Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Engineering | +44 (0) 191 33 42531 |
Deputy Executive Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Science |
- Professor of Nanotechnology & Microsystems
- Deputy Executive Dean for Research, Science Faculty, Durham University
- Director of Next Generation Materials & Microsystems Research Challenge
- Chair of the Durham University EU Liaison Group (2018-2023)
- Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology
- Fellow of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
- Director of Postgraduate Studies (2014-2017)
- Senior Research Fellow - Royal Academy of Engineering/Leverhulme Trust (2013-2014)
- BSc Physics (University of Abidjan, Ivory Coast: 1990)
- MPhil & PhD in Electronics (Université of Clermont-Ferrand, France: 1996)
- Postdoctoral research: University of Ulster (Thin amorphous carbon films: 2000)
- Postdoctoral research: University of Surrey (Microfabrication: 2003)
Professor of Nanotechnology & Microsystems within the Department of Engineering, Durham University, He has research interests in nanostructured materials, micro and nanofabrication, multifunction devices, i.e. the integration of nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes and semiconductor nanowires) in devices. He has contributed to seven European Framework programme FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects, representing more than €12.5 million. He is the scientific coordinator of three Marie Curie Actions international consortia on semiconductor nanowires, FUNPROB, NanoEmbrace and the current H2020 INDEED ITN, all of which involve significant international academic and industrial collaboration across Europe. He has also led several national and international research projects.
Further Details
- Integration of Nanostructured Materials in Device Fabrication
- Nanofabrication & Microfabrication
- Carbon nanotubes Smart Devices
- Semiconductor nanowires
- Multifunction devices
Other activities
- Thin Films Technology
- Organic Electronics
- Liquid Handling Robotic System Design
Research interests
- Nanomaterials device integration
- Semiconductor nanowires
- Nanotechnology
- Electronics Research
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: Fellow of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (2015- ):
- 2000: Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology:
- 2000: Senior Research Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering/The Leverhulme Trust (2013-14):
- 2000: External Degree Programme Examiner:
- University of Exeter (2016-2020)
- University of Bangor (2017-21)
Chapter in book
- Jones, B. A., Al Moubayed, N., Zeze, D. A., & Groves, C. (2022). In-Materio Extreme Learning Machines. In G. Rudolph, A. V. Kononova, H. Aguirre, P. Kerschke, G. Ochoa, & T. Tušar (Eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVII (505-519). Springer Verlag.
- Fakher, S., Sleiman, A., Ayesh, A., Al-Ghaferi, A., Petty, M., Zeze, D., & Mabrook, M. (2017). Organic Floating-Gate Memory Structures. In P. Dimitrakis (Ed.), Emerging Materials and Structures (123-156). Springer Verlag
- Fakher, S., Sleiman, A., Ayesh, A., AL-Ghaferi, A., Petty, M., Zeze, D., & Mabrook, M. (2017). Organic Floating Gate Memory Structures. In P. Dimitrakis (Ed.), Charge-Trapping Non-Volatile Memories (123-156). Springer.
