Staff profile
Dr Christopher Ottley
Chief Experimental Officer - Geochemistry / H&S Co-ordinator
Affiliation | Telephone |
Chief Experimental Officer - Geochemistry / H&S Co-ordinator in the Department of Earth Sciences | +44 (0) 191 33 42325 |
Chief Experimental Officer - Geochemistry & H&S Co-ordinator in the Department of Earth Sciences | +44 (0) 191 33 42325 |
BSc. (Hons) The Polytechnic Wolverhampton. 1986
PhD Essex University, 1991
1991-1992 Post doctoral researcher Imperial College, London.
1992-1995 Post doctoral researcher Lancaster University
1995-present Senior Research Officer Department of Earth Sciences University of Durham.
Career Research Highlights
Ottley has a wide ranging background in environmental analytical chemistry . In the last 15 years this has concentrated on the application of ICP-MS technologies supporting the research objectives of the Department of Earth Sciences. He has continually been developing methodologies for the low level determination of REE and other trace elements at low concentrations in geological materials, including PGE analyses in silicate rocks, low level Pt analyses in anti-cancer drug therapy (with Newcastle University Cancer Research Group, Cancer Biomarkers and Prevention Group at Leicester University) and the analysis of Cd and Te in solar cell components. He is both a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Chartered Chemist.
Chapter in book
- Azim-Araghi, A., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Tilby, M. (2007). Sensitive detection of platinum-bound DNA using ICP-MS and comparison to graphite furnace atomic absorption (GFAAS). In J. Holland, & S. Tanner (Eds.), Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: the New Millennium (412-418). Royal Society of Chemistry
- Bellis, D., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Davison, W. (2005). Solution and laser ablation analysis of sulphur isotopes with the Neptune high resolution multi-collector ICP-MS (MC-ICP-MS): Application to diffusive gradients in thin films. In J. Holland, & D. Bandura (Eds.), . Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Nowell, G., Pearson, D., Ottley, C., & Tilby, M. (2003). Accurate determination of Pt concentrations at ultra-low levels (
- Nowell, G., Pearson, D., Ottley, C. J., Schweiters, J., & Dowall, D. (2003). Long-term performance characteristics of a plasma ionisation multi-collector mass spectrometer (PIMMS): the ThermoFinnigan Neptune. In J. Holland, & S. Tanner (Eds.), Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry (307-320). Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Ottley, C. J., Pearson, D. G., & Irvine, G. (2003). A routine method for the dissolution of geological samples for the analysis of REE and trace elements via ICP-MS. In J. Holland, & S. Tanner (Eds.), . Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Pearson, D., & Ottley, C. (2001). Which way for Os ? A comparison of plasma-source versus negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry for Os isotope measurement. In J. Holland, & S. Tanner (Eds.), Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: the new Millennium (279-287). Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Woodland, S., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Swarbrick, R. (2001). Microwave digestion of oils for platinum group and rare earth elements by ICP-MS. In J. Holland, & S. Tanner (Eds.), Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry: the new Millennium (17-24). Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Pearson, D. G., Ottley, C. J., & Woodland, S. (1999). Precise measurement of Osmium by direct injection nebulisation ICP-MS. In J. Holland, & S. Tanner (Eds.), Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry - New Developments and Applications (277-285). Royal Society of Chemistry
- Chester, R., Bradshaw, G., Ottley, C., Harrison, R., Merrett, J., Preston, M., Rendell, A., Kane, M., & Jickells, T. (1993). The atmospheric distribution of trace metals, trace organics and nitrogen species over the North Sea. In H. Charnock, K. Dyer, J. Huthnance, P. Liss, J. Simpson, & P. Tett (Eds.), Understanding the North Sea system (165-178). The Royal Society and Chapman and Hall.
