Staff profile
Dr Bartolomeo Panto
Assistant Professor
Affiliation | Telephone |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering |
Bartolomeo Pantò is an Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering in the Department of Engineering. He graduated in 2003 from the University of Catania (Italy), where he completed his Ph.D. in Structural Engineering in 2007. His research in that period led to the development of a new simplified method, the Discrete Macro-Element Method (DMEM), to analyse unreinforced and confined masonry structures. After his Ph.D., Bartolomeo worked for seven years as a Structural Engineer for the University of Catania within a selected team devoted to reducing the seismic risk of the Ateneo's buildings. In 2015, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), University of Minho (Portugal), and in 2016, he was a Research Fellow at the Department of Engineering of RomaTre University (Rome). From 2019 to 2021, Bartolomeo led the RAMBEA project (funded by the European Commission within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) at Imperial College London to develop novel computational strategies for accurate and efficient simulations of historical masonry arch bridges subject to extreme environmental actions.
Bartolomeo has joined the Sustainable Infrastructure research group at Durham University in 2021. His area of interest comprises assessing and retrofitting existing structures, including historical and monumental masonry constructions and reinforced concrete infill frames, subjected to extreme environmental actions, such as earthquakes and floods.
Bartolomeo's research activity aims to develop and apply nonlinear models to assess the resilience structures, including historical and monumental constructions, against extreme actions such as earthquakes and floods. He developed many numerical models based on the discrete-element approach, which are currently employed for academic research and engineering applications to assess and retrofit unreinforced and confined masonry structures. Moreover, he developed new nonlinear beam Finite Elements based on smart shape functions for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete frame structures; advanced models for traditional and innovative infill frames subjected to lateral loads; models for the nonlinear response of beam-to-column nonductile joints. Recently, his research activities focused on (i) developing new sustainable fiber-reinforced retrofitting systems for seismic prevention of cultural heritage assets; (ii) assessing masonry arch bridges subjected to traffic loads, earthquakes and flood events.
Bartolomeo currently leads the module Structural Design 4 and teaches Earthquake Engineering within the module Structures 4. Both modules are delivered to undergraduate (MEng) and Civil Engineering MSc students.
Research groups
Research interests
- Conservation of cultural heritage assets
- Discrete models
- Fiber-reinforced composite systems (FRP - FRCM)
- Nonlinear finite elements
- Resilience of structures and infrastructures under extreme loads
- Seismic assessment of existing structures
Conference Paper
- Chacara, C., Lourenco, P., Panto, B., Cannizzaro, F., & Calio, I. (2016, December). Parametric numerical studies on the dynamic response of unreinforced masonry structures. Presented at STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS: ANAMNESIS, DIAGNOSIS, THERAPY, CONTROLS KU Leuven, Raymond Lemaire Ctr Conservat; Arte Constructo; Trimble; CARMEUSE; Lhoist; Verstraete Vanhecke; MRT Grp Monument; ABInBev; KU Leuven, Civil Engn Dept
- Caddemi, S., Calio, I., Cannizzaro, F., Marletta, M., & Panto, B. (2010, December). Seismic Vulnerability of the Concordia Temple. Presented at 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORIC CONSTRUCTIONS: STRENGTHENING AND RETROFITTING, PTS 1 AND 2 Shanghai Res Inst Building Sci; Natl Key Technol R \& D Program China; Natl 211 Plan China; Natl Nat Sci Fdn China; Tongji Univ, Col
- Calio, I., Cannizzaro, F., D'Amore, E., Marlette, M., & Panto, B. (2008, December). A new discrete-element approach for the assessment of the seismic resistance of composite reinforced concrete-masonry buildings. Presented at 2008 SEISMIC ENGINEERING CONFERENCE COMMEMORATING THE 1908 MESSINA AND REGGIO CALABRIA EARTHQUAKE, PTS 1 AND 2 Municipal Reggio Calabria; Reg Council Reggio Calabria; Reg Province Reggio Calabria; Mediterranean Univ, Reggio Calabria; Fac Engn Reggio Calab
Conference Proceeding
Journal Article
- Cannizzaro, F., Liuzzo, M., Margani, G., & Pantò, B. (online). An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Geometric, Constructive, and Structural Assessment of Historical Masonry Domes with Application to the ‘Badia di Sant’Agata’ in Catania, Sicily. International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration, 18(6), 1033-1058.
- Pantò, B., Giresini, L., & Casapulla, C. (online). Discrete macro - models of nonlinear interlocking mechanisms in the out-of-plane failure of masonry walls. Meccanica,
- Akbari, M., Zamani, A.-A., Seifi, M., Pantò, B., Falborski, T., & Jankowski, R. (2025). An optimal nonlinear fractional order controller for passive/active base isolation building equipped with friction-tuned mass dampers. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 140(Part 1), Article 108405.