- Sleiman, A., Mabrook, M., Sayers, P., & Zeze, D. (2015). CNT-based two terminal organic nonvolatile memory devices. In S. Logothetidis (Ed.), Handbook of Flexible Organic Electronics: Materials, Manufacturing and Applications (413-428). Woodhead Publishing Series
- Mabrook, M., Kolb, D., Pearson, C., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2009). Fabrication and Characterisation of MIS Organic Memory Devices. In P. Pietro Vincenzini, & G. D'Arrigo (Eds.), Smart Materials & Micro/Nanosystems (474-479)
Conference Paper
- Jones, B. A., Al Moubayed, N., Zeze, D. A., & Groves, C. (2023, November). Enhanced Methods for Evolution in-Materio Processors. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2021), Virtual
- Ceron-Oliver, L., Wang, Q., & Zeze, D. (2022, June). Air-Gapped Current Transformer simulation and accuracy assessment. Presented at 2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), Palermo, ITALY
- Vissol-Gaudin, E., Kotsialos, A., Groves, C., Pearson, C., Zeze, D., Petty, M., & Al-moubayed, N. (2018, July). Confidence Measures for Carbon-Nanotube / Liquid Crystals Classifiers. Presented at 2018 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2018)., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Vissol-Gaudin, E., Kotsialos, A., Massey, M., Zeze, D., Pearson, C., Groves, C., & Petty, M. (2016, July). Training a Carbon-Nanotube/Liquid Crystal Data Classifier Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Presented at 15th International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation, Manchester, UK
- Swift, G. P., Gallant, A. J., Dai, D., Kaliteevski, M. A., Brand, S., Zeze, D. A., Wood, D., Petty, M. C., Abram, R. A., & Chamberlain, J. M. (2008, December). Negative refracting materials at THz frequencies. Presented at 33rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Pasadena, CA
- Gallant, A., Levitt, J., Kaliteevski, M., Wood, D., Petty, M., Abram, R., Brand, S., Swift, G., Zeze, D., & Chamberlain, J. (2007, February). Artificial plasmonic materials for THz applications. Presented at Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics VI, San Jose, CA
- Gallant, A., Zeze, D., Wood, D., Petty, M., Dai, D., & Chamberlain, J. (2007, December). Flexible polymer based artificial materials for terahertz applications. Presented at Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2007 and the 2007 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. IRMMW-THz., Cardiff, Wales
Journal Article
- Miller, L. R., Miller, L. R., Galán‐González, A., Galán-González, A., Nicholson, B., Bowen, L., Monier, G., Borthwick, R. J., Borthwick, R. J., White, F., Saeed, M., Thompson, R. L., Thompson, R. L., Robert‐Goumet, C., Robert-Goumet, C., Atkinson, D., Zeze, D. A., Chaudhry, M. U., Souop, M., & Bideux, L. (online). Control Strategies for Solution‐Processed ZTO‐Based Thin‐Film Transistors Tailored Toward Volatile Organic Compound Detection. Advanced Electronic Materials, Article 2400810.
- Fang, R., Ghasemi, A., Zeze, D., & Keshavarz Hedayati, M. (2024). Inverse design of lateral hybrid metasurfaces structural colour: an AI approach. RSC Advances, 14(35), 25678-25684.
- He, Q., Heidari, H., Zeze, D. A., & Hosseini, E. (2024). Highly Sensitive Flexible Pressure Sensor Based on PVDF-TrFE-BaTiO3 Piezoelectric Nanofibers. IEEE Sensors Letters, 8(8), Article 2502704.
- Galán-González, A., Pander, P., MacKenzie, R. C. I., Bowen, L., Zeze, D. A., Borthwick, R. J., Thompson, R. L., Dias, F. B., & Chaudhry, M. U. (2023). Nanostructured Channel for Improving Emission Efficiency of Hybrid Light-Emitting Field-Effect Transistors. ACS Photonics, 10(12), 4315-4321.
- Ghasemi, A., Fang, R., Zeze, D. A., & Hedayati, M. K. (2023). Ultra-stretchable active metasurfaces for high-performance structural color. AIP Advances, 13(8), Article 085004.
- Jones, B. A., Chouard, J. L., Branco, B. C., Vissol-Gaudin, E. G., Pearson, C., Petty, M. C., Al Moubayed, N., Zeze, D. A., & Groves, C. (2022). Towards Intelligently Designed Evolvable Processors. Evolutionary Computation, 30(4), 479-501.
- Fang, R., Ghasemi, A., Zeze, D. A., & Keshavarz Hedayati, M. (2022). Mechanically tunable metasurface with large gamut of color: Lateral hybrid system. Journal of Applied Physics, 132(13), Article 133102.
- Abdel Rahman, N. S., Greish, Y. E., Mahmoud, S. T., Qamhieh, N. N., El-Maghraby, H. F., & Zeze, D. (2021). Fabrication and characterization of cellulose acetate-based nanofibers and nanofilms for H2S gas sensing application. Carbohydrate Polymers, 258, Article 117643.