Conference Paper
- Ottley, C., Davison, W., & Edmunds, W. (1994, October). Chemical reduction of nitrate in groundwaters. Presented at Environmental Contamination 6th International Conference, Delphi Greece
- Harrison, R., & Ottley, C. (1991, December). Estimation of heavy metal inputs to the seas. Presented at Heavy Metals in the Environment, Edinburgh
- Jickells, T., Yaaqub, R., Kane, M., Rendell, A., Davies, T., Harrison, R., Ottley, C., Chester, R., & Bradshaw, G. (1991, December). Atmospheric inputs to the North Sea: A progress report. Presented at The Proceedings of EUROTRAC symposium
Journal Article
- Rutter, G., Pearson, D., Philip, G., Day, J., & Ottley, C. (online). The use of ICP-MS in provenancing igneous stone artefacts: examples from the southern Levant.
- John, T., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., Nowell, G., Calvert, H., & Tilby, M. (online). Determination by ICP-MS, of background and BBR 3464 induced levels of platinum bound to DNA isolated from blood cells: A comparison of the sensitivity of the Perkin Elmer Sciex Elan 6000 and the ThermoFinnigan Neptune Instruments
- Paine, A. R., Baldini, J. U., Ünal-İmer, E., Wadsworth, F. B., Iveson, A. A., Humphreys, M. C., Brown, R. J., Müller, W., & Ottley, C. J. (2024). Abrupt climate change at the MIS 5/4 transition recorded in a speleothem from the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 339, Article 108841.
- Allison, J. R., Chary, K., Ottley, C., Vuong, Q. C., German, M. J., Durham, J., & Thelwall, P. (2022). The effect of magnetic resonance imaging on mercury release from dental amalgam at 3T and 7T. Journal of Dentistry, 127, Article 104322.
- Asadi Sarshar, M., Moghadam, H. S., Griffin, W. L., Santos, J. F., Stern, R. J., Ottley, C. J., Sarkarinejad, K., Sepidbar, F., & O’Reilly, S. Y. (2022). Geochronology and geochemistry of exotic blocks of Cadomian crust from the salt diapirs of SE Zagros: the Chah-Banu example. International Geology Review, 64(10), 1409-1430.
- Tomašek, I., Damby, D., Stewart, C., Horwell, C., Plumlee, G., Ottley, C., Delmelle, P., Morman, S., Yazidi, S., Claeys, P., Kervyn, M., Elskens, M., & Leermakers, M. (2021). Development of a simulated lung fluid leaching method to assess the release of potentially toxic elements from volcanic ash. Chemosphere, 278, Article 130303.
- Burton-Johnson, A., Macpherson, C., Millar, I., Whitehouse, M., Ottley, C., & Nowell, G. (2020). A Triassic to Jurassic arc in north Borneo: Geochronology, geochemistry, and genesis of the Segama Valley Felsic Intrusions and the Sabah ophiolite. Gondwana Research, 84, 229-244.
- Wilson, M. P., Worrall, F., Clancy, S. A., Ottley, C. J., Hart, A., & Davies, R. J. (2020). Compartmentalisation and groundwater‐surface water interactions in a prospective shale gas basin: Assessment using variance analysis and multivariate statistics on water quality data. Hydrological Processes, 34(15), 3271-3294.
- Moghadam, H. S., Stern, R., Griffin, W., Khedr, M., Kirchenbaur, M., Ottley, C., Whattam, S., Kimura, J.-I., Ghorbani, G., Gain, S., O’Reilly, S., & Tamura, A. (2020). Subduction initiation and back-arc opening north of Neo-Tethys: Evidence from the Late Cretaceous Torbat-e-Heydarieh ophiolite of NE Iran. GSA Bulletin, 132(5-6), 1083-1105.
- Stewart, C., Damby, D., Tomašek, I., Horwell, C., Plumlee, G., Armienta, M., Hinojosa, M., Appleby, M., Delmelle, P., Cronin, S., Ottley, C., Oppenheimer, C., & Morman, S. (2020). Assessment of leachable elements in volcanic ashfall: A review and evaluation of a standardized protocol for ash hazard characterization. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 392, Article 106756.
- Walser, J. W. I., Kristjánsdóttir, S., Gröcke, D. R., Gowland, R., Jakob, T., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., & Montgomery, J. (2020). At the world’s edge: reconstructing diet and geographic origins in medieval Iceland using isotope and trace element analyses. American journal of physical anthropology, 171(1), 142-163.
