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The Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing is looking for expressions of interest from early career researchers (ECRs) working in the broad area of health and wellbeing, who would like to join an action learning set focused on building skills and practical experience in working with external stakeholders.

We are looking for 5-6 researchers to join the group, which will meet five times during the academic year, with a facilitator to manage the process. Through being involved, researchers will form a supportive peer group in which they will have the opportunity to connect with others from different academic disciplines, share ideas and agree actions for engaging with relevant stakeholder groups or individuals. Further guidance and details about how to register an interest in the programme can be found below. 

This call links with the larger Health@Durham strategy. The Health@Durham vision is Health@Durham - Unbound from clinic, we frame health differently. Our vision for health is for people to thrive in the places they live.  We embrace physical, mental, social and environmental wellbeing, and envision health as a synergy of beliefs, culture, family, community and environment.   

ECR Action Learning Set Call Guidance

Health@Durham Strategy

Link to expression of interest form

Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 3rd October 2021 17:00.