- Sivan, A. K., Galán-González, A., Di Mario, L., Tappy, N., Hernández-Ferrer, J., Catone, D., Turchini, S., Benito, A. M., Maser, W. K., Steinvall, S. E., Fontcuberta i Morral, A., Gallant, A., Zeze, D. A., Atkinson, D., & Martelli, F. (2021). Optical properties and carrier dynamics in Co-doped ZnO nanorods. Nanoscale Advances, 3(1), 214-222.
- Vissol-Gaudin, E., Pearson, C., Groves, C., Zeze, D. A., Cantiello, H. F., Cantero, M. D. R., & Petty, M. C. (2021). Electrical behaviour and evolutionary computation in thin films of bovine brain microtubules. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 10776.
- Galan Gonzalez, A., Sivan, A. K., Hernández Ferrer, J., Bowen, L., Di Mario, L., Martelli, F., Benito, A. M., Maser, W. K., Chaudhry, M. U., Gallant, A., Zeze, D. A., & Atkinson, D. (2020). Cobalt-Doped ZnO Nanorods Coated with Nanoscale Metal-Organic Framework Shells for Water-Splitting Photoanodes. ACS Applied Nano Material, 3(8), 7781-7788.
- Hittini, W., Greish, Y. E., Qamhieh, N. N., Alnaqbi, M. A., Zeze, D., & Mahmoud, S. T. (2020). Ultrasensitive and low temperature gas sensor based on electrospun organic-inorganic nanofibers. Organic Electronics, 81, Article 105659.
- Galan-Gonzalez, A., Gallant, A., Zeze, D. A., & Atkinson, D. (2019). Controlling the growth of single crystal ZnO nanowires by tuning the atomic layer deposition parameters of the ZnO seed layer. Nanotechnology, 30(30), Article 305602.
- Nazarenko, M., Rosamond, M. C., Gallant, A. J., Kolosov, O. V., Dubrovskii, V. G., & Zeze, D. A. (2017). A simplified model to estimate thermal resistance between carbon nanotube and sample in scanning thermal microscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(49), Article 494004.
- Hajji, M., Hammler, J., Zeze, D., Balocco, C., & Gallant, A. J. (2017). Field imaging near to the surface of terahertz reflective optics using a vector network analyzer. Applied Optics, 56(31), 8746-8750.
- Chandramohan, A., Sibirev, N., Dubrovskii, V., Petty, M., Gallant, A., & Zeze, D. (2017). Model for large-area monolayer coverage of polystyrene nanospheres by spin coating. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 40888.
- Fakher, S., Nejm, R., Ayesh, A., AL-Ghaferi, A., Zeze, D., & Mabrook, M. (2016). Single-Walled Carbon-Nanotubes-Based Organic Memory Structures. Molecules, 21(9), Article 1166.
- Massey, M., Kotsialos, A., Volpati, D., Vissol-Gaudin, E., Pearson, C., Bowen, L., Obara, B., Zeze, D., Groves, C., & Petty, M. (2016). Evolution of Electronic Circuits using Carbon Nanotube Composites. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 32197.
- Tian (田琳), L., Di Mario, L., Minotti, A., Tiburzi, G., Mendis, B. G., Zeze, D. A., & Martelli, F. (2016). Direct growth of Si nanowires on flexible organic substrates. Nanotechnology, 27(22), Article 225601.
- Timofeev, M., Bolshakov, A., Tovee, P., Zeze, D., Dubrovskii, V., & Kolosov, O. (2016). Scanning thermal microscopy with heat conductive nanowire probes. Ultramicroscopy, 162, 42-51.
- Cirlin, G., Buyskih, A., Bouravlev, A., Samsonenko, Y. B., Kaliteevski, M., Gallant, A., & Zeze, D. (2016). Investigation of non-equilibrium electron-hole plasma in nanowires by THz spectroscopy. Optics and Spectroscopy, 120(5),
- Koryakin, A., Sibirev, N., & Zeze, D. (2015). Modeling of axial heterostructure formation in ternary III-V nanowires. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 643,
- Zeze, D., & Mabrook, M. (2015). Graphene Electronics, Volume 2. IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 9(6),
- Petrova, N., Yakovkin, I., & Zeze, D. (2015). Metallization and stiffness of the Li-intercalated MoS2 bilayer. Applied Surface Science, 353, 333-337.
