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Students at Durham University who are experiencing financial hardship can apply to the Student Support Fund.

The Student Support Fund can award Grants of up to £7,500 to students who do not have enough money to complete their studies, and Short-term Loans to students whose funding from other sources is delayed (e.g. Maintenance Loan payments).  

The Student Support Fund is for all Durham University students.  It is intended to help with the essential costs of being a student, including but not limited to:


  • accommodation;
  • insurance;
  • utilities;
  • food and household shopping;
  • essential travel, e.g. between home and university;
  • clothing;
  • laundry;
  • childcare costs;
  • disability costs;
  • course costs.


The Student Support Fund also allows students a limited amount of expenditure on leisure (socialising with friends, University-based extra-curricular activities, balls, hobbies etc.).


Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis, and some other costs may be supported, so if you have other costs please tell us about them in your application.  


The Student Support Fund can award Grants to students who have a shortfall between the money available to them and their essential living and studying costs.


The Student Support Fund can also award Short-term Loans to students who have a short-term cash flow problem due to not receiving guaranteed income (e.g. Maintenance Loan payment, Research Council stipend, funding from an external body).