- Tomašek, I., Damby, D., Horwell, C., Ayris, P., Delmelle, P., Ottley, C., Cubillas, P., Casas, A., Bisig, C., Petri-Fink, A., Dingwell, D., Clift, M., Drasler, B., & Rothen-Rutishauser, B. (2019). Assessment of the potential for in-plume sulphur dioxide gas-ash interactions to influence the respiratory toxicity of volcanic ash. Environmental Research, 179(Part A), Article 108798.
- Breitfeld, H. T., Macpherson, C., Hall, R., Thirlwall, M., Ottley, C. J., & Hennig-Breitfeld, J. (2019). Adakites without a slab: Remelting of hydrous basalt in the crust and shallow mantle of Borneo to produce the Miocene Sintang Suite and Bau Suite magmatism of West Sarawak. Lithos, 344-345, 100-121.
- Hansen, J., Davidson, J., Jerram, D., Ottley, C., & Widdowson, M. (2019). Contrasting TiO2 compositions in early cenozoic mafic sills of the Faroe Islands : an example of basalt formation from distinct melting regimes. Earth sciences (New York, N.Y. Print), 8(5), 235-267.
- Ownsworth, E., Selby, D., Ottley, C. J., Unsworth, E., Raab, A., Feldmann, J., Sproson, A. D., Kuroda, J., Faidutti, C., & Bücker, P. (2019). Tracing the natural and anthropogenic influence on the trace elemental chemistry of estuarine macroalgae and the implications for human consumption. Science of the Total Environment, 685, 259-272.
- Li, Y., Selby, D., Li, X.-H., & Ottley, C. (2018). Multisourced metals enriched by magmatic-hydrothermal fluids in stratabound deposits of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt, China. Geology, 46(5), 391-394.
- Horan, K., Hilton, R., Selby, D., Ottley, C., Gröcke, D., Hicks, M., & Burton, K. (2017). Mountain glaciation drives rapid oxidation of rock-bound organic carbon. Science Advances, 3(10), Article e1701107.
- Almutairi, A., Wu, D., Guo, B., Roskilly, A. P., & Ottley, C. (2017). Characterization of Lubricant Degeneration and Component Deterioration on Diesel Engine Fueling with Straight Plant Oil. Energy Procedia, 105, 636-641.
- Finlay, A., McComish, J., Ottley, C., Bates, C., & Selby, D. (2012). Trace element fingerprinting of ceramic building material from Carpow and York Roman fortresses manufactured by the VI Legion. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(7), 2385-2391.
- Uysal, İ. E., Ersoy, Y., Karslı, O., Dilek, Y., Sadıklar, M. B., Ottley, C. J., Tiepolo, M., & Meisel, T. (2012). Coexistence of abyssal and ultra-depleted SSZ type mantle peridotites in a Neo-Tethyan Ophiolite in SW Turkey: Constraints from mineral composition, whole-rock geochemistry (major–trace–REE–PGE), and Re–Os isotope systematic. Lithos, 132-133,
- Jarvis, I., Meczes, E., Thomas, H., Edmondson, R., Veal, G., Boddy, A., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Tilby, M. (2012). Therapy-induced carboplatin-DNA adduct levels in human ovarian tumours in relation to assessment of adduct measurement in mouse tissues. Biochemical Pharmacology, 83(1), 69-77.
- Plummer, R., Wilson, R., Calvert, H., Boddy, A., Griffin, M., Sludden, J., Tilby, M., Eatock, M., Pearson, D., Ottley, C., Matsumura, Y., Kataoka, K., & Nishiya, T. (2011). A Phase I clinical study of cisplatin-incorporated polymeric micelles (NC-6004) in patients with solid tumours. British Journal of Cancer, 104(4), 593-598.