- Pantò, B., Ortega, J., Grosman, S., Oliveira, D., Lourenço, P., Macorini, L., & Izzuddin, B. (2024). Advanced calibration of a 3D masonry arch bridge model using non-destructive testing and numerical optimisation. Construction and Building Materials, 438, Article 137131.
- Benfratello, S., Caddemi, S., Palizzolo, L., Pantò, B., & Rapicavoli, D. (2024). A New Iterative Design Strategy for Steel Frames Modelled by Generalised Multi-Stepped Beam Elements. Buildings, 14(7), Article 2155.
- Chácara, C., Pantò, B., Cannizzaro, F., Rapicavoli, D., & Caliò, I. (2024). Numerical Simulation of the Response of an Unreinforced Brick-Masonry Cross Vault Subjected to Seismic Loading. International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration, 18(12), 1983-2003.
- Cannizzaro, F., Pantò, B., Caddemi, S., & Caliò, I. (2023). Discrete modelling of externally bonded composite layers on masonry structures. Composite Structures, 315, Article 116937.
- Cusmano, V., Pantò, B., Rapicavoli, D., & Caliò, I. (2023). A discrete‐element approach accounting for P‐Delta effects. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 52(7), 2047-2066.
- Ojha, V., Pantò, B., & Nicosia, G. (2023). Adaptive search space decomposition method for pre- and post-buckling analyses of space truss structures. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 117, Article 105593.
- Dhir, P. K., Tubaldi, E., Pantò, B., & Caliò, I. (2022). A macro‐model for describing the in‐plane seismic response of masonry‐infilled frames with sliding/flexible joints. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 51(12), 3022-3044.
- Pantò, B., Grosman, S., Macorini, L., & Izzuddin, B. (2022). A macro-modelling continuum approach with embedded discontinuities for the assessment of masonry arch bridges under earthquake loading. Engineering Structures, 269,
- Pantò, B., Chisari, C., Macorini, L., & Izzuddin, B. A. (2022). A hybrid macro-modelling strategy with multi-objective calibration for accurate simulation of multi-ring masonry arches and bridges. Computers and Structures, 265, Article 106769.
- Panto, B., Macorini, L., & Izzuddin, B. (2022). A two-level macroscale continuum description with embedded discontinuities for nonlinear analysis of brick/block masonry. Computational Mechanics, 69(3), 865-890.
- Castellazzi, G., Panto, B., Occhipinti, G., Talledo, D., Berto, L., & Camata, G. (2022). A comparative study on a complex URM building: part II-issues on modelling and seismic analysis through continuum and discrete-macroelement models. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 2159-2185.
- Cannizzaro, F., Castellazzi, G., Grillanda, N., Panto, B., & Petracca, M. (2022). Modelling the nonlinear static response of a 2-storey URM benchmark case study: comparison among different modelling strategies using two- and three-dimensional elements. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 2085-2114.
- Malena, M., Genoese, A., Panto’, B., Spina, D., & de Felice, G. (2022). Two Steps Procedure for the Finite Elements Seismic Analysis of the Casamari Gothic Church. Buildings, 12(9),
- Panto, B., Casapulla, C., & Calio, I. (2021). Discrete rotating links model for the non-linear torsion-shear behaviour of masonry joints.
- Onat, O., & Panto, B. (2021). Parametric nonlinear static analysis of a RC structure with TLCW exposed to bidirectional earthquake load by using different modelling methodologies. Journal of Building Engineering, 44, Article 103395.
- Panto, B., Malena, M., & de Felice, G. (2021). A macro-modelling approach for arches strengthened with externally bonded inorganic matrix composites. Structures, 33, 4299-4312.
- Benfratello, S., Caddemi, S., Palizzolo, L., Panto, B., Rapicavoli, D., & Vazzano, S. (2021). Targeted steel frames by means of innovative moment resisting connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 183, Article 106695.
- Parisse, F., Cattari, S., Marques, R., Lourenco, P., Magenes, G., Beyer, K., Calderoni, B., Camata, G., Cordasco, E., Erberik, M., Icel, C., Karakaya, M., Malomo, D., Manzini, C., Marano, C., Messali, F., Occhipinti, G., Panto, B., Saygili, O., & Sousamli, M. (2021). Benchmarking the seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings from a blind prediction test. Structures, 31, 982-1005.