- Trukhin, V., Buyskih, A., Bouravlev, A., Mustafa, I., Samsonenko, Y. B., Trukhin, A., Cirlin, G., Kaliteevski, M., Zeze, D., & Gallant, A. (2015). Generation of terahertz radiation by AlGaAs nanowires. JETP Letters, 102(5), 316-320.
- Nejm, R. R., Ayesh, A. I., Zeze, D. A., Sleiman, A., Mabrook, M. F., Al-Ghaferi, A., & Hussein, M. (2015). Electrical Characteristics of Hybrid-Organic Memory Devices Based on Au Nanoparticles. Journal of Electronic Materials, 44(8), 2835-2841.
- Massey, M., Kotsialos, A., Qaiser, F., Zeze, D., Pearson, C., Volpati, D., Bowen, L., & Petty, M. (2015). Computing with carbon nanotubes: optimization of threshold logic gates using disordered nanotube/polymer composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 117(13), Article 134903.
- Volpati, D., Massey, M., Johnson, D., Kotsialos, A., Qaiser, F., Pearson, C., Coleman, K., Tiburzi, G., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2015). Exploring the alignment of carbon nanotubes dispersed in a liquid crystal matrix using coplanar electrodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 117(12), Article 125303.
- Mabrook, M., & Zeze, D. (2015). Editorial: Graphene Electronics. IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 9(1), 2-3.
- Kotsialos, A., Massey, M., Qaiser, F., Zeze, D., Pearson, C., & Petty, M. (2014). Logic gate and circuit training on randomly dispersed carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 10(5-6), 473-497
- Sibirev, N., Nazarenko, M., Zeze, D., & Dubrovskii, V. (2014). Modeling the nucleation statistics in vapor-liquid-solid nanowires. Journal of Crystal Growth, 401, 51-55.
- Tovee, P., Pumarol, M., Rosamond, M., Jones, R., Petty, M., Zeze, D., & Kolosov, O. (2014). Nanoscale resolution scanning thermal microscopy using carbon nanotube tipped thermal probes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(3), 1174-1181.
- Jombert, A. S., Bayazit, M. K., Herron, C. R., Coleman, K. S., & Zeze, D. A. (2013). Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly-Bridged Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Electrical Properties of Their Films. Science of Advanced Materials, 5(12), 1967-1973.
- Stone, R., Rosamond, M., Coleman, K., Petty, M., Kosolov, O., Bowen, L., Dubrovskii, V., & Zeze, D. (2013). Tungstate sharpening: a versatile method for expanding the profile of ultra sharp tungsten probes. Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(3),
- Massey, M., Rosamond, M., Pearson, C., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2012). Electrical Behavior of Langmuir–Blodgett Networks of Sorted Metallic and Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Langmuir, 28(43), 15385-15391.
- Pumarol, M., Rosamond, M. C., Tovee, P. D., Petty, M. C., Zeze, D. A., Falko, V. I., & Kolosov Oleg, V. (2012). Direct nanoscale imaging of ballistic and diffusive thermal transport in graphene nanostructures. Nano Letters, 12(6), 2906-2911.
- Sleiman, A., Rosamond, M., Alba Martin, M., Ayesh, A., Al Ghaferi, A., Gallant, A., Mabrook, M., & Zeze, D. (2012). Pentacene-based metal-insulator-semiconductor memory structures utilizing single walled carbon nanotubes as a nanofloating gate. Applied Physics Letters, 100(2), Article 023302.
- Tovee, P., Pumarol, M., Zeze, D., Kjoller, K., & Kolosov, O. (2012). Nanoscale spatial resolution probes for scanning thermal microscopy of solid state materials. Journal of Applied Physics, 112(11), Article 114317.