- Dokuz, A., Uysal, I., Kaliwoda, M., Karsli, O., Ottley, C., & Kandemir, R. (2011). Early abyssal- and late SSZ-type vestiges of the Rheic oceanic mantle in the Variscan basement of the Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey: Implications for the sense of subduction and opening of the Paleotethys. Lithos, 127(1-2), 176-191.
- Howells, L. M., Sale, S., Sriramareddy, S. N., Irving, G. R., Jones, D. J., Ottley, C. J., Pearson, D. G., Mann, C. D., Manson, M. M., Berry, D. P., Gescher, A., Steward, W. P., & Brown, K. (2011). Curcumin ameliorates oxaliplatin-induced chemoresistance in HCT116 colorectal cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. International Journal of Cancer, 129(2), 476-486.
- Nannizzi, S., Veal, G. J., Giovannetti, E., Mey, V., Ricciardi, S., Ottley Christopher, J., Del Tacca, M., & Danesi, R. (2010). Cellular and molecular mechanisms for the synergistic cytotoxicity elicited by oxaliplatin and pemetrexed in colon cancer cell lines. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 66(3), 547-558.
- Klein-BenDavid, O., Pearson, D., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., McNeill, J., & Cartigny, P. (2010). Mixed fluid sources involved in diamond growth constrained by Sr-Nd-Pb-C-N isotopes and trace elements. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289(1-2), 123-133.
- Malarkey, J., Pearson, D., Kjarsgaard, B., Davidson, J., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., & Stammer, J. (2010). From source to crust: Tracing magmatic evolution in a kimberlite and a melilitite using microsample geochemistry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 299(1-2), 80-90.
- Wittig, N., Webb, M., Pearson, D., Dale, C., Ottley, C., Hutchison, M., Jensen, S., & Luguet, A. (2010). Formation of the North Atlantic Craton: Timing and mechanisms constrained from Re-Os isotope and PGE data of peridotite xenoliths from SW Greenland. Chemical Geology, 276(3-4), 166-187.
- Caran, S., Coban, H., Flower, M. F., Ottley, C., & Yilmaz, K. (2010). Podiform chromitites and mantle peridotites of the Antalya ophiolite, Isparta Angle (SW Turkey): Implications for partial melting and melt-rock interaction in oceanic and subduction-related settings. Lithos, 114(3-4), 307-326.
- Roberts, D., Williams, K., Cowen, R., Barathova, M., Eustace, A., Brittain-Dissont, S., Tilby, M., Pearson, D., Ottley, C., Stratford, I., & Dive, C. (2009). Contribution of HIF-1 and drug penetrance to oxaliplatin resistance in hypoxic colorectal cancer cells. British Journal of Cancer, 101(8), 1290-1297.
- Harrison, L. R., Ottley, C. J., Pearson, D. G., Roche, C., Wedge, S. R., Dolan, M. E., Newell, D. R., & Tilby, M. J. (2009). The kinase inhibitor O(6)-cyclohexylmethylguanine (NU2058) potentiates the cytotoxicity of cisplatin by mechanisms that are independent of its effect upon CDK2. Biochemical Pharmacology, 77, 1586-1592.
- McNeill, J., Pearson, D., Klein-BenDavid, O., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., & Chinn, I. (2009). Quantitative analysis of trace element concentrations in some gem-quality diamonds. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21(36),
- Harlou, R., Pearson, D., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., & Davidson, J. (2009). Combined Sr isotope and trace element analysis of melt inclusions at sub-ng levels using micro-milling, TIMS and ICPMS. Chemical Geology, 260(3-4), 254-268.
- Font, L., Davidson, J., Pearson, D., Nowell, G., Jerram, D., & Ottley, C. (2008). Sr and Pb isotope micro-analysis in plagioclase crystals from Skye lavas: An insight into open-system processes in a flood basalt province. Journal of Petrology, 49(8), 1449-1471.