- Panto, B., Caddemi, S., Calio, I., & Spacone, E. (2021). A 2D beam-column joint macro-element for the nonlinear analysis of RC frames. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 50(3), 935-954.
- Maio, R., Ferreira, T. M., Estevao, J. M., Panto, B., Calio, I., & Vicente, R. (2020). Seismic performance-based assessment of urban cultural heritage assets through different macroelement approaches. Journal of Building Engineering, 29, Article 101083.
- Greco, A., Lombardo, G., Panto, B., & Fama, A. (2020). Seismic Vulnerability of Historical Masonry Aggregate Buildings in Oriental Sicily. International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration, 14(4), 517-540.
- Asikoglu, A., Vasconcelos, G., Lourenco, P. B., & Panto, B. (2020). Pushover analysis of unreinforced irregular masonry buildings: Lessons from different modeling approaches. Engineering Structures, 218, Article 110830.
- Panto, B., Rapicavoli, D., Caddemi, S., & Calio, I. (2019). A Fibre Smart Displacement Based (FSDB) beam element for the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete members. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 117, Article 103222.
- Panto, B., & Rossi, P. P. (2019). A new macromodel for the assessment of the seismic response of infilled RC frames. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 48(7), 792-817.
- Kareem, K. M., & Panto, B. (2019). Simplified macro-modelling strategies for the seismic assessment of non-ductile infilled frames: a critical appraisal. Journal of Building Engineering, 22, 397-414.
- Chacara, C., Cannizzaro, F., Panto, B., Calio, I., & Lourenco, P. B. (2019). Seismic vulnerability of URM structures based on a Discrete Macro-Element Modeling (DMEM) approach. Engineering Structures, 201, Article 109715.
- Meriggi, P., de Felice, G., De Santis, S., Gobbin, F., Mordanova, A., & Panto, B. (2019). Distinct Element Modelling of Masonry Walls under Out-Of-Plane Seismic Loading. International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration, 13(7, SI), 1110-1123.
- Panto, B., Silva, L., Vasconcelos, G., & Lourenco, P. (2019). Macro-modelling approach for assessment of out-of-plane behavior of brick masonry infill walls. Engineering Structures, 181, 529-549.
- Chacara, C., Cannizzaro, F., Panto, B., Calio, I., & Lourenco, P. B. (2018). Assessment of the dynamic response of unreinforced masonry structures using a macroelement modeling approach.
- Panto, B., Calio, I., & Lourenco, P. (2018). A 3D discrete macro-element for modelling the out-of-plane behaviour of infilled frame structures. Engineering Structures, 175, 371-385.
- Cannizzaro, F., Panto, B., Caddemi, S., & Calio, I. (2018). A Discrete Macro-Element Method (DMEM) for the nonlinear structural assessment of masonry arches. Engineering Structures, 168, 243-256.
- Cannizzaro, F., Panto, B., Lepidi, M., Caddemi, S., & Calio, I. (2017). Multi-Directional Seismic Assessment of Historical Masonry Buildings by Means of Macro-Element Modelling: Application to a Building Damaged during the L'Aquila Earthquake (Italy). Buildings, 7(4), Article 106.
- Panto, B., Cannizzaro, F., Caddemi, S., Calio, I., Chacara, C., & Lourenco, P. B. (2017). Nonlinear Modelling of Curved Masonry Structures after Seismic Retrofit through FRP Reinforcing. Buildings, 7(3), Article 79.
- Panto, B., Calio, I., & Lourenco, P. B. (2017). Seismic safety evaluation of reinforced concrete masonry infilled frames using macro modelling approach. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(9), 3871-3895.
- Panto, B., Rapicavoli, D., Caddemi, S., & Calio, I. (2017). A smart displacement based (SDB) beam element with distributed plasticity. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 44, 336-356.
- Panto, B., Giresini, L., Sassu, M., & Calio, I. (2017). Non-linear modeling of masonry churches through a discrete macro-element approach.
- Panto, B., Cannizzaro, F., Calio, I., & Lourenco, P. (2017). Numerical and Experimental Validation of a 3D Macro-Model for the In-Plane and Out-Of-Plane Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Walls. International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration, 11(7), 946-964.
- Panto, B., Cannizzaro, F., Caddemi, S., & Calio, I. (2016). 3D macro-element modelling approach for seismic assessment of historical masonry churches. Advances in Engineering Software, 97, 40-59.
- Calio, I., & Panto, B. (2014). A macro-element modelling approach of Infilled Frame Structures.
- Calio, I., Marletta, M., & Panto, B. (2012). A new discrete element model for the evaluation of the seismic behaviour of unreinforced masonry buildings. Engineering Structures, 40, 327-338.