did Guy Fawkes try to blow up the king, Miss?. Primary history, 34, 11-14
- Newton, D. (2002). Get the picture. Literacy & learning (Birmingham), 25, 13-15
- Blake, A., & Newton, D. (2002). Some lesson's from children's ideas about what it is like inside the Earth. Teachers and curriculum, Special Conference Edition, 6-9
- Newton, D., Newton, L., & Blake, A. (2002). Do primary science books for children show a concern for explanatory understanding?. Research in Science and Technological Education, 20, 227-240
- Newton, D. (2002). Are you still sitting comfortably?. Primary maths + science, 46, 40-41
- Shaw, I., Newton, D., Darnell, R., & Aitkin, M. (2002). Ofsted inspection and school improvement: to what edxtent does inspection improve examination performance in the comprehensive school?. Studies in teaching and learning, 3, 2-7
- Roberts, S., Amiel, S., Beveridge, S., Bradley, C., Gianfransesco, C., Heller, S., James, P., Mckeown, N., Newton, D., Newton, L., Oliver, L., Reid, H., Robson, S., Rollingson, J., Scott, V., Speight, J., Taylor, C., Thompson, G., Turner, E., & Wright, F. (2002). Training in flexible, intensive insulin management to enable dietary freedom in people with type 1 diabetes: dose adjustement for nomrmal eating (DAFNE) randomised controlled trial. eBMJ (London), 325, 746-752.
- Newton, L., Newton, D., & Blake, A. (2002). Understanding in primary school science teaching. Investigating the Australian primary and junior science journal, 18(1), 11-13
- Newton, D. (2002). Personal, Social and Health Education: what can science do?. Primary maths + science, 46,
- Newton, D. (2002). What Science can do for PSHE. Primary maths + science, 47, 44-45
- Newton, D. P., & Newton, L. D. (2001). Choosing and judging teachers: What Heads and student teachers think matters. Research in Education, 66(November), 54-64
- Newton, D., Shaw, I., Darnell, R., & Aitkin, M. (2001). Ofsted inspection and school improvement: to what extent does inspection improve examination performance in the comprehensive school?. FORUM, 43(3), 124-126
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2001). Subject content knowledge and some teacher talk in the primary science classroom. European Journal of Teacher Education, 24(3), 369-379
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2001). What primary school student-teachers and head teachers think matters when choosing and judging a teacher,. Research in Education, 66, 54-64
- Newton, D. (2001). Helping children to understand. Evaluation and research in education, 15(3), 119-127
Other (Print)
- Newton, D., Newton, L., & Abrams, P. (2018, December). Students’ Questioning and Problem Finding: A neglected piece of the creative process? Keynote presentation 3 July - 6 July 2018. Presented at 16th International Conference on Excellence, Creativity, and Innovation in Basic-Higher Education and Psychology, International Centre for Innovation and Education, (ICIE), Paris, France
- Newton, D. (2017, December). Purposeful thought in the classroom: Do emotions matter?. Paper presented at 15th International Conference on Excellence, Creativity, and Innovation in Basic-Higher Education and Psychology 3-5 July 2017, International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE), Lisbon, Portugal
- Newton, L., & Newton, D. (2009). A problem based learning approach to developing lesson planning skills in primary science. [No known commissioning body]
- Newton, L., Newton, D., & Sambell, F. (2006). How to Assess Structured Diabetes Education: An improvement toolkit for commissioners and local diabetes communities. [No known commissioning body]
- Newton, D., & Newton, L. (2005). Reviewing Education Courses on The Self Management of Diabetes. [No known commissioning body]
- Baumfield, V., Lin, M., Higgins, S., Miller, J., Moseley, D., Newton, D., Robson, D., Elliott, J., & Gregson, M. (2003). Thinking Skills Frameworks for Post-16 Learners: an Evaluation. [No known commissioning body]
- Newton, L., Newton, D., & Sambell, F. (2001). Training the Trainers: a report on the DAFNE Project. [No known commissioning body]