- Alba-Martin, M., Firmager, T., Atherton, J., Rosamond, M., Ashall, D., Al, G. A., Ayesh, A., Gallant, A., Mabrook, M., Petty, M., & Zeze, D. (2012). Improved memory behaviour of single-walled carbon nanotube charge storage nodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(29), Article 295401.
- Sleiman, A., Mabrook, M., Nejm, R., Ayesh, A., Al, G. A., Petty, M., & Zeze, D. (2012). Organic bistable devices utilizing carbon nanotubes embedded in poly(methyl methacrylate). Journal of Applied Physics, 112(2), Article 024509.
- Baragwanath, A., Swift, G., DeChang, D., Zeze, D., Gallant, A., & Chamberlain, J. (2011). Micro-machined fluidic devices for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Physica status solidi. C, Current topics in solid state physics (Internet), 8(9), 2935-2937.
- Atherton, J., Rosamond, M., Johnstone, S., & Zeze, D. (2011). Thermal characterisation of µL volumes using a thin film thermocouple based sensor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 166(1),
- Massey, M., Pearson, C., Zeze, D., Mendis, B., & Petty, M. (2011). The electrical and optical properties of oriented Langmuir-Blodgett films of carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 49(7), 2424-2430.
- Rosamond, M., Gallant, A., Petty, M., Kolosov, O., & Zeze, D. (2011). A versatile nanopatterning technique based on controlled undercutting and liftoff. Advanced Materials, 23(43), 5039-5044.
- Cirlin, G., Dubrovskii, V., Samsonenko, Y., Bouravleuv, A., Durose, K., Proskruryakov, Y., Mendes, B., Bowen, L., Kaliteevski, M., Abram, R., & Zeze, D. (2010). Self-catalyzed, pure zincblende GaAs nanowires grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy. Physical review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82(3), Article 035302.
- Venet, C., Pearson, C., Jombert, A., Mabrook, M., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2010). The morphology and electrical conductivity of single-wall carbon nanotube thin films prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 354(1-3), 113-117.
- Mabrook, M., Yun, Y., Pearson, C., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2009). Charge Storage in Pentacene/Polymethylmethacrylate Memory Devices. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 30(6), 632-634.
- Mabrook, M., Yun, Y., Pearson, C., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2009). A pentacene-based organic thin film memory transistor. Applied Physics Letters, 94(17), Article 173302.
- Mabrook, M., Jombert, A., Machin, S., Pearson, C., Kolb, D., Coleman, K., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2009). Memory effects in MIS structures based on silicon and polymethylmethacrylate with nanoparticle charge-storage elements. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 159-160, 14-17.
- Mabrook, M., Pearson, C., Jombert, A., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2009). The morphology, electrical conductivity and vapour sensing ability of inkjet-printed thin films of single-wall carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 47(3), 752-757.
- Jombert, A., Coleman, K., Wood, D., Petty, M., & Zeze, D. (2008). Poole-Frenkel conduction in single wall carbon nanotube composite films built up by electrostatic layer-by-layer deposition. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(9), Article 094503.
- Mabrook, M., Pearson, C., Kolb, D., Zeze, D., & Petty, M. (2008). Memory effects in hybrid silicon-metallic nanoparticle-organic thin film structures. Organic Electronics, 9(5), 816-820
- Dimitrakis, P., Normand, P., Tsoukalas, D., Pearson, C., Ahn, J., Mabrook, M., Zeze, D., Petty, M., Kamtekar, K., Wang, C., Bryce, M., & Green, M. (2008). Electrical behavior of memory devices based on fluorene-containing organic thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(4), Article 044510.
- Gallant, A., Kaliteevski, M., Wood, D., Petty, M., Abram, R., Brand, S., Swift, G., Zeze, D., & Chamberlain, J. (2007). Passband filters for terahertz radiation based on dual metallic photonic structures. Applied Physics Letters, 91(16),
- Pearson, C., Ahn, J., Mabrook, M., Zeze, D., Petty, M., Kamtekar, K., Wang, C., Bryce, M., Dimitrakis, P., & Tsoukalas, D. (2007). Electronic memory device based on a single-layer fluorene-containing organic thin film. Applied Physics Letters, 91(12), Article 123506.
