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People working in old building foundations with the Archaeological Services logo top right

We provide a full range of archaeological services to developers, being leading experts in the archaeology of the north-east, where we have been operating for 35 years.

We are able to provide advice on the likely requirements for archaeological works to support planning applications. The programmes of work we design will satisfy the planning authorities, and the schemes can be implemented utilising our in-house capabilities. We will similarly devise and deliver appropriate mitigation schemes where planning permission has been granted.

Our clients

Our clients cover both the private and public sectors, and our projects range from major infrastructure and residential developments to the conversion of historic buildings for modern use. Our work has supported the development of solar farms, wind farms, pipeline and cable routes, road corridors, commercial property, utilities and mineral extraction. Information on the range of our offer can be accessed below.


desk-based assessments; heritage statements; scoping documents
an old map of Durham City from 1595

Historic buildings

building recording; heritage statements; photogrammetry
A vaulted medieval roof forming an 8-pointed star

Evaluation trenching

trial trenching; sampling the development area
for CTA box

Geophysical survey

magnetometry; earth electrical resistance; ground-penetrating radar
A person riding a quad bike across a field, towing an array of geophysical sensors on a mobile cart

UAV and topographic survey

aerial landscape survey; earthwork survey; LiDAR; DSM; DTM
A UAV or drone with a camera attached flying in clear blue skies

Excavations and watching briefs

monitoring; strip, map & record; mitigation
Three people excavating walls and foundations of a building

Palaeo environmental archaeology

ancient environments; seeds; charcoal; pollen; coring
A person sitting at a microscope in a lab

Artefact conservation

analysis; consolidation; stabilisation; reconstruction
A gold brooch with red and blue enamel inset in the shape of a cross

Community archaeology

community research projects; Sharing Expertise in North East England
People from the local community excavating inside foundations for a roman building