- Yigitbas, E., Winchester, J. A., & Ottley, C. J. (2008). Yigitbas Erdinc; Winchester John A.; Ottley Christopher J. (2008). The geochemistry and setting of the Demirci paragneisses of the Sunnice Massif, NW Turkey. Turkish journal of earth sciences, 17, 421-431
- Wittig, N., Pearson, D., Webb, M., Ottley, C., Irvine, G., Kopylova, M., Jensen, S., & Nowell, G. (2008). Origin of cratonic lithospheric mantle roots: A geochemical study of peridotites from the North Atlantic Craton, West Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274(1-2), 24-33.
- Krause-Heuer, A. M., Wheate, N. J., Tilby, M. J., Pearson, G. D., Ottley, C. J., & Aldrich-Wright, J. R. (2008). Substituted beta-cyclodextrin and calix[4]arene as encapsulatory vehicles for platinum(II)-based DNA intercalators. Inorganic Chemistry, 47, 6880-6888
- Bozkurt, E., Winchester, J. A., Yigitbas, E., & Ottley, C. J. (2008). Bozkurt Erdin; Winchester John A.; Yigitbas Erdinc and Ottley Christopher J.. Proterozoic ophiolites and mafic-ultramafic complexes marginal to the Istanbul Block: An exotic terrane of Avalonian affinity in NW Turkey. Tectonophysics, 461, 240-251
- Sutherland, R., Pearson, D., & Ottley, C. (2007). Platinum-group elements (Ir, Pd, Pt and Rh) in road deposited sediments in two urban watersheds, Hawaii. Applied Geochemistry, 22(7), 1485-1501.
- Thompson, R., Riches, A., Antoshechkina, P., Pearson, D., Nowell, G., Ottley, C., Dickin, A., Hards, V., Nguno, A., & Niku-Paavola, V. (2007). Origin of CFB magmatism: Multi-tiered intracrustal picrite-rhyolite magmatic plumbing at Spitzkoppe, western Namibia, during early-Cretaceous Etendeka magmatism. Journal of Petrology, 48(6), 1119-1154.
- Sutherland, R., Pearson, D., & Ottley, C. (2007). Grain size partitioning of platinum-group elements in road-deposited sediments: Implications for anthropogenic flux estimates from autocatalysts. Environmental Pollution, 15(3), 503-515.
- Banks, C., Smith, M., Winchester, J., Horstwood, M., Noble, S., & Ottley, C. (2007). Provenance of intra-Rodian basin-fills: The Lower Dalradian Supergroup, Scotland. Precambrian Research, 153(1-2), 46-64
- Alexander Bentley, R., Buckley, H. R., Spriggs, M., Bedford, S., Ottley, C. J., Nowell, G. M., Macpherson, C. G., & Graham Pearson, D. (2007). LAPITA MIGRANTS IN THE PACIFIC’S OLDEST CEMETERY:ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS AT TEOUMA, VANUATU. American Antiquity, 72, 645-656
- Toothill, J., Williams, C., Macdonald, R., Turner, S., Rogers, N., Hawkesworth, C., Jerram, D., Ottley, C., & Tindle, A. (2007). A Complex petrogenesis for an arc magmatic suite, St Kitts, Lesser Antilles. Journal of Petrology, 48(1), 3-42
- Font, L., Nowell, G., Pearson, D., Ottley, C., & Willis, S. (2007). Sr istope analysis of bird feathers by TIMS: a tool to trace bird migration paths and breeding sites. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 22, 513-522
- Bozkurt, E., Winchester, J., Mittwede, S., & Ottley, C. (2006). Geochemistry and tectonic implications of leucogranites and tourmalines of the southern Menderes Massif, Southwest Turkey. Geodinamica acta, 19(5), 363-390
- Charlier, B., Ginibre, C., Morgan, D., Nowell, G., Pearson, D., Davidson, J., & Ottley, C. (2006). Methods for the microsampling and High-precision analysis of strontium and rubidium isotopes at single crystal scale for petrological and geochronological applications. Chemical Geology, 232, 114-133.
- Meczes, E., Azim-Araghi, A., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Tilby, M. (2005). Specific adducts recognised by a monoclonal antibody against cisplatin-modified DNA. Biochemical Pharmacology, 70(12), 1717-1725.
