Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology |
Research Interests
My primary research interest is the coupling between conscious experience and brain activity (neurophenomenology). The techniques I use include Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetoencephalography, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Psychophysics, and Micro-Pheomenology. I’m currently working on projects involving the integration of sensory information, the link between temporality and brain oscillations and the development of open-science practices.
Conference Paper
Journal Article
- Nardini, M., Scheller, M., Ramsay, M., Kristiansen, O., & Allen, C. (2025). Towards Human Sensory Augmentation: A Cognitive Neuroscience Framework for Evaluating Integration of New Signals within Perception, Brain Representations, and Subjective Experience. Augmented Human Research, 10(1), Article 1.
- Hadden, L., Penny, H., Jones, A., Partridge, A., Lancaster, T., & Allen, C. (2023). Pre-frontal stimulation does not reliably increase reward responsiveness. Cortex, 159, 268-285.
- Heimann, K., Boelsbjerg, H. B., Allen, C., van Beek, M., Suhr, C., Lübbert, A., & Petitmengin, C. (2023). The lived experience of remembering a ‘good’ interview: Micro-phenomenology applied to itself. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 22(1),
- Waldron, S., & Allen, C. (2022). Not all pre-registrations are equal. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47(13), 2181-2183.
- Maizey, L., Evans, C. J., Muhlert, N., Verbruggen, F., Chambers, C. D., & Allen, C. P. (2020). Cortical and subcortical functional specificity associated with response inhibition. NeuroImage, 220,
- Bielczyk, N. Z., Ando, A., Badhwar, A., Caldinelli, C., Gao, M., Haugg, A., Hernandez, L. M., Ito, K. L., Kessler, D., Lurie, D., Makary, M. M., Nikolaidis, A., Veldsman, M., Allen, C., Bankston, A., Bottenhorn, K. L., Braukmann, R., Calhoun, V., Cheplygina, V., Boffino, C. C., …Zhou, X. (2020). Effective Self-Management for Early Career Researchers in the Natural and Life Sciences. Neuron, 106(2),
- Allen, C., Viola, T., Irvine, E., Sedgmond, J., Castle, H., Gray, R., & Chambers, C. D. (2020). Causal manipulation of feed-forward and recurrent processing differentially affects measures of consciousness. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2020(1),
- Allen, C., & Mehler, D. M. (2019). Open science challenges, benefits and tips in early career and beyond. PLoS Biology, 17(5),
- Allen, C. (2019). The relationship between the temporal structure of magnetoencephalography recorded brain activity and capacity to form discrete auditory representations. European Journal of Neuroscience, 49(12),
- Allen, C., Singh, K. D., Verbruggen, F., & Chambers, C. D. (2018). Evidence for parallel activation of the pre-supplementary motor area and inferior frontal cortex during response inhibition: a combined MEG and TMS study. Royal Society Open Science, 5(2),
- Humby, T., Fisher, A., Allen, C., Reynolds, M., Hartman, A., Giegling, I., Rujescu, D., & Davies, W. (2017). A genetic variant withinSTSpreviously associated with inattention in boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is associated with enhanced cognition in healthy adult males. Brain and Behavior, 7(3),
- Campbell, A. E., Chambers, C. D., Allen, C. P., Hedge, C., & Sumner, P. (2017). Impairment of manual but not saccadic response inhibition following acute alcohol intoxication. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 181,
- Allen, C. P., Dunkley, B. T., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D., Edden, R., Evans, C. J., Sumner, P., Singh, K. D., & Chambers, C. D. (2014). Enhanced Awareness Followed Reversible Inhibition of Human Visual Cortex: A Combined TMS, MRS and MEG Study. PLoS ONE, 9(6),
- Allen, C. P., Sumner, P., & Chambers, C. D. (2014). The Timing and Neuroanatomy of Conscious Vision as Revealed by TMS-induced Blindsight. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(7),
- Maizey, L., Allen, C. P., Dervinis, M., Verbruggen, F., Varnava, A., Kozlov, M., Adams, R. C., Stokes, M., Klemen, J., Bungert, A., Hounsell, C. A., & Chambers, C. D. (2013). Comparative incidence rates of mild adverse effects to transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 124(3),
- Chambers, C. D., Allen, C. P., Maizey, L., & Williams, M. A. (2013). Is delayed foveal feedback critical for extra-foveal perception?. Cortex, 49(1),