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Sporting Facilities

Students looking for a bit of physical activity can head over to the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) for various courted outdoor sports. You can also join our state of the art gym in the Hub, where we have equipment for all levels of training.

In the Hub you’ll also find our Dance and Yoga Studio. It’s a great place for student groups to practice all types of dance or participate in individual or group yoga. The Dance and Yoga studio has Bluetooth speakers that you can connect to with a smartphone so you can practice your routine or escape to a relaxing state. It also has top to bottom mirrors and a ballet barre so you can get a full extension stretch or check to make sure you’ve aced that pose.

An image of a lot of gym equipment with people working out on various machines

The South College Gym

An image of a girl practicing yoga on a yoga mat in front of a mirror

Our Dance and Yoga Studio

Multi-Use Games Area with tennis net

MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area)