- Thompson, R., Ottley, C., Smith, P., Pearson, D., Dickin, A., Morrison, M., Leat, P., & Gibson, S. (2005). Source of the quaternary alkalic basalts, picrites and basanites of the Potrillo Volcanic Field, New Mexico, USA: lithosphere or convecting mantle?. Journal of Petrology, 46(8), 1603-1643.
- Pearson, D., Nowell, G., & Ottley, C. (2005). Dating mantle melting using the Lu-Hf isotope system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(10), A287-A287
- Emziane, M., Ottley, C., Durose, K., & Halliday, D. (2004). Impurity analysis of CdCl₂ used for thermal activation of CdTe-based solar cells. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37(21), 2962-2965.
- Griffiths, G., Koh, M., Brunton, V., Cawthorne, C., Reeves, N., Greaves, M., Tilby, M., Pearson, D., Ottley, C., Workman, P., Frame, M., & Dive, C. (2004). Expression of kinase-defective mutants of c-Src in human metastatic colon cancer cells decreases Bcl-x(L) and increases oxaliplatin and Fas-induced apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(44), 46113-46121.
- John, T., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., Nowell, G., Calvert, H., & Tilby, M. (2003). Sensitive determination of BBR 3464 and cisplatin DNA adduct levels in clinical samples using ICP-MS and PIMMS. British Journal of Cancer, 88,
- Durose, K., Boyle, D., Abken, A., Ottley, C., Nollet, P., Degrave, S., Burgelman, M., Wendt, R., Beier, J., & Bonnet, D. (2002). Key aspects of CdTe/CdS solar cells. physica status solidi (b) – basic solid state physics, 229(2), 1055-1064.
- Azim-Araghi, A., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Tilby, M. (2002). Structures of atypical PLATINUM-DNA adducts in certain resistant lung cancer lines. British Journal of Cancer, 86,
- Azim-Araghi, A., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., & Tilby, M. (2001). Mechanisms underlying differences in immunoreactivity of cisplatin DNA adducts formed in certain cancer cells. British Journal of Cancer, 85,
- Azim-Araghi, A., Wright, K., Ottley, C., Pearson, D., Twentyman, P., & Tilby, M. (2000). Formation of atypical cisplatin DNA adducts in certain cancer cells. British Journal of Cancer, 83,
- Allen, A., Baxter, P., & Ottley, C. (2000). Gas and particle emissions from Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies: characterization and health hazard assessment. Bulletin of Volcanology, 62(1), 8-19.
- Griselin, M., Pearson, D. G., Ottley, C. J., & Davies, G. (1999). A low-blank, low detection limit method for REE analysis of geological samples by isotope dilution ICP-MS
- Zhang, H., Davison, W., & Ottley, C. (1999). Remobilisation of major ions in freshly deposited lacustrine sediment at overturn. Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries, 61(4), 354-361.
- Ottley, C., Davison, W., & Edmunds, W. (1997). Chemical catalysis of nitrate reduction by iron(II). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61(9), 1819-1828.
- Harrison, R., Zlatev, Z., & Ottley, C. (1994). A comparison of the predictions of an Eulerian atmospheric transport-chemistry model with experimental measurements over the North Sea. Atmospheric Environment, 28A, 497-516
- Asman, W., Harrison, R., & Ottley, C. (1994). Estimation of the net air-sea flux of ammonia over the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Atmospheric Environment, 28, 3647-3654.
- Rendell, A., Ottley, C., Jickells, T., & Harrison, R. (1993). Wet and dry nitrogen deposition flux estimates to the North Sea
- Ottley, C., & Harrison, R. (1993). The atmospheric dry deposition flux of metallic species to the North Sea. Atmospheric Environment, 27A, 685-695
- Ottley, C., & Harrison, R. (1992). The spatial distribution and particle size of some inorganic nitrogen, sulphur and chlorine species over the North Sea. Atmospheric Environment, 26A, 1689-1699
- Ottley, C., & Harrison, R. (1991). The atmospheric input flux of trace metals to the North Sea: A review and recommendations for research. Science of the Total Environment, 100, 301-318