- Palumbo, M., Lee, K., Ahn, B., Suri, A., Coleman, K., Zeze, D., Wood, D., Pearson, C., & Petty, M. (2006). Electrical investigations of layer-by-layer films of carbon nanotubes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(14), 3077-3085.
- Miyajima, Y., Nitta, S., Silva, S., & Zeze, D. (2005). Surface induced bulk modifications of amorphous carbon nitride films bypost-deposition oxygen and hydrogen plasma treatment. Thin Solid Films, 491(1-2), 161-167
- Boskovic, B., Stolojan, V., Zeze, D., Forrest, R., Silva, S., & Haq, S. (2004). Branched carbon nanofiber network synthesis at room temperature using radio frequency supported microwave plasmas. Journal of Applied Physics, 96(6), 3443-3446.
- Zeze, D., Cox, D., Weiss, B., & Silva, S. (2004). Lithography-free high aspect ratio submicron quartz columns by reactive ion etching. Applied Physics Letters, 84(8), 1362-1364.
- Zeze, D., Silva, S., Haq, S., & Harris, S. (2003). Comparison of the X-ray photoelectron and electron-energy-loss spectraof the nitrogen-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon bond. Philosophical Magazine, 83(16), 1937-1947
- Zeze, D., Forrest, R., Carey, J., Cox, D., Robertson, I., Weiss, B., & Silva, S. (2002). Reactive ion etching of quartz and pyrex for micro electronic applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 92(7), 3624-3629.
- Zeze, D., Silva, S., Brown, N., Joyce, A., & Anderson, C. (2002). Targeting mass-selected cluster ions for the deposition of advanced carbonaceous materials using an inductively coupled plasma. Journal of Applied Physics, 91(4), 1819-1827.
- Zeze, D., Joyce, A., Anderson, C., & Brown, N. (2002). Control and mass selection of CnHm+ fragments in an inductively coupledpulsed plasma. Applied Physics Letters, 80(1), 22-24
- Papakonstantinou, P., Zeze, D., Klini, A., & McLaughlin, J. (2001). Chemical bonding and nanomechanical studies of carbon nitride filmssynthesised by reactive pulsed laser deposition. Diamond and Related Materials, 10(3-7), 1109-1114
- Zeze, D., North, D., Brown, N., & Anderson, C. (2000). Comparison of CxNy : H films obtained by deposition using magnetronsputtering or an inductively coupled plasma. Surface and Interface Analysis, 29(6), 369-376
- Zeze, D., North, D., Brown, N., & Anderson, C. (2000). Investigation of the uniformity and coverage of CxNy : H overcoatingsduring PECVD in an inductively coupled plasma. Surface and Interface Analysis, 29(3), 201-207
- Zeze, D., O'Toole, E., Crawford, R., Cui, N., Anderson, C., & Brown, N. (1998). Characterization of carbon nitride films grown using aninductively-coupled plasma with adamantane as the source hydrocarbon. Surface and Interface Analysis, 26(12), 896-+
- Toth, J., Varga, D., Cserny, I., Kover, L., Gruzza, B., Zeze, D., Jardin, C., & Gergely, G. (1998). Resolution correction in EELS. Vacuum, 50(3-4), 473-479
- Kapsa, R., Stara, I., Zeze, D., Gruzza, B., & Matolin, V. (1998). AES and EELS study of aluminium oxide thin films. Thin Solid Films, 317(1-2), 77-80
- Stara, I., Zeze, D., Matolin, V., Pavluch, J., & Gruzza, B. (1997). AES and EELS study of alumina model catalyst supports. Applied Surface Science, 115(1), 46-52
- Zeze, D., Bideux, L., Gruzza, B., Golek, F., Danko, D., & Mroz, S. (1997). Retarding field analyser used in elastic peak electron spectroscopy. Vacuum, 48(3-4), 399-401
- Zeze, D., Gruzza, B., Guglielmacci, J., & Jardin, C. (1994). Au, Ag and Ag/Au samples, studied using elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES) and computer-simulation. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 68, 757-762
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